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Planted My Scorps..

So, I planted almost 30 seeds worth of scorps. Yellow CARDI, Moruga and regular. The yellows are planted in cell trays with MG seed starting mix and they are popping up now as they were planted on the 10th. Just planted the others this past friday. I am using Jiffy Peat pods for them...heard about a 50/50% mixed review on those...any experiences would be helpful. I heard that the Ph is too acidic or something??(PH balance is foriegn to me) what are some things I could add to the peat pods to change the ph balance? As in, can I just sprinkle some kind of magic dust on top of them or is the fix more in depth than that? They have been in the jiffy green house thingie since friday so if I ruined these seeds already by having them in there...guess it too late to un-F#@k that...
It is when they are the only seeds you have.....and you average between 0-1% the patience of the average homosapien. :)
I wouldn't worry too much about the Ph of the peat pellets. They will not be in there long anyways. Just pot up after they start getting their second sets of leaves (removing the netting to avoid restricting the roots) into a good potting mix and they will be ok. I have used them before and got good germination, but removing the netting is a pain, so I prefer to use a seed starting mix in plastic cell trays.

Good luck!
I have used both the pellets and the MG starter soil. I like the pellets because it makes the whole "over-watering/under-watering" issue vertually nil.
Plus, for ME, the MG starter soil "burned" my plants. The reason I say that is because I had a lot of issues with my leaves turning yellow and burning the tips off of a few plants. With that said, its still not that bad. I have plants that were started with both. I just prefer the pellets a little more because it makes watering easier. (This is my first year with hot peppers from seed.)
The only problems I've had with the peat pellets is that they dry out too fast if they're not sitting in water, and they stay too wet if they are. I'd transplant them into some cups with a good seed starter mix as soon as they come out of the soil. Don't forget to remove the netting that's around the pellet before you transplant them because it just doesn't dissolve like it's supposed too.

MG seed starting mix is crap IMO. I prefer promix, but for a cheaper alternative, I would use Jiffy Mix. MG is too heavy for me, too many chunks, Jiffy is very light even though it doesn't wet very easily. Still works pretty good though.

Peat pellets are great. They're cheap and simple. Nothing needs to be done pH wise IMO. Just watch out for mold, and provide air circulation when needed. Be sure to let them dry out before you attempt to remove the netting when transplanting, otherwise its a huge pain in the ass.
I hate peat pots and/or jiffys for chiles. I've used them for over 20 years and they just don't work as well as using an ammended(for pH, looseness, moisture holding capacity etc.) peat based mix in cells or small pots. Plants with more aggresive roots like tomatoes work much better because they grow quick and will easily grow through the netting. If you have to remove the netting, I just don't see the point of using the pellets which aren't designed for that, and with the jiffy pots you'll likely have to remove the plant before the roots grow into them:( Too much effort and needless hassle for me these days
Try the Burpee Super Grow Pellets...theyre made for cells and have no netting...they stay as wet for dry as you want them to be...of course they are water activated but have great moisture control...I tried those after reading some of the reviews about the Jiffys on here and not finding the Jiffy mix at the time I needed it. I think its a coir product. Either way germination has been great in them! I was sold on the paper towel ( I use coffee filter) method as well, but I can't really miss a day of checking those, because you have to put them in the grow medium as soon as they sprout. Next year will see me with a heating pad and Burpee Super Grow Pellets. I may give the Jiffy mix a go, deffinately cheaper. 10qts for $3.50 or 32 cells for $2.50. Just hate to change something that is working for me
I use Jiffy pellets without a lot of problems. I don't like peat pots, would rather transplant to a glass or bigger pot. Key to pellets in my opinion is to soak them good with warm water. Let the pellets expand and cool off before you put the seeds in them. Cover with the plastic tray top, if it gets too steamy remove the top for a while to let the moisture evaporate. Then replace the cover. When the plant has 2 sets of leaves, remove the netting and transplant to a larger pot or glass. I have tried some of the coir pellets and find them disappointing, I have many problems with them being too wet, plants not doing well. I'm going back to my regular pellets and glasses or bigger pots. It's a waste of time to put the young plants in a smaller than 3 inch pot, they outgrow it soon as you get them planted. I am retired so have a lot of time to fuss with my peppers and move them as soon as I can to a bigger home, maybe that's why I have good luck with the pellets, I don't know.
Here is a shot ofthe yellow CARDI scorps that were planted on the 10th in MG seed starting mix. They are in the tray on the right. The left tray is supposedly habaneros that I picked up from the garden section at HD....we'll see I guess. They are under a full spectrum CFL at night and full outdoor sunlight all day...

1. Lookin good DT, hope all goes well, I used peat pellets this year and had around 65-70% (probably more my fault than the pellets though) germ rate. Transplanting was a bitch as I double seeded a few (12) in case I had bad germ rates and wouldn't you know it the most of my successful ones were the double seeded ones... :shocked: so not only did i have to remove netting from exposed roots, I had to seperate (could bring myself to cull) twins also. but hopefully all is well now.

2. Where can I find Yellow Cardi and Marouga seeds? :pray:
Gotta check around to
find those seeds... I was lucky enough to have been sent them from some very nice guys on here!
UPDATE: The scorps in the jiffy pellets I planted on the 14th....ARE FREAKIN SPROUTING ALREADY!!! It's only been 5 days! Not bad in my book! Technically only one is poking through but that's a start, right? :) SO F$@#*£€ EXCITED!!