Are the Butch T and regular Scorpions different?

Are the Butch T and regular Scorpions different?
Don't worry about your post length, you are welcome here. I'm just glad to see a young'un that has ambition beyond getting high score on Call Of Duty! Wish you all the best =)
ask him, he just posted two above you....Tigahb8 = Butch T
wow my record doesnt compete i only got to 24 on kino LOL i havnt played in a month or two though lol36 rounds Kino
Gosh, if I had Facebook, I could read this...I'm happy living in the 20th centuryButch - I think this is the link you wanted to post, it goes directly to the conversation you were talking about.
Can I be a pain and ask you what the difference between a "landrace" and "domesticated" chile is? I think you meant to use different terminology? I'm not trying to be too much of a pain.
I just went to the vault and pulled out 10 ORIGINAL Butch T Trinidad Scorpion seeds from August 2006. We'll see what they produce.I already know, but I guarantee they will look different than all the other strains in existence. I still remember when that really mean guy named Butch T handed me peppers that would rip your intestines out, but then he was nice enough to offer a Cajun breakfast to make up for it. He's a damn good cook too.
Fathead strain of Butch T? Oh God no.
I got seeds from Novacastrian for both seeds off of the record breaking plant and for seeds of one listed as fathead strain. I cant help the labeling i just write down what the label says. I did not label it and this is my first year growing it and the other butch T.
Can someone please explain the origin of "fathead". If it's bogus we can kill it now. If it's not then, then, who the ef knows? I give up.
I believe 'fathead' is simply a nick name for Novacastrian .