food Post Your Crappy Spicy Food

Roguejim said:
Yeah, I step outside sometimes for the photos.

The only crappy thing here is the Sunny D...urp...
  I only by the sunny d because its easier to mix my Ferts in one gallon jugs.And I cant drink milk like I used to. ;)
Even if the vodka was mixed with Fresh-Squeezed Orange Juice.....It's Booze...Immediate PASS!  Or Win?  Or.....Fail????
:lol:  I forget which way we're supposed to be voting.
BTW, 3rdCoast, didn't you say my salad dressing looked like cat puke?  You seem to have quite a knowledge of what cat puke looks like.  :lol:
yea, sorry Dash, but after my whole family got puking sick from's in the Crappy Thread...which really sucks cuz we used to really like meatloaf.
Moving on to a more sentimental subject...
One of our greatest joys as parents is sharing our knowledge with our children, teaching them, showing them the secrets, and watching as they master techniques and skills.  And so it is with great pride that I share SalsaKid's first attempt at cooking ribs in the tried and true traditional manner that I am proud to share with him. 
Behold!  The Proper Method of Cooking Ribs!!!
In a Plastic Bag In The OVEN!!!!!


That's right,  Cook-in-the-bag Oven Baked Ribs! and at $1.99/#.... SCORE!!!

Follow the directions, remove all labels, this side up, poke a hole, on a tray and into the oven!




JayT would be so proud of SalsaKid!  Maybe a prodigy?  :sentimentalsigh:
OK!  Back to the cooking!
According to the directions, the ribs should be served with 1 potato, 1 tomato, (maybe a mushroom????) and  jalapeno!

1 hour bake time, let's check it out!



Sliced off one tasted like brined beef and wasn't really tender yet.  What to do?  Sauce it up and back in the oven!!!


Verdict?  After the BBQ sauce got on there and it cooked for a bit longer...pretty good!
Read 'Em and Weep!!!! 
Now, if I hadn't done the Floyd Fork f.u., it would of been perfect.  :doh:
We haven't seen 1.99/# for pork in years, let alone ribs.  Honestly, I never would of bought 'em except for this thread!!! :rofl: 
Surprise surprise...with the added sauce and the added cook time, the ribs were pretty good~
salsalady said:
That's right,  Cook-in-the-bag Oven Baked Ribs! and at $1.99/#.... SCORE!!!

     At $1.99 a pound, I would be concerned that that pork is of the "long" variety...
     And, btw, I dig your kid's scotch drinkin' pants!
edit: Everyone knows all the best cooking is done while wearing scotch drinkin' pants!
Roguejim said:
Truly crappy on so many levels! If it wasn't that a kid was doing the cooking, I'd have hit my GONG button by now.
GONG away!!!  He's got a TD crown, he can handle it.  and was talking "Seriously , Mom?  Ribs in a bag?  This is just so wrong on so many levels."  :lol:
dash 2 said:
     At $1.99 a pound, I would be concerned that that pork is of the "long" variety...
     And, btw, I dig your kid's scotch drinkin' pants!
edit: Everyone knows all the best cooking is done while wearing scotch drinkin' pants!
Plaid Jammies!  He's too young to have Drankin' Pants!   :)
geeme~  :cool:  That's why I did it!   :rofl:
What can I say?  I'm easily entertained and this thread cracks me up!  :rofl:
I don't understand. This is a real thing? Baked in plastic? WOW. JayT's at the market now looking for them.
Yep, true thing.  Like cooking the turkey in the plastic roasting bag. 
I couldn't believe it when I saw them at Hank's a couple days ago.  Had to buy 'em.  We followed directions by removing labels, cut a slit for the all went pretty much as advertised.  Except it needed some additional BBQ sauce for FLAVOR and some additional time for TENDER. 
Yea, I know ...ribs in a plastic bag cooked in the Fail on so many levels. 
Cypress~  are you saying there's lots of foods cooked in plastic bags where you are?  I agree to traditional cooking. 
I've always had a little reservation about cooking turkeys (and now ribs) in 400F ovens in plastic bags.  The turkey roasting bags are different texture and have been around for decades.  Just not quite sure there isn't some toxins baking out.  But hey, for a one-off ribs for a laugh....  I had to do it! 
salsalady said:
JayT would be so proud of SalsaKid!  Maybe a prodigy?  :sentimentalsigh:
OK!  Back to the cooking!
According to the directions, the ribs should be served with 1 potato, 1 tomato, (maybe a mushroom????) and  jalapeno!
1 hour bake time, let's check it out!
Sliced off one tasted like brined beef and wasn't really tender yet.  What to do?  Sauce it up and back in the oven!!!
Verdict?  After the BBQ sauce got on there and it cooked for a bit longer...pretty good!
Read 'Em and Weep!!!! 
Now, if I hadn't done the Floyd Fork f.u., it would of been perfect.  :doh:
Oven ribs? NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Where's JayT?
Here in Argentina, big brands are now in fierce competition for market food baked in plastic, much publicity. And many people adopt this method. Here is something new, though there long, but heavily used, never had been. 
It is vacuum packed to come and look disgusting frozen in freezers in the market. Not knowing that crap in there, I distrust all in one packaged foods