found this, not that its any help
Nitrogen (N) - Pale green or yellowish lower leaves, slow growth
Potassium (P) - Older leaf edges turn yellow or brown, leave may be chlorotic and curl, may have necrotic spots
Phosphorus (K) - Stunted, very dark green leaves; purplish to reddish coloration of veins, leaves or stems; late flowering & maturing of fruit
Calcium (Ca) - Deformed or undeveloped terminal buds & root tips; blossom end rot on tomatoes & peppers
Magnesium (M) - Mottling of older leaves; interveinal chlorosis
Sulfur (S) - Light green color of whole plant; chlorotic younger leaves
Iron (Fe) - Interveinal chlorosis of upper leaves leading to total bleaching; new leaves may be yellowish white
Manganese(Mn) - Interveinal chlorosis, may be followed by necrotic spots; frequently occurs on middle leaves first
Boron (B ) - Dieback of shoots or growing points; thickened, wilted or curled leaves; distorted fruit; hollow root vegetables
Zinc (Zn) - Short internodes; leaves appear rosetted; misshapen leaf blades; small leaves with interveinal chlorosis; abnormal root growth
Copper (Cu) - Bluish-green appearance; plants wilt, young leaves die tip first, resembling frost injury; summer dieback of terminal shoots of fruit trees; affects flowering & fruit formation
Molybdenum (Mo)- Yellowish or pale green leaves; deformed, mottled or cupped leaves