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Post Your Crappy Spicy Food

Hey y'all.
Been thinkin' about this one for a few weeks now. I know some of y'all eat some really ghetto stuff and from time to time I do also. I'm quite sure some of y'all have seen some of my posted pics and thought to yourself..."Daaaaaang TB! That looks like ass!" So recently I got to thinkin'. Yeah I know thats dangerous. 
I know for a fact y'all eat some weird sheeit-o-meter stuff. I betcha' dollah's to donut's there's a few of y'all that you've cooked up only the finest .25 cent on sale Ramen and thought it would be goodern ' hell if only it had a can of pork n' beans mixed up in it. And of course adding some hot powder and/or hot sauce makes it completely legit.
So this is the thread where y'all all come clean and posty your most mangled sickening crap that you've made and eaten.
A few rules for posting.
1. Tell us about the ingredients used.
2. Post the spiceenescxt. A heat ingredient is mandatory!
3. Words without a pic to back it up are worthless. Pics are mandatory!
4. Absolutely no foo foo in this thread but its more than cool and the gang to describe it as such.
5. This is supposed to be a fun but revealing thread. Lets just have fun.
We that's it then.
Let me start this train wreck of a thread.
The other night I had some leftover pasta my friend Chico made with anchovies, capers, tomato, chiles, and some other stuff. Didn't have really enough to make a meal size portion so I added some other ingredients. 
Microwave radiated leftover orcchiette pasta putanesca with only the finest hand opened bag of generic frozen peas and carrots with topped with sour cream and jalapeno tomato vinaigrette reduction.
Too bad I had all the decent sized bowls running in the dishwasher.
So I opted to serve this delectable culinary delight up in only the best doggy fine china. Gracias missylou.

Sure it looks like something missylou ate and then barfed up but it was dang tasty y'all!

As the stuff was being microwaved the smell of the anchovies from the leftover sauce in the pasta started really smelling up the house. mrs. blues hollah' at me from down the hall in her office from where she was working.
"Something is stinkin' to high heaven in there. Would you please take out the garbage for the love of GOD!!!!"

So what y'all got?
Leftover little smokie's wrapped in soggy wonder bread and baked in the oven with globs of velveeta on top? 
4 day old meatloaf nacho's?
Post it up and let us rate just how bad it truly is.
Now get on it.
And save the holier than thou crap that you never eat stuff like this because we KNOW YOU DO!
Ever body knows Jay shaves with 3 day old leftover hot dog water.
Potato croquettes with sunny side up eggs and hot sauce? That is not one bit crappy. I'm with Scovie.
Potato croquettes are awesome. Never thought to use them as the potato for breakfast.
Black pepper, black edges. There's a theme here. :rofl:
SavinaRed, that soup looks way to good to be posted in this Crappy Spicy Food thread.  That's why it gets a Fail.  It should be in the Soup Thread, or the Spicy Food thread for a total WIN. 
Alright folks here it is! Boiled potatoes, frozen corn, leftover frozen crawfish tails, a little of pepperlovers 7 pot primo powder and some 'merican cheese. Boil them taters, nuke the corn with you'd think it's
butter, a metric shit ton of you'd think it's butter ( official soflo measurement) mix everything in a measuring cup, nuke again and enjoy from said measuring cup!

I'm drunk
I don't know man, that looks like some good ole KFC sheitt . :lol:  I'm drunk too! WEEEE!!
I got me some of that pepperlover primo primo stuff also, its tha bess.
Si Senor.
Now that's a crappy WIN!
That stuff looks like sludge.
And mudbugs make me barf anyhow.
The 'merican scheeze capped it off.
Pure crap.
And while I've eaten the likes of it, hear me now believe me later....
I've puked bettern' that.
True story.
Actually, it looks rather appealing - like a seafood/potatoe/corn chowder. But the 'merican "cheese" pushes it over the edge for me. That stuff does not qualify as "cheese" in my book, no how, no way. That and Velveeta….. oy! Ok, that "processed cheese food" AND "You'd Think It's Butter"????? Someone call a medic!  :lol:
* :lol: * ...what geeme said!!!! +++
salsalady said:
SavinaRed, that soup looks way to good to be posted in this Crappy Spicy Food thread.  That's why it gets a Fail.  It should be in the Soup Thread, or the Spicy Food thread for a total WIN. 
I'm still a newbie working my way around lol.
I don't think I've ever made crappy looking spicy food before come to think of it. Maybe I'll go out of my way and give it a try................
this thread is all about posting the boxes/jarred/rehydrated foods that are eaten but not admitted to.... the boxed Mac-n-cheese, the leftover pizza nuked with pickled peppers, frozen Chicken Pot Pies,  take-out pizza from ANYWHERE!!!, frozen "food-type- products"  that we all eat but never want to admit eating!!!
It's a confessional for the culinary cultists who really do love to cook good spicy foods but sometimes eat ramen noodles with Sriracha.  But it's OK, TheHotPepper.com is a loving and all inclusive community.  

OK now I get it. I feel like I'm a blonde lol. You can count me out as I will never stoop to those levels these days. I would rather skip a meal than to degrade myself with such nasty ingredients and preservatives.  :rofl:
Well, There it is!  You get it now why the soup was called a Fail when it was so obviously a rockin' soup.  BUT!!!!! if you do ever find yourself at the drive-up window of a fast-food-joint, just remember, It's OK!  It's all good!  it happens even to the worst of us...