Hey Gang...your names continue to be awesome...you keep bringin it up a notch...keep them rolling in until I pic the winners next week.
No limit on entries.
Love it and love your POSITIVE attitudes. It's already worth the $250 in Free Seeds that I'll give away...and more $$$ with a few surprises to come.
For those handful of critics on the next 'Worlds Hottest Pepper'....just go away.
You don't have to hang out here.
Don't you boys get it yet...most people don't care about your negative attitudes.
Go join Ted the Fire Breathing idiot...be the next 'THP' Suicide...I doubled over laughing when I heard poor Ted put in that perspective.
And guess what now...I now have a pimply faced 16 year old having his big unqualified opinions and jabs.

And even some new guy with a few posts chiming in.
And the small handful of eternal pessimist waiting with baited breath to tear apart some little piece of a story that will knock the entire Chilehead Industry on it's Ass.
Refer to my post #202 for when and how I'll respond to my trip this week which DID happen. Man, did it happen.
Penny and Sammy took a ton of foto's and a very long and continuous video that will documnet everything...when I'm ready and when my Partners that created this go public.
I was totally blown away by what I saw and heard.
Everything is documented 100% now.
Again, they are a top quality team...I now met all 4 of them. And saw greenhouses, pepper plants, new varieties, Professors, Universitiy stuff, Farming operations, etc.
My loyalty is totally to them and my commitment to confidentiality absolutely over rides any need to jump the gun with this information in THP.
Or several other sites where I have more of a vested interested than here.
When it comes out it comes out.
If you are bored, tired of this or don't believe it...JUST DON'T COME BACK AND VIST THIS THREAD ANYMORE.
Just go away.
I'm sorry the news isn't popping faster...I'm more impatient than any of you. Believe me.
I'm not as analytical or thorough or a maniac to detail as these guys are. But I totally respect them...and they are SMART. When they break their press releases and information, it will have been done RIGHT. Not like some other releases over the years that some THP FOLKS TORE TO SHREDS. Why don't y respect theri methodical approach?
I could tell you when they think that will be ready to roll...or my guess on when the word comes out......but they have been premature before with their time table on the announcements...and SO HAVE I...so I'll just say Chill Man....when it happens it happens.
You don't like that? Then just go away and don't visit here anymore.
Or start your own thread or blog.
Why aggrivate yourselves?
If you boys keep it up...you're gonna embarrass yourselves here.
Cause I'm ready for a 'Throwdown' on all of this...when the time comes.

Fiery REgards,
Pepper Joe

p.s. I SWORE to myself that I wouldn't do this in piece meal...but...it IS NOT POSITIVELY, NO WAY THE DOUGLAH. Or any close relative.
Just saying.