Potawie's Pepper Progress

:D thats a good one potawie, but I think she should get her hole checked out because its starting to turn green :lol: :lol:

by the way what kind of chiles are those ?
great job, i love purple varieties!

interesting guadalupe haba, when ripe what colour is?

wonderful the nagas, how do they used to?
I haven't had a ripe guadaloupe hab yet, but I think they turn orange, maybe red. A lot of my nagas are dehydrated or smoked and I'm working on some sauces too.
Thanks for the kind words Pam. Its funny how growing peppers has got me interested in photography, although I'm really no photographer more of a snap-shotographer
Here's a pic of most of the chinenses I'm growing this year

Chinense collection
Top row: White Ammo, Chupetinha
Second row: True Jamaican Scotch Bonnet,Guadaloupe hab, Cappuccino hab, Ivorian pimente(long red, on the right)
Third row: Choc. Madagascar hab, Rocotillo, Fatalii, Carribean red
Bottom row: Devil's tongue, Choc. congo hab, ?mystery hab, Naga, Trinidad Scorpion.
wondering about the Chupetinha, good flavour? production? and will you have seeds?

you take some very very nice pics bro!!! and grow great peppers! love the plate you have there, it adds to making good pics.

just got back from vacation in your area. very nice time of year to be there. went into Navan (sp?) and visited Chilly Chiles. even managed to share a few fresh peppers with the owner and boy was she happy. got some sauce but will have to wait till i dig it out to tell you of my goodies.

anyway please let me know if you have seeds for Chupetinha.
Sure, I got lots of chupetinha seeds. They aren't hot but have a unique fruity taste. The only problem is that they are very seedy. I eat a few now and then fresh, but I have friends that strip my plants bare cause they can't get enough. And quite productive, for me anyways. Send me a Pm with your address and I'll get some off to you some soon.
I haven't been to Chilly Chiles in a while but Allison is one nice Gal, I haven't met Rob yet.