for-sale PRF Specialty superhots for sale

Got mine today too, and thanks for the extras!
I did have a few turn pretty mushy because of the heat- are the seeds still good in those?
All of my survived the trip and look great! Those naga morich smell and look evil!

Got mine today too, and thanks for the extras!
I did have a few turn pretty mushy because of the heat- are the seeds still good in those?

EMU if they are not all mush you can save the seeds if you do it quick. Very sorry to hear some pods are turning soft get the good ones to the refrigerator ASAP. If anyone is not completely satisfied I will do whatever it takes to keep you happy, just PM me and discuss. You all are welcome for any extras and again thanks for letting me know how the pods are looking.
Got my butch T's on Monday just like Cappy said :) , they look great !! He also threw in some Datil's for good measure , I'm thinking BBQ sauce ... Cappy you rock !!!

Hey cowboy bhut I also want in on that sauce recipe !! , after torturing my friends and family With some of them Butch T's :hell: lol , ima need to put them to use !
Thanks for the feedback man! I got the seeds out of the soft ones, made my first sauce out the the rest! Its not bad for a first try!
FYI- I've seen posts on here of guys 'accidentally' forgetting to tell wives/girlfriends about something being hot. I just discovered it's as amusing when you get your parents as well. :hell:
Here are the long lost pictures of my purchase. These suckers made many cry and will keep my freezer stocked for a long period of time. So far ive made poppers, salsa, and hot sauce outa these. When I get time I will candy a batch and post pictures here. Thanks again Cappy! I bought brain strain seeds from you as well cant wait to grow that out in 2011.


I have 2 Chocolate varieties that I think will go with some cocoa in the future. Gears still turning and pen still scratching. Thanks again Cappy.
Please add me to your list for a couple ounces of Nagas and four oz. of Fatali's if/when they become available - thanks!
