food Pork Tenderloin

I got a 2.5lb pork tenderloin out of my freezer to thaw, and am trying to figure out what to do with it. So far, my ideas include a marinade, a dry rub and bourbon glaze, and stuffing it. I have done all of the above before so anyone have any different ideas for me? Thanks for your help. I will post pics of whatever ends up happening.
I just thought of a another idea. I have several pepper jellies that could be used as a glaze. I also have Race City's The Revenooer's Smoked Habanero Jam. That could be a review maybe.
The smoked jam sounds good. I'd stuff it with the jam and apples and hit the outside with grape seed oil, rosemary, sea salt, and cracked black pepper. Could be a good review for the jam if you don't use other peppers.
I'd stuff it with goat cheese, pine nuts and sundried tomatos. Sew it up and rub it with mustard, sea salt black pepper and brown sugar. Smoke it for two hours and finish it in the oven.
I know its a little late now - but I marinate with OJ, Brown Sugar, Garlic, Soy Sauce, and Ginger - over night is best but for a few hours is good too. I imagine you could add chile's never tried.
TB, I can't get to the smoker now. Too much snow and ice. This one is going to be done PF style. Stove and oven.
I was re-read your first post - this will work but I typically use it for the loins you get 2 to a pack --

Lucky Dog 's Pork Tenderloin Marinade
3/4 C Soy Sauce
3/4 Dry Sherry or OJ ( I prefer OJ )
3TBs Brown Sugar
1 1/2 Tsps ground Ginger
3 Cloves of Garlic
~ 3 Tenderloins
Marinade 8hrs or over night - I have done it in 4 but longer the better.
Grill till Done. I suppose you could add a few chiles in this to bring it up a notch, I never have because of family. This is one of our very favorites..

THat sounds good. I actually did something similar. I am brining it in sea salt, pepper, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, paprika, and water. I plan to take it out tomorrow, cut it open, and stuff it with apples and smoked habanero jam (on THP's recommendation). Then, give it a chile powder/brown sugar rub, and sear it before basting with a little more of the jam and roasting it in the oven.
I've marinaded a cubed pork tenderloin in a caribbean jerk seasoning, and brought it to the table and cooked it fondue-style.

I have a killer caribbean dipping sauce.