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post your cans guys (headphones)

well along with being a chili head i have a passion for high fidelity music, and what is the cheapest way to get such a thing? well of course with headphones. since large speakers are expensive and take up lots of room and depending on your suroundings may get you in trobble with your neighbors/housemates/family cans are the next best thing.

sofar i have 3 pairs of cans and another set on there way. what i have is:
ultrasone proline 2500 frankenstein eddition (lol dont ask)
audio technica ath-a700's very comfy
and for portable i have JVC fx-66/ air cussions.

i had a pair of jvc fx33/marshmellows earlier but i gave them too my aunt when i got the fx66's their biger better brother.

well my current setup right now is:
foobar 2000 > asus xonar dx > little dot micro+ > Ultrasone proline 2500's recabled with soloz audio canare cable.

the only qualms with this setup is that i dont quite enjoy the LDM+ that much (it cuts the highs and bass) so when i get a good steady income i will be able to purchase a higher end amplifier to drive the godly ultrasones.

so yea what do you guys have. (please dont say bose or scull candy lol) (oh and dont try to argue about the bose that can be another thread)

i might post pics later. or tell the story of the frankenstein's.
Yamaha RH-5Ma, when mixing my record picked stuff up the engineer couldn't hear. Solid cans.
a good can for the price. supposedly very good for light un-complicated music like chamber or perhaps jazz. apparently they are quite warm sounding and have a good midrange though high's could use some extention. but have decent clarity. would that sum them up? (i personaly have no experence with them.)

but keeping with the yamaha theme i would realy like to own a pair of yami HP-2's the 70's orthodynamics.
Sennheiser HD-25


Sound is crystal clear.
those things isolate like nothing else. though i heard they feel like a vice on your head. very good dj cans because of the isolation.
N_FF said:
those things isolate like nothing else. though i heard they feel like a vice on your head. very good dj cans because of the isolation.

Yes, i use them for mixing. The sound very "cold" so you can hear every hi-hat whats partly very helpful for some weired tracks. But for leaning back and enjoying music, i think there are some better headphones with "warmer" sound.
maybe not warmer but a less sterile or more fun sounding presentation i say if you are looking for a home can try and find a used pair of HD 580's by senn. you can find them used for somwhere around 150usd or so. just as long as you have an amp to drive them properly.

or if you are made of money you could look into purchaseing a pair of ultrasones like the 750's or the 2500's they are very good at doing mixing but they also sound very good as a music can also. but if you do get them let them burn in for about 2 weeks. cuz out of the box the drivers are so stiff that they are not the greatest sounding but after about 200 hours or so of music they become absolutely amazing. (drivers are titanium plated mylar so they are ridiculously stiff)

but enough of my rambleing. i hope more ppl have decent cans.
im glad you like them. bose has realy good customer service...... i personaly wouldent pay retail for a bose product. waaay overpriced. much better products out there for cheaper. im sorry.

woot 100 posts
no problem...they were free...our electric supplier sent us a bunch of rebate "points" and I got them...
ah thats fine then. good job on deal. lol theres a saying in the audiophile comunity

A good pair of cans are better than the best pair of speakers. Hard/soft furnishings get in the way and distort soundwaves, signals bounce off walls and get mixed up and create standing waves (as well as those already made by the speaker cabinets). With headphones all you get is pure undeflected, undistorted sound.
I have many different sets, but my fav for mixing is Sony. They are really flat! My Sennheisers are the best sounding and the isolation is great for mic placement. I have a pair of Nady that are open back for doing vocals, so it really depends...
Yeah, Sennheisers rock! About ten years ago they released a model called Orpheus, which came with it's own valve pre-amp. They were a bit on the expensive side though - £9000!!!

I love them. I use a small inline amp as well that runs off a 9v. Solid. These don't really need the amp, but I do plan on moving up to the 80's or better.
Diablo said:

I love them. I use a small inline amp as well that runs off a 9v. Solid. These don't really need the amp, but I do plan on moving up to the 80's or better.

i actualy have a pair of those in the mail. they should get here by the end of next week. cant wait.
@N_FF I wish I was a little more adept with being able to describe their performance, but I'm not a strict audiophile to where I'd be able to pick out flaws. I will say there hasn't been one time I got angry with them for not giving me what I want. Heavy Metal, House Music, Electro, Trance, Top 40 and Rock. No degradation in performance after some 8 years...
N_FF said:
a good can for the price. supposedly very good for light un-complicated music like chamber or perhaps jazz. apparently they are quite warm sounding and have a good midrange though high's could use some extention. but have decent clarity. would that sum them up? (i personaly have no experence with them.)

but keeping with the yamaha theme i would realy like to own a pair of yami HP-2's the 70's orthodynamics.
Great for any music. Affordable. If I wanted to pay more I'd splurge on Beyerdynamic DT-880.
Diablo said:
@N_FF I wish I was a little more adept with being able to describe their performance, but I'm not a strict audiophile to where I'd be able to pick out flaws. I will say there hasn't been one time I got angry with them for not giving me what I want. Heavy Metal, House Music, Electro, Trance, Top 40 and Rock. No degradation in performance after some 8 years...

uh one thing the grado's lack is soundstage/positoning untill you get up in the higher end noddles. like the RS1/2 or PS/gs1k HF1/2
but the music you just listed off were the genre's that the grado sound sig excels at. jazz/classical acoustic or R&B would not be there strong points.

oh and have you experimented with different pads configurations? aparently on grado's pads make worlds of difference on the sound.

but yea cant wait to get mine.

thehotpepper.com said:
Great for any music. Affordable. If I wanted to pay more I'd splurge on Beyerdynamic DT-880.

good choice the 880's are the most natural sounding of the line but as you said upgrading to them would mean more money. lots more since if you dont currently own an amp you would need one to drive those cans and amps are expensive as much or morso than the cans themselfs... mostly more though.

so THP any other cans that catch your eyes besides the beyeres?

@ Badger i agree up to a cretin price point. usually when you spend about 4K+ on just the speakers alone not counting connects amps sources or any other equipment, the person with this equipment has taken into consideration the acoustics of the room and has done optimizing for his system and room to eliminate these flaws as much as possible. so with just a pair of speakers at about 4k+ they start catching up with cans. but one thing speakers will always excel over headphone in is Soundstage.

but as for the sennhiser Orpheus 16Kusd is the average selling point on these since theirs only 300 made and they are an electrostatic hence the need for the sexy Tube amp that was made for it. that amp is a beast it puts out something like 580V to the drivers since Stats need lotsa juice to be driven since the diaprham is moved by electromagnetic fields. thus them having a extremely detailed presentation with almost flat FQ response and a large soundstage. the only drawback is that the drivers have little to no excursion so bass is very soft. it goes insanely deap but it can be hard to pick up on.

i realy want to demo a pare of stats. and the next pair of cans i will be pruchaseing will be a pair of STAX elelctrostatic's but i dont expect to do that for a number of years. since i would most likely looking at 2K or more for amp and phones. and then i will be content. so untill then i just need to upgrade my amp and my source. and cableing.

wow that was a long post.
yay grado's are here!

senn 414 pads soon to be quarter moded.

i like them still like the pl2500's more ofcourse

the only thing is they make my ears itchy.