for-sale PRF Specialty superhots for sale

I'm sure I can just not July/August with the temp so hot, small steady harvests till fall. Glad you liked the hot pepper salsalady and thanks for all the vids. :mouthonfire:
+1 to what Maligator said, they are HOT!

I posted a recipe and stuff of a sauce I made with the few nagas we had left after tasting and sharing some with (now FORMER) friends. The full story is here:


nagas on the right-

7 peppers in those 2 bottles. YIKES! but YUMMY!
Great lookin' sauce salsalady, I like how yu can see the pieces of naga in the mango sauce. Getting ready to harvest a bunch of fresh superhots so watch your pm everybody that has asked for peppers. Have been out fishing a few times this week and been lazy picking peppers. :onfire:
First look at this mornings harvest, still lots of habs but also some Chocolate and Yellow Scorpion starting to ripen along with a good amount of Douglah and Fatalii. This will probably be the last harvest I will share this year because I need to start saving for my sauces coming up so get'em while they last. :woohoo:


disregard my last post - i went back and read the prices in your first post.

2 oz fatali
2 oz trinidad scorpion
2 oz bhut
2 oz naga

if my math is right that's $64 right?

plus $4.85 for the small flat rate box = $68.85

can you pm me your paypal address?
PRF, do your Chocolate Scorpions actually have that shape? This is one variety I'm struggling with in regards to proper looking pods. Others have done well with it. Just curious.
I'd like 1 oz Bhut Jolokia,
And Salsakid would like some Peach Habanero (he wants to create his own hot sauce!) :woohoo:

I'll send a PM also and send me the paypal request.

Will they be shipping Monday again?
PRF, If its still available could I get;

1 oz Yellow T. Scopion
1 oz Chocolate T. Scorpion
1 oz Douglah

PM is on the way.

Thanks Mike