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Psoriasis - Can peppers cause or help breakouts?

I did a quick search around the site, but I didn't find anything recent or specifically talking about this condition.
If you don't know what it is, here's a quick copy/paste from Wikipedia:
Psoriasis (/sɵˈr.əsɨs/; from Greek ψωρίασις, meaning "itching condition" or "being itchy",[1] from psora "itch" and -sis "action, condition"; also termed psoriasis vulgaris),[2] is a common, chronic relapsing/remitting immune-mediated skin disease characterized by red, scaly patches, papules, and plaques, which usually itch.[2] The skin lesions seen in psoriasis may vary in severity from minor localized patches to complete body coverage.[2] The disease affects 2–4% of the general population.[3]
I suffer from psoriasis on the face and scalp and it's pretty damn embarrassing sometimes. But I've dealt with it for around 15 years now.
Over the last few years it's progressively gotten worse, but this may be due to my stressful job.
Does anyone else here suffer from this condition, and if so, have you experienced any changes after eating a spicy meal?
I've currently been dealing with a breakout for the last week or more and am wondering if my habit over the past week of eating spicy may have caused it, or whether it's pure coincidence.
My wife suffer from psoriasis too, but not spicy meal lover.....so, not helpful in your question.
What I can tell you, is that I started using an alcoholic extract of hot pepper for my scalp/hair, because was greasy and had something similar to dandruff, but not really, however small pieces of my scalp falling. Since I have started to use this hot pepper alcoholic extract, my scalp is clean, and hair is not greasy in short time like before (before, sometime even next day after washing my hair). Maybe you could try to use something similar and see the effects.
The bad thing is, your stress is "fertilizer" for psoriasis ......
I don't think that eating spicy foods would cause you to break out. I do think it's possible that capsacian based topical creams could even help. What do you put on the outbreaks usually?
I would suspect that eating chilis would help as it increases blood flow.

But as a sufferer myself, without any major breakouts in several years, here's my perscription for it.
1. Plenty of sun or go to a tanning salon regularly.
2. Pray and trust that your Father in heaven hears your prayers and will take care of you.
3. Meditation or ki/chi breathing, pick up a martial art or strenuous exercise program.
4. Don't let things stress you out (see #2) and remember if it doesn't interfere with your breathing, it isn't a problem.
5. Get a good devotional booklet.
6. Start a chili garden. :)
As you see there's a lot dealing with getting rid or dealing with stress.  I can always tell when I'm letting life get to me.  My chest breaks out.  Sometimes the back of my ears, then my nose and once it gets full blown, my scalp and fingers.  But the above is my plan of attack and I rarely have more than a chest breakout these days.
Of course I eat a lot of spicy food so that may contribute to the good health I enjoy also. :)
Pepperjack91 said:
I don't think that eating spicy foods would cause you to break out. I do think it's possible that capsacian based topical creams could even help. What do you put on the outbreaks usually?
I've used a shit load of different things over the years. Lately I've been using a cream called "Hope's Relief". It has Manuka Honey, Calendula, Aloe Vera, Gotu Kola and Licorice Root in it. It does help, but it just takes time. It mainly just helps to stop the itching and moisturises. It does a good job, but it still doesn't stop the redness. :(
hot stuff said:
I would suspect that eating chilis would help as it increases blood flow.

But as a sufferer myself, without any major breakouts in several years, here's my perscription for it.
1. Plenty of sun or go to a tanning salon regularly.
2. Pray and trust that your Father in heaven hears your prayers and will take care of you.
3. Meditation or ki/chi breathing, pick up a martial art or strenuous exercise program.
4. Don't let things stress you out (see #2) and remember if it doesn't interfere with your breathing, it isn't a problem.
5. Get a good devotional booklet.
6. Start a chili garden. :)
As you see there's a lot dealing with getting rid or dealing with stress.  I can always tell when I'm letting life get to me.  My chest breaks out.  Sometimes the back of my ears, then my nose and once it gets full blown, my scalp and fingers.  But the above is my plan of attack and I rarely have more than a chest breakout these days.
Of course I eat a lot of spicy food so that may contribute to the good health I enjoy also. :)
Haha sun is a bit of an issue at the moment with it being winter here, but I do try.
#2 won't help, as I'm not religious, but I get your meaning. - Don't worry, I respect peoples religious choices.
#3 - Does chasing after a crawling infant count?
I do have some peppers growing, and it does have a calming effect... even if i'm continually saying "Grow you tasty bastards!" hahaha
LOL Shurbryn, funny story to go with your #3, a University somewhere in the US did a study which involved their football, American Football, Go Mann U I follow both, and a group of toddlers. They had the team follow around the toddlers and what ever they did the football team did. So, when the toddlers played, they played. When they slept, they slept, ate, fall down, etc... At the end of the day the football team was worn out beyond what any 2 or 3 a day practice had ever done. Ya know it might just be :)
Surprisingly simple, my breakouts are handled by Sun and regular application of white vinegar.

I haven't noticed a connection to hot foods, just stress and time of year.