Plant Out....should I or shouldn't I.....

Glad I didn't plantout last is 35F (2C) here right now at 4:30 am, and will probably drop another degree or two before sunup...
just turned on the floodlights and had a look...I can see water droplets on some of the leaves, but not "ice"...I won't know anything until I get home this afternoon....

You know, I just might wait until 4-5 April to plant and go with what the almanac says...

I made a place in the formal dining room (believe it or not the wife said OK) next to the west facing window...I have an old glass table I put there with my little elfs and marbles and I can sit the plants on it that are too high for my grow area...
AlabamaJack said:
You know, I just might wait until 4-5 April to plant and go with what the almanac says...

I actually ordered a lot of plants from, and they won't even deliver until April. Guess that's a good thing. :)

Dangit. Now the 10 day forecast shows that every night from here on out will stay above 50F. I'm really tempted now to put my guys outside permanently.
wait until April 4/5....I am...I am taking Pablos advice on the planting date by the Almanac...

I only had damage on one tomato that I can see, the others are lookin' good...sacrificed two pepper plants just to see last night/this morning and they passed away today sometime around 7 am I think...funeral arrangements are presently being made.
AJ I'm getting that same cold snap here and I'm going to wait untill the end of the month to move some of my plants outside.
AlabamaJack said:
...sacrificed two pepper plants just to see last night/this morning and they passed away today sometime around 7 am I think...
funeral arrangements are presently being made.

crack me up AJ...
play Taps at Sunset lol

AlabamaJack said:
wait until April 4/5....I am...I am taking Pablos advice on the planting date by the Almanac...

Forecast is looking better and better, but still too windy for my under-hardened seedlings.

Unfortunately, I'm going to be out from 7:30am to 9pm on 4/5 (opening day of Scarborough Faire). I think I'm going to transplant my peppers and put them outside on the 4th.

I've made the difficult decision to only do potted plants this year. I did finally find a nursery who just gave me a ton of 5 gallon containers for buying my potting soil there.

Anyway, Spring is coming! woohoo! :onfire: