ThanksOrekoc said:Quite lovely.
And aren't you the bold one, holding the pod bare fingered?
The chance of Capsaicin getting on your skin. It can burn.scotchnaga85 said:Thanks
But what is wrong with holding them bare handed?
Orekoc said:The chance of Capsaicin getting on your skin. It can burn.
Blister said:Nice pods. My yellow scorpions never turned yellow. They just went an off shade of Carmel.
OK, if you say so. I really don't want to risk it. I've touched "sensitive areas" after counting a few seeds, the burn, the burn, oh, the burn. Never again, if I can help it.scotchnaga85 said:
Wont happen unless the pod is damaged, these pods where fine
To tell the truth though.. i only ever use gloves when de-seeding, i'm forever touching sensitive areas after handling chilies, i never learn lol.
MeatHead1313 said:Absolutely beautiful pods! I've noticed my yellow 7's, as well as my fatalii turn a more golden/orange colour when left on the plant. Haven't noticed any difference in flavour or heat between yellow and golden/orange yet though.
Blister said:I left them on the plant until they went mushy. In fact I still have some on the dead plant. They never turned to anything more than caramel. The reds were perfect though.
I too only use gloves when de-seeding. Other than that it's fine.
kids will be kidsBrutaldiver said:Nice pods.
I always pick barehanded. I've never had any problems but you absolutely can get Cap'd by simply handling pods, damaged or not.
My son's & a 7 year old neighbor girl thought some of my pods looked pretty last year. Even though they told her not to touch, she handled a bunch on the plant. She went home half an hour later, rubbed an eye & KAPOW ! She got one big bloodshot, teary eye....