Potawie's Pepper Progress

This is becoming the year of the Naga for Potawie. Hundreds of pods on the way although many are quite small.

Here's one branch on a monster plant
I've added a link to my 2007 pic gallery in my signature. Most pics have been posted here or elsewhere already. Feel free to leave comments
I've added a link to my 2007 pic gallery in my signature. Most pics have been posted here or elsewhere already. Feel free to leave comments

Wow what a lush green garden you have. Your peppers are looking awesome. You could make one heck of a Vindaloo with all those Naga's :beer:

Edit: I just noticed that was your 666'th post. Scary Naga's indeed !!
You think Potawie's Nagas are small this is my first ripe one of the season I have never seen one this small.



I've had some as small as tepins. My fertilizing regiment was altered this year due to aphids and their love for nitrogen so several plants had tonnes of pods but tiny. Things are starting to get back to normal now that the aphids are gone.
I pinched off almost every pod and blossom on all 120+ plants when I put them out for summer but i just could'nt bring myself to get rid of the 2 Nagas that had pods, the plants were only about 4 inches tall at the time do you think that they could be so small because of the size of the root system? This other pod is about the same size but is not even turning color yet.


The Naga explosion begins! The green ones are from branches that got broken in the wind

And Here's my ripe Fataliien with probe and all. Watch Out GuitarGod this probe might sting.
Pam's Prognostication on Potawie's Pepper Prospectivea

*gazes intently at crystal ball*



I see...I see...flames! the flames are begirding...they're...Oh...
It's a Ring Of Fire!
Wow that is cool. Beautiful, but I don't think I would have the balls to even stand close enough to take the picture. From everything all of you have said that is one pepper I best stay away from. Would be horrible to mistake one for an orange hab or something and have to get my tounge amputated!
Remember this;

Man or woman who goes to bed with naga on his breath
wakes up and tntpfd!!!:shocked:
Tries not to poop for days. :lol:
WOW!!!! Terrific job on all your plants!!!! They all look so beautiful and alive, expessially those Naga's!! I was in lust mode staring at that naga picture for more hen 5 minutes drueling!!!! I wish I could pick one of those up and crunch it into bits in my mouth and feel the rush! My naga's are having a tough time as they got started too late, I'm afraid that I may not even get a chance at pods due to the way mine are growing so slowly:(
like always, all your plants are great looking & I'm jealous. you have a green thumb thats been dipped in gold since every plant you grow is big & producing a shitload of pods.

now where was that you said you lived ?
potawie - blah blah blah
chilehunter - oh yea thats cool (thinks to himself I could be there by nightfall)

end of discussion.
*chilehunter jumps in the truck WITH the trailer for a roadtrip* :(

gets to potwies house by nightfall.
*walks up to the house, hears potawie snoring like crazy from outside*
the coast is clear :lol:

*runs in the backyard to get the plants & loads up the truck & trailer & then on my way home (laughing like Dr.evil)*

next morning potwie wakes up & thinks to himself what a beautiful day grabs a cup of coffee starts drinking it while taking a look outside "DAM YOU CHILEHUNTER!!!!" :lol:


potawie - I'm just kidding around, I wouldnt do this. I'm just envious of your great luck with growing chiles & your greenhouse.
You'd never get past my dog or my guard cats.:(

*Potawie wakes up to find that chilehunter has tripped over empty beer bottles in the garden and is now suing for all his chiles. :lol:
you know what you should start another thread labeled as "Potawie's tips for successful growing of chiles" if you can get those kinds of growth & pods living up in canada just imagine what others could get in more favorable conditions.

congrats on your plants. but I'm curious what do you do with all those pods ? which I assume is ALOT!!! plus I think you've said you grow year'round ?