Public Debut - Warrant Man Pepper Co

Awesome! love it. It looks cold. I love the beanie by the way. No stoned left unturned it seems. Congrats and best of luck to you.
AJ Drew,
Yes sir, it went very well. Instead of hamburger, my special lady friend and I dined on steak and wonderful beer tonight!! A proud event indeed. Met some really cool folks from all over. Oddly enough, I met a representative from NORML. The coolest dichotomy if ever there was.. he tried my sauces, purchased one of my books and gave me the pen to sign it with... I would be at odds with my colleagues to give him a shout, but right is right, I tip my hat hat!
My website is 
thanks for the well wishes and I am proud to be a part of this forum!
- Reggie aka "The Warrant Man" 
Idiot Piquant said:
Congrats, Reggie!  
A toast to your continued success.  
Glad you got along with the NORML folks.  
We're just people too.  
A bunch of damn hippies I tell ya. It's the devils lettuce! haha i'm kidding. I live in a legal state so the stuff is everywhere. There's like 3 dispensaries within walking distance of me..
Thank you! I will run as long as I can...
Idiot Piquant,
I wanted to do a photo op with the guy, he was "heavily adorned" complete with lapel pin, but I realize that many folks would tear me six ways from Sunday (jeopardize my livelihood) should such a pic emerge online somewhere. I am somewhat of an oddity amongst my peers and my political leanings could best be described as a Constitutionalist /Libertarian hybrid. I will just say that I haven't always been a cop and I still enjoy my old Commander Cody vinyls.... ;-)
Here is a take from a police perspective, a poem that I published (it is on my website as there are others if you care to see under the "Poetic Justice " page) and take heed..... 

Crown of Fools                                    

For the many years  I’ve been a cop,
Seems  like some things just never stop.
Blended Canadian whiskey with regal name,
Logo and accessory remains the same.
Purple velvet many feel, placed inside it will conceal,
illegal drugs, ill-gotten cash, drawstring fortress the perfect stash!
Under the seats or in a glovebox, pours out weed or cocaine rocks.
Sometimes unhidden without a care, surely the cops won’t look in there.
Can’t they see that it’s a red flag?  We’re going to check the Crown Royal bag!
A criminal myth - like the Tooth Fairy or Cupid, are they just that dumb or do they think we’re that damn stupid?

WarrantMan said:
Here is a take from a police perspective, a poem that I published (it is on my website as there are others if you care to see under the "Poetic Justice " page) and take heed..... 

Crown of Fools                                    

For the many years  I’ve been a cop,
Seems  like some things just never stop.
Blended Canadian whiskey with regal name,
Logo and accessory remains the same.
Purple velvet many feel, placed inside it will conceal,
illegal drugs, ill-gotten cash, drawstring fortress the perfect stash!
Under the seats or in a glovebox, pours out weed or cocaine rocks.
Sometimes unhidden without a care, surely the cops won’t look in there.
Can’t they see that it’s a red flag?  We’re going to check the Crown Royal bag!
A criminal myth - like the Tooth Fairy or Cupid, are they just that dumb or do they think we’re that damn stupid?

Would be really funny to see someone use your drawstring bags that you were giving away with your sauce for the same purpose. haha talk about poetic justice.
Thank you and I would be honored. I have just a few of the bags left and so you will receive one with your order!
Wow! Never even considered that. Hard to wrap my mind around this, that's deep. I had actually contemplated the day that I come a calling and hook some dude up at his house and see a bottle of my sauce... but to find a Warrantman stash, that would take the cake! On my word, should either occur and I have knowledge, I will post it here (with safeguards-no names, innocent until proven guilty etc..) A conundrum..... dang. Thanks, I think, for pointing that out. Oh man, really?
WarrantMan said:
Thank you and I would be honored. I have just a few of the bags left and so you will receive one with your order!
Wow! Never even considered that. Hard to wrap my mind around this, that's deep. I had actually contemplated the day that I come a calling and hook some dude up at his house and see a bottle of my sauce... but to find a Warrantman stash, that would take the cake! On my word, should either occur and I have knowledge, I will post it here (with safeguards-no names, innocent until proven guilty etc..) A conundrum..... dang. Thanks, I think, for pointing that out. Oh man, really?
haha yea I think that would be pretty funny!
I appreciate the good natured poke and would love to comment on the lyrics (I listened several times), but I know that anything I say "can and will be held against me..."  haha so I will leave it there and simply say that I'm a Metal guy and that one curdled my milk...... 
I recall a  case a few years back (can't remember where right now) where a home made rap video surfaced showing criminal activity and the like, complete with shots of license plates and such. The resulting arrests netted quite a few guns, drugs wanted felons etc...
I use facebook quite a bit myself to hunt. Some knuckleheads make it so easy it removes the fun. If you are not aware (whomever may read this - for protection of your privacy and for those you love) know that most smartphone operating systems are by default set to include a GPS stamp in the file name of all the photos taken. So the tech savvy (not just police, criminal minded as well) can simply read the file name and determine precisely where the photo was taken. You will have to turn it off on whatever system you use. Honest and free advice, use it.
- Reggie
Congrats on the public debut.
Warrant Man Pepper Co.
"You Have The Right To Remain Fiery"
That's my gift to you, I won't sue you for using it. :lol: :cheers:
That's some quality info Reggie! There will still be plenty of dumb dumbs out there for you to catch, seems to be the trend these days
Thanks. As I stated, I am a Constitutionalist with Libertarian leanings. Fair is fair and right is right. As an instrument of government, I really do try and apply those principles. Knock on wood, my career has been blessed by very few complaints. I've found that treating people fairly has it's rewards. I once found myself in a very precarious situation that could have easily ended my life, but others (criminals) stepped in and intervened because I had been fair to them in previous dealings. I do think that everything comes full circle....
This past two years I've worn a body camera as have most of my colleagues in SC. It was weird at first, but has proven to be most helpful to keep folks honest in their claims. The flip side is that sometimes, I realize while at the urinal, that it is still filming.... God forbid that footage ever gets out.... haha 