Pod porn image added/ Golden yellow 7's

Orekoc said:
The chance of Capsaicin getting on your skin. It can burn.
Wont happen unless the pod is damaged, these pods where fine :)
To tell the truth though.. i only ever use gloves when de-seeding, i'm forever touching sensitive areas after handling chilies, i never learn lol. 

Blister said:
Nice pods. My yellow scorpions never turned yellow. They just went an off shade of Carmel.
Very strange.. i know its a silly question but did you leave them on the plant long enough?

I added 1 of those to my piri-piri chicken mix...

I highly recommended it   :D
scotchnaga85 said:
Wont happen unless the pod is damaged, these pods where fine :)
To tell the truth though.. i only ever use gloves when de-seeding, i'm forever touching sensitive areas after handling chilies, i never learn lol.
OK, if you say so. I really don't want to risk it. I've touched "sensitive areas" after counting a few seeds, the burn, the burn, oh, the burn. Never again, if I can help it.
The back of my hand burned for most of an evening. It would stop after an hour, but then it would get wet and burn for another hour. I'm still not sure how I got cap on it.
I left them on the plant until they went mushy. In fact I still have some on the dead plant. They never turned to anything more than caramel. The reds were perfect though.

I too only use gloves when de-seeding. Other than that it's fine.

Absolutely beautiful pods! I've noticed my yellow 7's, as well as my fatalii turn a more golden/orange colour when left on the plant. Haven't noticed any difference in flavour or heat between yellow and golden/orange yet though.
Nice pods.
I always pick barehanded. I've never had any problems but you absolutely can get Cap'd by simply handling pods, damaged or not.
My son's & a 7 year old neighbor girl thought some of my pods looked pretty last year. Even though they told her not to touch, she handled a bunch on the plant. She went home half an hour later, rubbed an eye & KAPOW ! She got one big bloodshot, teary eye....
MeatHead1313 said:
Absolutely beautiful pods! I've noticed my yellow 7's, as well as my fatalii turn a more golden/orange colour when left on the plant. Haven't noticed any difference in flavour or heat between yellow and golden/orange yet though.
No heat or flavour difference for me either.. :-) 
Blister said:
I left them on the plant until they went mushy. In fact I still have some on the dead plant. They never turned to anything more than caramel. The reds were perfect though.

I too only use gloves when de-seeding. Other than that it's fine.

Very strange, did you try eating one? Hot, tasty? 
Brutaldiver said:
Nice pods.
I always pick barehanded. I've never had any problems but you absolutely can get Cap'd by simply handling pods, damaged or not.
My son's & a 7 year old neighbor girl thought some of my pods looked pretty last year. Even though they told her not to touch, she handled a bunch on the plant. She went home half an hour later, rubbed an eye & KAPOW ! She got one big bloodshot, teary eye....
:P  kids will be kids  :mouthonfire: