Potawie's summer of 2010

Dwarfed Caribbean red still producing

I really want to grow Carribbean Reds just because of that picture.
What is your dwarfing process like?
For dwarfing I cut the plant way back roots and all just like overwintering, but in the spring I kept this one in quite a small pot and pruned the tops to keep it short

What's really keeping me busy lately is my tomatoes and my NuMex/Anaheim type peppers. I have to spend at least 2 hours a day picking and processing, and yesterday was roasting day which I love. Tonight is salsa and chili night

Quick harvest

Aug 12 002 by potawie, on Flickr

1st batch getting roasted

Aug 12 004 by potawie, on Flickr

Roasted and peeled. Crimson hots on the left(quite seedy), and mostly sahuaros on the right

Aug 12 005 by potawie, on Flickr
Now that's what I've been waiting to see...POTAWIE'S picnic table jamboree and that's no ordinarily sized picnic table either.

Thanks for making my day POTAWIE!

You need any help processing peppers I've got a 10 tray dehydrator just aching to be filled up. No processing fees either. ;)
how are you ripening these large pods so fast? :)
I guess like always, patience is the key. I've been waiting a long time for them to ripen, but right now its happening so fast that I can pick 2 big harvest a day when I'm ambitious. I pick everything ripe in the morning and then by evening or next morning there is another batch ready. I'd really love to do some time-lapse photos over a 2 day period, it would be incredible with these NuMex types
Fall is rolling in quickly and peppers/tomatoes look like they may start to slow down soon. Here's a few pics I took today

This one I call my KY or Kapowie yellow. I now have three yellow versions of this ?f3 cross to choose from, here's one I really like

Aug 25 026 by potawie, on Flickr

I like to call this one "Sara's nipples" Thanks again Sara if you're out there

Aug 25 027 by potawie, on Flickr

My "Chinese 5 color X whippet's tail" -f1 hybrid- plant

Aug 25 033 by potawie, on Flickr

My biggest pumpkin(and an Ixtapa jalapeno)

Aug 25 039 by potawie, on Flickr

Yellow7-SR plant, full of big bulky pods. Almost a hundred pods left on it

Aug 25 015 by potawie, on Flickr
absolutely fantastic season shaping up for you again P...great shots...
They do look fantastic. I just purchased some Caribbean Red for next year.
Will probably dehydrate mine for powder. Your plants look perfect. Do you
have any pest problems. For me it's those #@!*#* stink bugs.