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Protect yourselves from pepper burns...

I just rubbed both of my eyes yesterday with some Dutch Chili liquid obviously still on my hands. I can tell you, that there ARE pain receptors!!!! Funnily enough, it was worse when my eyes were open and almost no pain when I closed them.
Not to be gross or anything but I cut up some Habs one day and forgot I had done it so I didnt wash my hands, they werent burning or anything. Well I had a few alcoholic drinks and really had to go to the bathroom. Well you guessed it. I spent the next 30 minutes feeling like a had spme kind of STD from the horrid burn on the end of my unit. It really sucked.
Necrocannibal said:
Not to be gross or anything but I cut up some Habs one day and forgot I had done it so I didnt wash my hands, they werent burning or anything. Well I had a few alcoholic drinks and really had to go to the bathroom. Well you guessed it. I spent the next 30 minutes feeling like a had spme kind of STD from the horrid burn on the end of my unit. It really sucked.
Ya, I've done taht a few times too....the pepper wee wee burn...not the STD.
Well Doc, with all due respect you don't live in the NW. It's different here.

I'm not trying to talk down to you or anything man, but I've lived all over the US, including several of the western states.

They DO check if you buy any chemicals or lab type gear in quantity, or even other common household items. There are signs right at the checkstands.

If you buy the right combonation of items, sure. Meth is a real problem. However, buying a package of surgical gloves isn't suspicious in any way at all. Every single person who has ever had any medical reason for using the gloves buys them all the time. You say they "check". What in the world are they going to check if you buy a box of rubber gloves?

You're not buying lab type gear in quantity. You're not buying chemicals. You're buying a freakin box of rubber gloves for God sakes.

I guarantee you if I go to Wal-Mart and buy nitrile gloves, and a couple other common household chemicals I'd use for gardening and kitchen use..it's noticed. Add to that my history of buying growing supplies..well you get the idea.

If Grandma had balls she'd be your Grandpa. You're *not* buying a couple of other common household chemicals, you're buying a box of rubber gloves!

It's not being paranoid, it's being cautious in a paranoid time.

I'm sorry man, but yes, you're being seriously paranoid for no reason. I can guarantee you that I can buy ten boxes of rubber gloves at any store in the USA without a single person saying squat to me other than common interest. If asked, I'd simply tell them the truth that I grow and prepare large amounts of seriously hot peppers and really want to be able to pee without a real problem.

If someone decided to call a cop at that point, I'd be more than glad to let my attorney handle the harassment in a civil courtroom. I will NOT be intimidated by anyone who has some fantasy about what I do with common items purchased in any store. They can watch me 24/7, 365 if they like to be really bored.

On the other hand, if you are growing illegal things and THAT'S why you're nervous and paranoid, then I guess you'd be doing something perfectly normal for that type of activity.

Even then, buying items at a common sense rate would avoid any questionable looks or abnormal curiosity.

I'll move to another country before I'll submit to paranoia about being able to purchase normal every day quantities of common household goods because some Barney *might* think I'm up to something.

No hard feelings man, but being that paranoid is like holding a sign over your head saying "HEY I'M UP TO NO GOOD, WATCH ME CLOSE".

hehe, good luck to you man. Whatever you're into, chill and enjoy life.
No worries mate, I just have my own reasons ot never trust cops or any gov't agency in general.

And, I've never grown pot..that's the funny part. But I'm still listed with Interpol and a lot of other fun TLA's. Verryy long story.

I'm also not a US citizen, legal and here for 40 yrs, but in this day and age I do watch my back a lot more than in previous years.

My town is pretty whacked, I admit...but I can't afford to leave.


QuadShotz said:
No worries mate, I just have my own reasons ot never trust cops or any gov't agency in general.

And, I've never grown pot..that's the funny part. But I'm still listed with Interpol and a lot of other fun TLA's. Verryy long story.

I'm also not a US citizen, legal and here for 40 yrs, but in this day and age I do watch my back a lot more than in previous years.

My town is pretty whacked, I admit...but I can't afford to leave.


Sounds like you'd have an interesting story to tell, my friend. Each of us has parts of our lives that are out of the norm. I wish you all the luck in the world and hope things work to your benefit.
