Pro mix bx

Really considering switching to promix after everything I have heard and not quite getting the results I have become used to,

My first question Is if you thought there were some problems with you soil and where going to switch how would you do it, just pot up or remove as much soil from the plant as possible them pot up?

My second Question is is $43 a good price.
Price probably depends on how available ProMix BX is in your area.

I found it in Tawas City, MI at $24.55 per 3.8 cu ft bale.

So, to me, your price would seem quite high.
Halo try agway... you may need to call a few as some carry it and some not. :)
I have finally found a big Pro-Mix supplier in Michigan selling bales for $26 for 3.8 cu ft compressed. They also have a major selection of different ones too like Bx, HP, and a few other specialty mixes. I've looked for years for this. :) Yeah. $43 is a tad high. Hydro stores are constantly ripping off the public w/these prices.

BUT BUT BUT, the drive is quite a haul and at $3.70 per gallon....well, maybe I am paying that. lol.

I get it for $30 even, here in VA. My attitude about ProMixBx is: whatever it costs, it's worth it. $43's a lot, though.
It's the best mix I've used so far!!

I paid just over $30.00 for 3.8 cuft @ "Oliver Seed", I wouldn't use anything less!!

My local Agway only lists the "Pro Mix HP" not sure that I want to use this one.

Once you try it you won't go back!!
I would say get it, even if it IS $43. I would just make sure to shop around a little more before you make the plunge. Also look into Fafard's. I haven't used it, but I heard it's really good stuff. They place where I got my Pro Mix, at $33 after tax, also sells Fafard's. If I remember, a 2.8 cu ft. bag is $16. Don't know if that's a good price for it.
As far as potting up with it, I know I broke away as much of the old stuff as I could, without messing up the roots. Then I just potted, watered, and went on.
I WOULD suggest maybe putting in some light ferts into the Pro Mix when you pot it up. I am using Plant Tone. (I couldn't find Tomato Tone, but it's almost identical.) There are tons of things you could add though. Just remember that the Pro Mix has no, or close to no, ferts in it. So you will have to feed your plants more often. (Which is why I am doing an automatic drip system this year!)
Either way, the $43 is worth it over what you would save on CRAPPY soil!
halo, there was a thread on here the other day about a consumer line of promix at Home Depot or Lowes, but it was packaged much smaller and more expensive than what you would get at a nursery, etc. I found a bale (3.8 cu. ft) the other day for $29.00, but haven't used any yet. Last year I grew my potted chiles in miracle gro and had great results. I think I will mix my promix bx with an equal amount of the new osmocote potting mix and see how that does this year.
Well I just finished calling half the greenhouse and nursuies in the area, andhad absolutely no luck. The closest I got was the last lady which sounded like she was in her 80s, described the bag fairly close but couldn'tremember the name and only had enough for what they need, and wouldn't sell any.
I don't know which part of PA you live in. Here's the link to Promix and there is a dealer locater. I had the same problem last year locating a dealer as well and almost drove 3 hours to pick some up. My last phone call I made to a local nursery was my saving grace! Promix homepage
Chris, where abouts in Michigan did you find the pro mix dealer? Inquiring minds would like to know. $26 ea is a good price. Thanks
I don't know which part of PA you live in. Here's the link to Promix and there is a dealer locater. I had the same problem last year locating a dealer as well and almost drove 3 hours to pick some up. My last phone call I made to a local nursery was my saving grace! Promix homepage
There is a place listed on there that is about 1.5 hours away, tried calling. But no answer I am going to try Monday. In the mean time I found someone with fafard for $10 a bag. Don't know the type yet, but does anyone use the brand?