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pot size that works

I use 1 gallon for my superchili peppers (bird pepper?)
2 gallon works well for jalapenos
3 gallan and up is a must for nagas and peter pepper
habenaros do ok in a 2 gallon but bigger is good to keep them wet when it is dry.

I started this thread so people with hot tastes and maybe small areas can get the most out of there plants.

when I first started peppers my habenaros did nothing because they were in a small pot and just needed more room but yet my superchili and jalapenos were filling ice cream buckets with peppers.
Hmm, my hot ones seems to be flourishing in 8x8's for now, but they aren't into flowering stage yet.

Freaking huge leaves though....the fatalis have 5" or more long leaves, and the dorset has 4.5-5" ones. And none of 'em are even 6" tall yet.


Gonna have to find more room soon...ack!
I have cayennes in a variety of planters and they seem to like the smaller ones the best. The one gallon ones are the best producers so far and are much bigger in size than the ones in larger containers.
Amazes me to Quad the size of the leaves on the nagas,Fatalli and scorpions..also my choc habanero has giant leaves and as yours there not that big about 9 inches the biggest,the Morouga and nipples plants are great to seam to have a lot more leaf structure :)
I really like these fiber pots I picked up. A lot sturdier than you'd think.

Since they breathe somewhat, I haven't had a problem with getting anything too wet. And, at $1 each for 8x8's....Ka-ching!

I got a 22" tall Jalapeno in one that's pushing out flowers and pods nicely now.
The largest pot I'm using is 12 inches and that's for a Baccatum (that's 7+ foot). I've got another 6 foot Baccatum that is in an 8 inch pot but is really crying out for a bigger house. Two Tepins are in 10 inch (approx.). I have two Bolivian Rainbows this year, one in a 7 inch pot and one in a cup and saucer thing, this one is doing better.

I agree with your assessment about container size but will also add, if you overwinter plants or try and grow them thru the winter, what I have found is you need a bigger container for second year plants than first year plants....JMO
My caribbean red is in an 8-quart pot and needs to be transplanted into a bigger pot. She's starting to get root bound.
Most of mine are in 5 gallon buckets..some are 5 gallon growers's cheap containers. I think these buckets gotta be close to 6-7gallon.
3 gallon pots work

I am using the cheap 3 gallon nursery pots, and they work, but I am not convinced that they are the best size for some of the larger plants. Next year I am going to go with 5 gallon pots or buckets for most of mine.
5 And 10 Gallon are great for the bigger varieties my cousin has nagas in 25 and 40 gallon containers and there huge beasts and also hes been using the ebb/flow hydro method those containers are massive. :)
lol i think this 1 will be transplanted into a bigger pot soon


Passila Bagio i forgot, but looks cool and can see that they will grow to full size (the chilli's) even if plant unfortunalty left like this..

and ill transplant it the sec this big boy ripens
I just went to Bunnings (major hardware chain in Aus) to pick some items up, and saw they had some 64 litre (close to 17 gallons) buckets for like $8 or something. Would they be suitable for pubescens?

Pots of that size usually cost a heap more.
MiLK_MaN said:
I just went to Bunnings (major hardware chain in Aus) to pick some items up, and saw they had some 64 litre (close to 17 gallons) buckets for like $8 or something. Would they be suitable for pubescens?

Pots of that size usually cost a heap more.

I would buy a few of these even if I weren't going to use them this year...8 bucks is cheap for containers that size...wish I had about 40 of them...