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fatalii and yellow bhuts...true leaves are turning purple. they were transplanted from germination trays 2 weeks ago and are under t8's 24/7 with thermostat maintaining temps from 84-88 degrees....think it may be too much light?? here are some pix of plants and setup...thx

no help needed...that purple color is telling you that the plants are getting plenty of light...it acts like a sunscreen for the plants...the purple color is caused by anthocyanins...
man there have been a ton of threads on this lately, (including me a while back) but I guess it is because everyone's seedlings are popping up lol,

but yeah what AJ said, could conserve some energy and unscrew one of the lights on the edge or something, I just noticed on mine when I had them right under a powerful LED that I had, that they turned from purple and then some of them were dying, but yours just are turning purple.. as long as they don't start to shrivel up and die your all set, which they shouldn't since your lights are far enough away.. my case of them actually dieing was kind of an oddball (measured the LED at 136,000 lumens at the 2-3" away from the plants that I had them at.. lol, way overkill)
found this, not that its any help
Nitrogen (N) - Pale green or yellowish lower leaves, slow growth
Potassium (P) - Older leaf edges turn yellow or brown, leave may be chlorotic and curl, may have necrotic spots
Phosphorus (K) - Stunted, very dark green leaves; purplish to reddish coloration of veins, leaves or stems; late flowering & maturing of fruit
Calcium (Ca) - Deformed or undeveloped terminal buds & root tips; blossom end rot on tomatoes & peppers
Magnesium (M) - Mottling of older leaves; interveinal chlorosis
Sulfur (S) - Light green color of whole plant; chlorotic younger leaves
Iron (Fe) - Interveinal chlorosis of upper leaves leading to total bleaching; new leaves may be yellowish white
Manganese(Mn) - Interveinal chlorosis, may be followed by necrotic spots; frequently occurs on middle leaves first
Boron (B ) - Dieback of shoots or growing points; thickened, wilted or curled leaves; distorted fruit; hollow root vegetables
Zinc (Zn) - Short internodes; leaves appear rosetted; misshapen leaf blades; small leaves with interveinal chlorosis; abnormal root growth
Copper (Cu) - Bluish-green appearance; plants wilt, young leaves die tip first, resembling frost injury; summer dieback of terminal shoots of fruit trees; affects flowering & fruit formation
Molybdenum (Mo)- Yellowish or pale green leaves; deformed, mottled or cupped leaves
Those cotyledons look crispy to me. I think its too hot, plants are too small to take it in there as is.
yeah, I was going to mention that too but.. well I dono, just didn't I guess lol.. but I would say keep 85-86 as a max temp.. with the average being 83-84ish I would say.. if anything it will help out overall