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Pot this up? Yay or Nay?

Pot up yes or no

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Its a "HD mystery hot pepper" labeled as "caribbean" that hasnt been in that pot for any more than two weeks but it just dwarfs it..(been on a diet of GA3 for the past 6 days) so what do you think? Let it be for a few more weeks or slam it into a #2 pot?

Oh, and just for reference here i the same plant 7 days ago:

where's the option for "I don't have a clue as this is my first year growing chiles?" That's the one I would check. LOL!

Your plant looks nice and healthy. Go Peppers!
I'm with salsalady on this one. LOL. Although this is my second year growing peppers, it's only my first growing them in pots. But a plant that size probably should be in a bigger pot.

Everyone else will probably scream about this... but honestly, I'd delay the re-potting by a week or two, if only because if the roots are binding the soil together it should be easier to repot overall. You can always break up the roots over the new pot. Besides... I've seen some damn big and healthy (though quite rootbound) plants in some small containers...
Besides... I've seen some damn big and healthy (though quite rootbound) plants in some small containers...

That is so true...I just got, last week, a really healthy waialua pepper plant from the nursery and it was in a 4" azalea pot with the roots so bound that you werent able to see dirt when you pulled it out of the pot, yet it is sitting on 19 pods right now...3 of them turing ripe!
I'd definitely pot it up one size, and you should see immediate improvements. Its usually best not to jump to too large of a pot if possible
OMG! You mean everybody will know how I voted? I thought voting was supposed to be...oh, never mind! Pot that sucker up, NOW!

When you see roots growing out of the bottom of your container, it is time for a transplant to a larger pot.......

my philosophy follows...

The size or your root ball is limited by the size of the container.

The larger the root ball, the larger the plant.

The larger the plant, the more nodes.

The more nodes, the more pods.

The more pods, the happier we all are.

Simple logic
Definitely not a couple weeks, so no better time than the present. Looks like it is in a 4 inch azalea pot. Throw it into a one gallon pot for awhile.
If you're not seeing roots coming out the holes, as AJ said, then it probably won't make a huge difference if you pot up now or even wait a week or so longer.

I tend to let mine go a little longer before transplanting or potting up to their final home so that they can establish a very healthy root system. The stronger the roots are the more quickly they will reestablish themselves and there is smaller chance of severe transplant shock, IMO. Just this morning I started sorting through my plants to decide where their final spots would be. When I picked them up off the landscape fabric, I heard a distinct ripping sound -- the sound of the roots that had grown through the holes tearing away from the fabric.
Personally I like to re-pot when there is a good rootball(makes it much easier to transplant) but before rootbound. There is no need to wait for roots to come out the bottom, this happens most often when plants seak moisture sitting on a damp surface or when bottom watering only
Sorry for pulling up an old thread. This plant was potted up twice already. It was my GA3 test subject and started getting leggy so I topped it and now the GA3 is pushing it to grow more limbs rather than straight up.
if you top the plants, or they get sun scald on the new growth when you plant out because you didn't harden them off enough, they are going to "bush" anyway...without any other help...most of my Bhuts I first planted out this year have experienced this exact thing...they aren't going to be as tall as they were last year (6' or better) but should produce more pods because they will be hedges at the end of the season...