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seeds Purple Stems on Seedlings?

I did a test grow to get seedlings strong and put a couple in hydro buckets inside, I'm noticing some of them have very DEEP purple stems? is this a sign of something like over watering or just the color some peppers are when there seedlings?

I have them under daylight flourescents, and they are close, and look very healthy.

its like night and day with them, 1 pepper is bright purple 1 and green? I have not compared which are purple and which are green, for the pepper type, or family type.

Like this?


A fair few of my plants get purple stems like that when they're under the light. Dunno the science behind it but doesn't appear to be a bad thing.... and in fact, my purple stemmed plants usually end up being my healthiest. :cool:
no nothing wrong actually quite common on alot of species

im growing
and these all have purple stems and some even have purple leaves

thanks your friend Joe :cool:
The pimenta de neyde seedlings look cool. They say they are a black plant but to my eye they are very deep purple. :dance:
my Purple serrano plants also have a bit of purple on their stems. Since I´m a noob, the only thing what saved me from worrying because of this was that they had purple in their name.... :lol:
Purple stems on seedlings is very common under artificial light and not uncommon outside.

Check out these guys that are outside.




And this is a Brain Strain inside

Just figured it was strange to have (bright)HOT FLUORESCENT PURPLE stems....

I have them a few inches below daylight bulbs....I guess there is something in the spectrum that it doesnt get for turning the stems green.

I'm putting one out tonight. I will see if it greens up.
Just figured it was strange to have (bright)HOT FLUORESCENT PURPLE stems....

I have them a few inches below daylight bulbs....I guess there is something in the spectrum that it doesnt get for turning the stems green.

I'm putting one out tonight. I will see if it greens up.
You want green stems? That's crazy talk! Purple stems are much cooler..... :lol:

Seriously though, my purple stem babies always seem to grow up to be my healthiest plants. Really don't know enough about it, but maybe they are actually getting something extra in the spectrum? I really don't know.

As some have mentioned too, some varieties just naturally have purple stems.
My Cayenne pepper seedlings have very dark purple stems too and I'm also using daylight fluorescence. But as some of the other members already said they look the healthiest and are actually getting their first true set of leafs faster than any of my other peppers.
JesterJoker, the science behind the purple pigment and many other information regarding it was discussed greatly over the years. if you are truly interested in it, the search option will provide you a lot of reading.