Potawie's summer of 2010

awwww Man im soo jealous right now!!! how is the whippets tail and chinese looking soo far for ya? i have seen the pic but any unusual or cool crossing things u have noticed?
awwww Man im soo jealous right now!!! how is the whippets tail and chinese looking soo far for ya? i have seen the pic but any unusual or cool crossing things u have noticed?

The f1 is kind of boring to me, although quite attractive. I'll be growing lots of f2's next year and expect to see more interesting plants/pods
They do look fantastic. I just purchased some Caribbean Red for next year.
Will probably dehydrate mine for powder. Your plants look perfect. Do you
have any pest problems. For me it's those #@!*#* stink bugs.
Never had stink bugs, but I always get infested with aphids in the winter and spring and sometimes whitefly :(
This might be the prettiest pod I've seen P. Me likie alot. :)

Who are its' parents? Have you tasted it yet?

This one I call my KY or Kapowie yellow. I now have three yellow versions of this ?f3 cross to choose from, here's one I really like

Aug 25 026 by potawie, on Flickr
The f2's I selected were somewhat mild for a chinese but this year's f3s seem to be a little bit hotter. They have a good citrusy flavor although not quite as extreme a flavor or heat as a fatalii. Its one of my personal favorites for pickling and used dry for rubs as well as everyday use.

Here's 2 different f3s. Although difficult to see in the pic, the one on the right is a dull yellow, and on the left a typical yellow/orangish color. Both seem similar in flavor and heat. I think the duller one may be hotter, I'll have to keep re-evaluating

Aug 26 002 by potawie, on Flickr

Edit: I forgot to mention that the parents are unknown although they were purchases as yellow habaneros back in 2005. Many of its siblings were red in color but similar arrowhead sort of shape
These were some of my f2's from previous years when I first started selections. Always very productive plants

Skinnier type

Fatter type
Numex and tomato overload this year in Potawie-land :) I'm just able to keep up with the Numex/Anaheim harvests and processing, but sadly a lot of tomatoes and C. chinenses are getting wasted this year. I just wish I had some help in the kitchen sometimes, I'm getting tired of making tomato sauces and salsa every single day but it'll be well worth it come winter. I think I need to clone myself a bitch-Potawie...lol

Picked this huge box load a couple days ago, and then another big box today. I'll try to get more pics taken soon

Sept 5 002 by potawie, on Flickr
Damn, Potawie. Sorry you need so much help, but that doesnt sound like a bad thing eh? I grew anaheims for the first time this year and absolutely love them.
Its definitely a bad thing when tomatoes and peppers get wasted :( I hate wasting anything but I can only do so much. Next year I hope to have my outdoor canning kitchen set-up which will make processing a whole lot easier.
Numex and tomato overload this year in Potawie-land :) I'm just able to keep up with the Numex/Anaheim harvests and processing, but sadly a lot of tomatoes and C. chinenses are getting wasted this year. I just wish I had some help in the kitchen sometimes, I'm getting tired of making tomato sauces and salsa every single day but it'll be well worth it come winter. I think I need to clone myself a bitch-Potawie...lol

Picked this huge box load a couple days ago, and then another big box today. I'll try to get more pics taken soon

Sept 5 002 by potawie, on Flickr

Absolutely beautiful!
Today I'm trying to deal with my C. chinenses, so here's a few pics

Recent harvest from my overwintered fatalii

Sept 8 009 by potawie, on Flickr

92 Y7 pods picked this morning from my overwintered plant

Sept 8 008 by potawie, on Flickr

Douglahs from overwintered plant. The one pod looks like it way sewn or zippered

Sept 7 007 by potawie, on Flickr

Yellow Scorpion CARDI first year plants

Sept 8 010 by potawie, on Flickr

Trinidad scorpion-BT from overwinterd plant

Sept 8 012 by potawie, on Flickr
Nice. I was cracking open a Trinidad Scorpion BT last night. I still am amazed at the smell of these when opened. They are just stronger than anything else. It's scary. it's like a chemical smell saying I'm not edible. Don't try.
I am only a second year gardener, first year to put focus on peppers. When I look at these pictures, I drool more than when I eat superhot. :drooling: It appears every flower on those plants must have pollinated and produced a pod. VERY WELL DONE!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: