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I spent the weekend in the Back of Nowhere, Vermont. We camped by a rustic house in a wildflower meadow where there were blueberries and raspberries for the picking. Butterflies soared around us, and we watched a hummingbird buzz among the flowers. The meadow was surrounded by deep, dark, cool woods, and down the slope was a small pond, too cold for my tastes, but perfect for dog swimming, according to the Puppies O' Thunder. Saturday night was so clear that stars looked thick and close enough to touch. We sat under the leading edge of the Pleiades meteor shower and saw some dozen or more falling stars.

And there was quiet, a perfect stillness broken only by the hum of the bees and the cries of the birds. I turned to my deliciously geeky beloved at one point and mused "Wouldn't you love to live some place like this?"

He paused a moment to drink in the beauty and replied "Well, but, you can't get broadband out here."
Pam said:
"Well, but, you can't get broadband out here."

that was the first thing i thought of when i read the first paragraph. that and you cant get any kind of good beer up there because vermont has some stupid laws.
ross said:
that was the first thing i thought of when i read the first paragraph. that and you cant get any kind of good beer up there because vermont has some stupid laws.

Ha, so I'm speaking to another geek, huh? How often do you really need broadband? You go to a wireless hot spot once or twice a week and download the videos and music you want. *shurg*

I haven't run into any problems with beer in Vermont because I'm always bringing a cooler full from New York. They have a beer store here that makes me want to genuflect before I start down the aisles.
Pam said:
Ha, so I'm speaking to another geek, huh? How often do you really need broadband? You go to a wireless hot spot once or twice a week and download the videos and music you want. *shurg*

I haven't run into any problems with beer in Vermont because I'm always bringing a cooler full from New York. They have a beer store here that makes me want to genuflect before I start down the aisles.

i use the internet all the time. if i didnt, i wouldnt post on here.............

and by internet, i mean that i recently upgraded my internet line so that i have 8mpbs down instead of 5. dial up? uh i dont think i could use that. what is dial up?
I appreciate both points of view. It all comes down to priorities. Well titled.
If you have at least most of what is important nearby(ie. your geeky love, your dogs, beer, peppers etc.) then the internet becomes less important. But if the internet is your love....(either by replacing real relationships through sites like this one or sites of.....ill repute..AHEM) then you will not be comfortable in such a rustic setting and will crave your high speed love. Anyways...
*Sigh*...I do so love nature. I want to live in the middle of nowhere and eat off of what the land provides me, basking in the glory that us oneness.......
"The glory that us oneness...."

I am trying to follow you. Are you eating some more of that fungus? That sounds like shroom talk.

Anyways I agree. Part of me would like to be a farmer. Not a modern farmer with all kinds of automation, but the old fashioned kind. Then I think, Nah. Too early, too much work, you have to butcher animals, etc.
ross said:
i use the internet all the time. if i didnt, i wouldnt post on here.............

and by internet, i mean that i recently upgraded my internet line so that i have 8mpbs down instead of 5. dial up? uh i dont think i could use that. what is dial up?

Yabut, how often do you really need all that speed. No...no how often do you want that speed, how often do you really need it? You can do email, Usenet, and even this graphic rich web site on dial-up just fine.

So, me, I'd go with living in the back of nowhere. Just, you know, not in Vermont because I'm a great big whining cold wimp. I like South Carolina's long growing season and mild winters. I like ourr version of snow, where the schools all close at the first flake and everyone rushes out to buy milk and toilet paper, and by noon the next day all the snow has melted.

Vermont is gorgeous in the summer, though, and a nice escape from the heat wave afflicting Sout Carolina right now. Why I had to put on a jacket Saturday night!
imaguitargod said:
*Sigh*...I do so love nature. I want to live in the middle of nowhere and eat off of what the land provides me, basking in the glory that us oneness.......

Yeah, someday I'll remember to buy that multi-million dollar lottery nad hex it so I win. Then it's "bu bye" to the city!
Pam said:
Yeah, someday I'll remember to buy that multi-million dollar lottery nad hex it so I win. Then it's "bu bye" to the city!

Are you all speaking a foriegn language?

I thought we had it great here climate wise,(Kentucky) The winters usually provide 5-8 good snow falls, the summers are usually not above 90, good even growing condition, and a nice change from summer to fall to winter etc.(ie. changeing leaves etc.) but lately we have had minor droughts every year, very little snow, and now it is over 100 and will be all week. My peppers are loving it, but I am not so sure. Coupled with the humidity here 100 is miserable. It's not a dry heat like you get in Phoenix or San Diego.
Man...just reading this thread makes me want to pack up all my shit RIGHT NOW and head on out towards Albuquerque.
My plan is to wait for my daughter to graduate h.s.(2 years), then head out to Abq, NM. Then, my plan is to go about an hour or so outside of the city(into the middle of nowhere) and purchase a large parcel of ranch land, build me a little place of my own(with a huge shop, of course), and remove myself from civilization for the most part.
Pam said:
Yabut, how often do you really need all that speed. No...no how often do you want that speed, how often do you really need it? You can do email, Usenet, and even this graphic rich web site on dial-up just fine.

faster is always better.

whenever friends want to send me stuff it downloads in a hurry (provided they are using a good upload). say good bye to youtube if you get dial up.

sure, you may be able to use this site fine, but go to that thread where chuck is bragging about chugging the cave creek beer, and load that with dialup. you can go eat dinner and come back, wait 20 minutes, and then post on that post. sure, that isnt the norm.

i couldnt do without high speed. id like to live in the middle of nowhere, but i think portland maine would be just fine with me.. that way i could have good beer, cold weather, and high speed internet.
Sickmont said:
Man...just reading this thread makes me want to pack up all my shit RIGHT NOW and head on out towards Albuquerque.
My plan is to wait for my daughter to graduate h.s.(2 years), then head out to Abq, NM. Then, my plan is to go about an hour or so outside of the city(into the middle of nowhere) and purchase a large parcel of ranch land, build me a little place of my own(with a huge shop, of course), and remove myself from civilization for the most part.

just be a cordwainer.
ross said:
hahaha i couldnt resist. it just seemed to fit so well. speaking of cordwainers, have you ever looked at russell shoes?


Wow...nice stuff. A bit out of my league, though. I guess that's where my priorities lay. An $80 bottle opener, ok, but a $410 pair of hand made boots? Not today. Yep, i've got some issues.
Sickmont said:
Wow...nice stuff. A bit out of my league, though. I guess that's where my priorities lay. An $80 bottle opener, ok, but a $410 pair of hand made boots? Not today. Yep, i've got some issues.

they arent all 410 dollars. what did you do, look at the ostrich ones? haha

i have a pair of joes PH under the safari boots section. very comfortable, have worn them for 3-4 years so far, and they are about ready for new soles. the boot is still in great condition, and i wore them in snow, rain, ice, sleet, etc. they even do ok in the summer because they have a canvas top on them so your feet can breathe better.

they draw your feet and make the shoes to your individual feet, and dont buy them in standard sizes even though some are offered that way. my joes ph left shoe is an 8 1/2 and my right is a 9. i wear size 11 tennis shoes and dress shoes, so their shoes certainly dont follow the norm.

i love them though, i actually have a pair of the bird shooters too, but i dont wear them unless i am hunting. i want to get a pair of the casual shoes too. but right now im too busy buying knives.......... haha

PS - pam, sorry for the complete thread jack, though i guess this could be about priorities as well...
ross said:
PS - pam, sorry for the complete thread jack, though i guess this could be about priorities as well...

Did you hear that? It almost sounded like an unworthy pumpkin beer drinker speaking to me.

*haughty sniff*