Ts9 to push preamp, or metal zone and bbe sonic stomp and a noise gate if you are running on a clean channel is what I love :-).
So many people knock the MT-2, but it is a brilliant pedal if you know how to use it. I can get so much tighter and cleaner gain using it through a nice clean channel than a TS9 or SD1 through a dirty channel.sevenstrings said:Ts9 to push preamp, or metal zone and bbe sonic stomp and a noise gate if you are running on a clean channel is what I love :-).
Standard 7 string tuning is BEADGBE, so its exactly the same as a standard guitar just with an extra low B string. I love 7 strings and you will figure it out in no time.THECHRISE said:NGD coming in today. 7 stringer. Not sure I will know what to do with it since I've been in E-standard since I started up again. LOL
I just stripped a cheap silver sparkle guitar to natural. Fortunately, it looks pretty decent underneath. I sanded it and just rubbed a few coats of wipe-on poly. Did you use the heat-gun method too?sevenstrings said:Standard 7 string tuning is BEADGBE, so its exactly the same as a standard guitar just with an extra low B string. I love 7 strings and you will figure it out in no time.
Heres another of my 7s, and older Ibamez RGA7. It was black but I refinished it to natural, took out the crappy Ibanez active p/ups and put in some bareknuckles.
I know the color you're talking about! Kind of a dark purple that looks blue in certain light, especially pictures with any sort of flash. I had a 2001 Strat in that color. Gave it to my dad and he modded it to hell and sold it. I still have the body and I will rebuild it one day. I love that color!sevenstrings said:This guitar was purply blue but I got it cheap and the paint had to go lol.
i have a 92 american std strat in purple sparkle. i love the finish on it.TrueNorthReptiles said:I know the color you're talking about! Kind of a dark purple that looks blue in certain light, especially pictures with any sort of flash. I had a 2001 Strat in that color. Gave it to my dad and he modded it to hell and sold it. I still have the body and I will rebuild it one day. I love that color!
The two tone wood on your Strat looks pretty sweet, though. Same with the stripped down Ibanez. Natural finishes are sexy!
I have a natural Rico Jr Vixen (posted a few pages back probably). The shape is METAL! but the finish is not, which is why I like it.sevenstrings said:Mine wasn't sparkly, hard color to describe purply blue is the only way I can describe it. Probably same color or similar as TNR was saying. I gotta find a before pic of it.
I hate painted guitars and prefer natural as I love wood grain, plus painted guitars show fingerprints and crap so easy. One of my buddies is always like "your guitars don't look metal enough"...lololol. Wtf, "metal" enough lolol..., plus I don't only play metal so I dont care. Mabey if I cover my guitars in skulls and flames then they will be metal enough?? I want to take my schecter C1 down to natural but it will be a major pain removing all the binding without breaking it.
I want to order up a third Carvin but I'm still unsure of which body design I want and what woods, I've been changing my mind on it for over 6 months lol. Its fun to play on carvin's site building to your spec and seeing prices :-).
Chrise, is that an LTD? I had two LTDs, a EC700? (the les paul looking one with the emgs) and a viper (the sg looking one), I just never felt at home with them and sold 'em within a month I'm INCREDIBLY picky about guitars lol.
sevenstrings said:On my 7s I run the ernie ball cobalt 13-62. Amazing strings :-). All mine are 25.5" scale length though, I think all my guitars are. I may have a 24 7/8" in there somewhere, can't remember which one lol. I never got used to longer scale lengths so I just stay in the normal range even on my 7 strings, I also prefer a slightly rounded fretboard radius and that is the reason I only have one Ibanez as I'm not a huge fan of super flat fretboards. I like a nice fat neck too!! :-)
I've only played one agile, needed a major setup but after that it was great. I've heard nothing but good things about agile.
Dug the body out of storage.sevenstrings said:Mine wasn't sparkly, hard color to describe purply blue is the only way I can describe it. Probably same color or similar as TNR was saying.