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Plants in hydro progress


Checked the ph levels. The cukes were 5.2, which is just a little low (should be 5.5) and the toms were only 5.0 and they need to be around 6.0.

I added some Epsom salt also, since I haven't done that since they have been in the water.

The thing with Hydro is you don't have the basic nutrient soil gives you. you need to add sodium, iron, nitrogen and many other things, not just magnesium.
About the only nutes missing from my fert is boron, sulpher and copper. But I do recall last spring that when some of my seedlings looked poor I tried a mixture that included multivitamins in the water. They improved noticeably after that. I've also read that the B vitamins help plants tremendously.

wordwiz said:
About the only nutes missing from my fert is boron, sulpher and copper. But I do recall last spring that when some of my seedlings looked poor I tried a mixture that included multivitamins in the water. They improved noticeably after that. I've also read that the B vitamins help plants tremendously.

Most vitamins help because they decompose to the basic nutrients plants need, but some are helpful. yes.
Hey mike I was just wondering why you're using a 5-30-5 fert this early in their lifecycle? I believe that's a flowering/fruiting type of fertilizer, plants just starting off need higher N, less P. Could that be causing the leaf burn possibly?

That was the last batch of ferts. They started out with 30-10-10. The cukes are suppose to have fruit about 12/7, though it's hard to put a lot of belief in "Due Dates."

The cukes I had in the garden showed the same leaf yellowing this summer so I haven't been that concerned until Omri said something.

A month from being transplanted into water:


And the cukes:


I think adding a multivitamin to the water helped a bunch, especially the toms.

The question: can I get a ripe tom by Christmas Day? Doubtful, since no flowers have appeared yet, but it ought to be close (~1-2 weeks).

It's been just over a month and both plants are looking much better, especially the toms. I've got to lower both containers tonight, the cukes more so. There is no doubt I will be adding a multivitamin to the water this fall when I start sowing and transplanting seeds/seedlings. It makes a huge difference.

Here's the tomato plants this week:


I'll try to get one of the cukes this evening after I lower their container.

I decided not to lower them.

While trying to move a couple of vines so as not to damage them,
What to my beady eyes should appear?
Four blooms, so fruit must be near.

Okay, these things are supposed to be 58 day plants, but I sowed them October 6. I've always heard the number of days for ripe fruit was from when they are transplanted. That didn't happen until November 3 or so.

wordwiz said:
I decided not to lower them.

While trying to move a couple of vines so as not to damage them,
What to my beady eyes should appear?
Four blooms, so fruit must be near.

Okay, these things are supposed to be 58 day plants, but I sowed them October 6. I've always heard the number of days for ripe fruit was from when they are transplanted. That didn't happen until November 3 or so.


Yeah, the days can be misleading sometimes. Like on lettuce I think it means from seed, tomatoes/peppers it means from transplant usually. And since they say to start them inside 6-8 weeks before you transplant, that adds 42-56 days to whatever is on the package.

That tomato is looking good, starting to grow quickly now. It's bright green too so it's happy.
Hey TX,

I'm really looking forward to my Christmas break when I get a couple weeks off and can set up my hydro system. Cukes in the back, toms in the middle, lettuce and herbs in the front.I'll have at least a 50x24" container so I should be able to grow lots of plants. I've already started the toms and cukes and ordered the lettuce, plus I have Swiss Chard I want to try. I've also sprout some onions from seed but don't have a clue how to transfer them to hydro.

wordwiz said:
Hey TX,

I'm really looking forward to my Christmas break when I get a couple weeks off and can set up my hydro system. Cukes in the back, toms in the middle, lettuce and herbs in the front.I'll have at least a 50x24" container so I should be able to grow lots of plants. I've already started the toms and cukes and ordered the lettuce, plus I have Swiss Chard I want to try. I've also sprout some onions from seed but don't have a clue how to transfer them to hydro.


I have some rainbow swiss chard seeds I've been meaning to plant. I think I'll grow those next after I finish eating all this lettuce. Braised swiss chard kicks ass.
Not sure if many of you know the difference between a female flower and a male one on a cucumber plant. Today's lesson: female flowers have what looks like a mini cuke at its base, males don't.

All the larger blooms on my plant have this trait, so I'm hoping they will all produce fruits.

Yahoo! A baby cuke!

Txclosetgrower said:
Yeah, the days can be misleading sometimes. Like on lettuce I think it means from seed, tomatoes/peppers it means from transplant usually. And since they say to start them inside 6-8 weeks before you transplant, that adds 42-56 days to whatever is on the package.

These plants are self pollinating. At the most, all I did was jiggle their support a few times. Found this baby growing this morning:


Settles the question if a 105 watt CFL will set fruit.

redeyes said:
but i think the real question is how big will it get with a 105 watt cfl ????:?:

I'll let you know in a week, or two, or three, or a month.... :cool:

The literature says the cukes are suppose to get 15" long but I've rarely seen a plant produce what is claimed. I'll be happy with 12". Forget that, if it produces a few 8" cukes I'll be happy.

wordwiz said:

I use a 5-30-5 Azalea fert. Add a lidful (about two ounces) to a quart of water. I use to add three tablespoons per day but once I got too busy with other things I had to do, I've since switched to adding about four ounces once a week or so.


Mike- is this a nutrient intended for hydroponics use, or is this a fertilizer intended for soil use?

It's a dirt fert! I also use a 30-10-10 and recently started supplementing with a 500 milligram multivitamin.

Feeling my way in the dark but I'm not disappointed with the results so far. I never had cukes forming in the garden five weeks after they germinated.
