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Plantout Preparation, 4/5 April 2008

AJ, you work so hard it makes me tired to read about it. You deserve a slow, mellow day once in a while. Put your feet up, grab a bloody mary and enjoy the mild spring weather.
Pam said:
AJ, you work so hard it makes me tired to read about it. You deserve a slow, mellow day once in a while. Put your feet up, grab a bloody mary and enjoy the mild spring weather.

A bloody mary with some Defcon Habby Horse in it. Or Defcon Deathmatch MkII. Or Black Mamba... Mmmm.

If I didn't have things to get done today (I have the day off too), I'd be doing that..

Perhaps a nice iced tea. :)
if it would be tea, it would be Texas tea...but now that Pam and Elequin mention it, I think a good DefCon1 bloody mary is in order....

***runs off to the kitchen in search of makings***
AlabamaJack said:
if it would be tea, it would be Texas tea...but now that Pam and Elequin mention it, I think a good DefCon1 bloody mary is in order....

***runs off to the kitchen in search of makings***
No that sounds good. I think it's time for me to have a Kalua laiden cup of coffee.
umhuh...found makings but only enough for one big one....looks like a trip to my local liquor provider...

anyone ever use Angostura Bloody Mary Seasoning....mmmmm, good but I am out....

back in a little bit, then to "put my feet up, enjoy this early spring day, and drink a few bloody marys....
Damn it ***Jealous again of AJ*** the peppers and now Bloody Mary's on a Fri morn.

Bah.... Looking outside ... its cold and rainy here today... I guess I should add your weather as well
Went out today with out a coat on, the daffodils are up, the sun broke through the clouds and the birds are singing, spring is almost here.

*I think birds sing all year round :confused: *
i just got a picture of aj running like dr. zoidburg to the kitchen to get bloody mary stuffs. heh wooop wooop woop woop. sheesh 188 containers looks so small in your back yard Aj! if i put 188 containers in my backyard they wouldn't be able to be in a rectangle they would be allll over my yard
teh purple penguins said:
i just got a picture of aj running like dr. zoidburg to the kitchen to get bloody mary stuffs. heh wooop wooop woop woop.

HAHA! You owe me a new keyboard. Coffee, all over the place..
come on now, I ain't that bad....only gave two woop woops...

and for LD...I really like having every other friday off..(rubbing it in a little) and mmmmmmmm...these bloody mary's are goooooooooddddd....
Hi AJ - Looks like you have very impressive project ahead of you.
Good luck. :onfire:

Are you going to add any other secret amendments to your mix? :)May be add some extra perlite to make the soil less denser and more airy.
How do you plan to water 188 containers? Considering where you live, you may need to water twice a day during mid summer. Now, that is a full time job.
What about some sort of automated watering system?

Sorry too many questions. However the answer can benifit all of us. :lol:

I will not have close to that number of containers, probably 30-40 at the most. I am trying to set up some sort of automated watering system for them. Probably I will experiment with some self watering earthbox like setup as well. This will allow me to take a summer vacation, and not worry about my plants dying. Since these peppers are so precious to us...I cannot depend on my neighbors or, relatives to water them everyday.
Answer to Sanj's questions....

Sanj said:
1. Hi AJ - Looks like you have very impressive project ahead of you.

2. Are you going to add any other secret amendments to your mix? :)May be add some extra perlite to make the soil less denser and more airy.

3. How do you plan to water 188 containers? Considering where you live, you may need to water twice a day during mid summer. Now, that is a full time job.
What about some sort of automated watering system?

However the answer can benifit all of us. :lol:

I will not have close to that number of containers, probably 30-40 at the most. I am trying to set up some sort of automated watering system for them. Probably I will experiment with some self watering earthbox like setup as well. This will allow me to take a summer vacation, and not worry about my plants dying. Since these peppers are so precious to us...I cannot depend on my neighbors or, relatives to water them everyday.

1. Thanks Sanj...gonna be a lot of work and I hope the reward come harvest time will be worth the time and money I have spent...

2. the 60/40 compost/cushion sand is pretty light even when wet..will crumble in the palm of you hand with a little shake...when I transplant the additive I will be using (about half a handful per container) is



Now, I know I am going to catch hell for this but in about 2 weeks, I will be adding this as side dressing just sprinkled on the top of the soil...Miracle Grow Shake'n Feed Continuous Release All Purpose Plant Food....now thats a mouth full...but I like the way it assays out...10-10-10 with 20% sulphur...time released over 90 days...reason for leaving it on the top of the soil is to let rain/dew/moisture/watering release it into the soil...I am going to cut back on the use of my Botanicare products and only water with them once a week or every two weeks depending on the growth/fruiting rates of the plants....if that was too detailed an answer, I apologize for just ramblin'...

3. I am giong to have somewhere between 6 and 8 long rows of peppers with about 3-4 feet between rows....right now the plan is to use several of those sprinklers that follow the hose and look like a little tractor....will have hose lengths to fit the rows...I will have to make them by splicing since I am sure they don't have the exact length I want/need.....I may be able to find something suitable but have not looked yet...if not, I can make them....they will be coming from one connection on the hose and will be controlled with a timer once I figure out how long it takes them to get from one end to the other end of the rows...I know it is not a very economic use of water but then again, I still have grass to think of and it will be lush in the area of the plants...weeds too since I stopped my weed herbicide treatments...

As a side note, if I ever get off my lazy butt and do it, I am going to put a rain barrel up under the rainspout that drains my patio and 1/2 of the back portion of my roof...plan on having a tap at the bottom and the bottom of the barrel being 2-3 feet off the ground..I still want to access the top....this is where I will mix my botanicare fertilze and liquid karma and superthrive...may have to add some peroxide every now and then to keep the algae down...I will keep tabs on the level in the barrel and mix fertilize accordingly....

Phew...tired of typing....

hope that's what you wanted Sanj....
hey aj,
I just love them big back yards,check out this one...

drip irrigation ? this is below ground for the farm.
6 zone header with 6 rows per zone.

no need for underground in the back yard ,so no digging needed.
you might consider it later on.
we're getting older and i dont like packing around heavy stuff.
3/4 inch polyetheylene hose supply with standard 1/8 inch polly drip line
plug in a 1 or 2 gph emmitter... this takes care of water supply to plants
now if you want total control
add 1 or 2 {cheap} venturi injectors...1 for nutrient injection and second for acid injection...{can be purchased at any house n garden store}
im doing my backyard with it now.
this may sound complicated,but it really is very simple,
easy to install and makes fertigation of all plants possible with just a turn of the water faucet.

save your energy for harvest ;)


You Lookin Good Mang !
I transplanted all my peppers into much bigger containers today, and put them outside. Looks like it's getting a bit cool tonight, but they'll live. I can't wait for the outside bugs to get rid of the bugs my plants were falling prey to inside.
Pablo...looking at that picture makes me sad because I don't own anything I can use like that...

I like the watering system and will investigate it...that is kinda like what I am doing with my soaker hose 8" down in my long raised bed...

I only translpanted 12 yesterday...so today (saturday) will be busy...the ones I transplanted are in the garage right now...
Holy Moly....you call that a back yard? Wow. :shocked:

It is bigger than my block.

We got some serious chilli growers here.
Pablo, is that one of the CPI fields?
double post time...

I am not busting my butt transplanting it seems...only got a total of 42 done this weekend so far...have had gigs yesterday and tonight from 9-1...will be tired tomorrow but am going to try and get 6 good hours of transplanting in tomorrow...I am transplanting about 12-15/hour but am getting faster each set of 6....

pictures will come tomorrow after I get what I can transplanted...hopefully will have 100 by tomorrow evening...