• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Plants in hydro progress

Hotpeppa said:
Hey Omri,

what exactly do you do man ? And where did you get your name from ? isnt it a trademark of some sort ?

reason i am asking is, you seem to know quite a bit of info regarding growing and plants in general.. just curious...:cool:
Unemployed... *sigh*
UnNatural said:
Omri was a King of Israel.

OMRI is the Organic Materials Review Institute

Where THP Omri got his name from? I can see either or. LOL
lostmind said:
Omri got his name from his Momma. :)
lostmind got it right.
Wordwiz, how are the cukes?

(occam's razor can be boiled down to the KISS principle I think. Or perhaps just as easy to say that the simplest solution is generally the answer)
Rotting in the compost pile! I knew I should have moved them away from the lights but they were tied up an was afraid of knocking off blooms and baby cukes. I'm gonna try one in the office window where they will have plenty of room to grow without wrapping around a light.

Since checking water levels daily and not letting them get too low, I'm getting lots of blooms. These plants are reported to be parthenocarpic but I am using a kitchen exhaust fan on them for about 30 minutes a day, just in case they are not aware!


Finally, just when I was ready to give up getting a flower to become a fruit, I get one! Was checking the plant out thinking that in another day or two I'll have a lot of green material to add to my compost bucket upstairs and lo and behold, a 3/4" Green Sausage baby is hanging on. Was going to grab a picture but with my luck, I would not the baby off. Who knows - I might get enough to make a small batch of salsa yet.
