• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

hot-sauce Post Pictures of your collection or fridge!

Sadly, it's been gone for a couple of years.

Oh, your 'special' DM bottle will be going out today. Sorry for the delay, between hockey games and being sick, things got a little behind.
DEFCON Creator said:
Sadly, it's been gone for a couple of years.

Oh, your 'special' DM bottle will be going out today. Sorry for the delay, between hockey games and being sick, things got a little behind.

Thanks, Creator!!
DEFCON Creator said:
The DM-MKII has been used by a few folks in jerky. They didn't need very much, so the other flavors in the jerky stood out more. Yeah, it was hot.

I was one of them and it really only added heat. You could not taste much difference between the batches with it or without other than the heat. I think I used soy sauce, liquid smoke, some powders and a little vinegar. Actually, not sure about the vinegar. Anyway, I wanted hot and it certainly did the job. Mainly I use DM MKII for an extra kick in my wing sauces.

Oh, and beautiful display case Paulky.
Here are a few of my favorites!

Unknown Cajohn's

RedRum Habanero Reserve #1/13


DefCon Zero Batch #5
The vast majority of you all probably won't appreciate the signifigance of this, but...

I just picked up the Sexabi series and FIVE bottles of Possible Side Effects:


None of these have been made for quite some time and are impossible to find at the retail level. I wouldn't go as far as to say they're rare, but thaey ARE getting hard to find. What truly makes this a big deal (to me, at least) is that I picked up all 8 bottles for SIXTEEN BUCKS!!! :woohoo:

That is a steal to be sure!
PSE is an extract sauce, it's not too bad though, has a nice cayenne flavor with a big kick.
It is. It's the chile flavoring in soybean oil or whatever it says. That's the extract. So you like it?
thehotpepper.com said:
It is. It's the chile flavoring in soybean oil or whatever it says. That's the extract. So you like it?

AH! I see that now in the ingredients.....very sneaky!

Yes...it's got decent flavor.....much better than say.....Dave's? (although it has a place in this world)
Pretty damn hot too!
man, i was considering posting my collection but its nothing on what you guys have!! well done!! i tend to buy a bottle... finish it off then find another one.. I have a few death sauces at the moment (and others.. ) but I'm not enjoying the death sauce as much as i used to.. its tasting very chemical-ly.. not sure why but i've found other sauces with good heat and better flavour.. some of the asian chilli sauces i've picked up have been just as hot with better flavour combinations.. hmmm.. .maybe its just me??