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Putting in for a promotion at work


eXtreme Business
Earlier today, my boss let me know that tomorrow, the powers that be are finally posting up a position in my department that's sat empty for months now, and my boss strongly encouraged me to apply for it. The only downside is that the position is on the night shift. As it stands, that's the only downside.
There are several upsides... First of all, there'd be a $10k pay raise immediately. Between that and the additional night-time bonus, if I were to get the promotion, it would add up to over $300 extra per paycheck after taxes. In fact, working a single extra shift on the night shift, means an extra $400 (after taxes) every time I do so, which as of late has averaged roughly once every 4-6 weeks for the night shift folks, considering that we're always required to maintain coverage at all times, and even night shift staff need time off for vacations once in a while, or whatever else may come up ;)
Also, instead of having to work 5 8-hour shifts, the night shift staff work a compressed workweek, consisting of 4 10-hour shifts. This particular slot is scheduled to work from Sunday night to Thursday morning, meaning that if I got the promotion, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, as well as most of Sunday, would be free for me to go and enjoy things. This is a huge plus for me, since I currently work the swing shift (3:30 to midnight) Tuesday to Saturday, meaning I can't go out with friends at present, unless they wanna wait until Sunday or Monday night to go out and do stuff, which few will do.
Another upside is, we're allowed to work from home 3 times a week. A quick math-check means that if I get the position, I'd only have to drive into my office once a week, thus cutting my gas consumption in half.
Then there's the matter of further promotions. Right now, I'm at a level 11 pay grade with Uncle Sam, meaning I'm only eligible to apply for jobs that are at a level 12 pay grade (or ones start at that pay grade). It wouldn't matter one lick if I can do a job with one hand tied behind my back, if that job's pay is at level 13 or above, I'm automatically ineligible. And take a wile guess what the majority of jobs I've seen start at... Yup, level 13. So if I got this job (which tops off at a level 12 pay grade) and stayed in it for a full year, it would make me eligible to apply for level 13 jobs.
So yeah, I'll definitely be putting in for the job as soon as it posts tomorrow morning. If I get it, I imagine it'll be a tough adjustment on my sleep schedule for the first couple weeks, but the extra pay, extra day off every week, being able to go out with friends and such, as well as saving money on gas, it'll be well worth it :)
Plus, I've put in for other jobs as well with Uncle Sam, so I've got my options open, all are level 12 positions, and several bump up to level 13 after a year, so while I would prefer getting these jobs, I still have my option out for this promotion :)
kgetpeppers said:
Sounds like a solid promotion! wish you luck
Thanks! It's basically doing the same work I'm doing right now, with maybe one or two extra responsibilities I've known how to do, or already do on my shift for some time, tacked on. Plus, the extra money can go towards paying down my car loan and a couple other things I wanna pay off too...
Proud Marine Dad said:
We back you no matter what your choice my friend. Go for what your heart says! ;)
Thank you kind sir :)
MeatHead1313 said:
Best of luck! Sounds like a great opportunity, other than the night shift, but that seems offset by all the other advantages.
Thanks! Like I mentioned, if I got this promotion, the biggest downside is that I'd have to adjust my sleep schedule which will probably take a week or two, but the extra pay and extra day off per week more than make up for it. And since I have other applications in for other promotions, all of which are day shift and would not force me to move (which was a big reason I put in for them as well), I'm sure to get something sooner rather than later. I forgot to mention, but the other ones I put in for, I've already made it to the stage where I've gotta be contacted in the next few weeks for an interview.
PepperLover said:
best of luck Paul 
u r a hard working guy and deserve more 
Thanks, Judy! :)
Like you said, there will be a few weeks' adjustment coming. However, everyone I know who works 4 10's ends up loving it, especially if it's not a rotational shift, like the one you're applying for. The one thing you did not mention was whether you will still have the same boss, or if that will change. If it will change, do you like working with the new one? I am kind of assuming you do, since you did not mention it. Hope you get the job and that it works out well for you!
tctenten said:
Good luck. Sounds like a good opportunity.
Thank you :) I'm crossing my fingers, hoping that if I don't get this promotion, I get one of the others I applied for.
geeme said:
Like you said, there will be a few weeks' adjustment coming. However, everyone I know who works 4 10's ends up loving it, especially if it's not a rotational shift, like the one you're applying for. The one thing you did not mention was whether you will still have the same boss, or if that will change. If it will change, do you like working with the new one? I am kind of assuming you do, since you did not mention it. Hope you get the job and that it works out well for you!
Indeed, there will be, and if I get the job, I'll know about the adjustment going in. And the boss of the night shift is a pretty cool guy, and I interact with him several times a week. The other people on the shift are just as cool, so it won't be a problem. Our overall boss will be the same person regardless of shift, so it's not like it'll be that big of a change.
And one of the other positions I applied for, the gentleman who runs that department is also pretty cool. In fact, he's pretty desperate to get people hired on, so I may well hear from him prior to anything with this night shift position.
And sp33d turned me onto looking into it the other day... One thing I may get with the extra money from the promotion (assuming of course get it) is an aerating compost tea maker. I checked and found one that makes 10 gallons' worth per shot, and initially I thought space would be a big issue, but the 10-gallon one isn't all that big (28"x20"x20"), and can be used with municipal water and most any dry worm castings, as well as a bacterial catalyst that's quite cheap. Heck, if I make more than I use, I could end up bottling it and selling the extra.
Granted, the one I saw was $550 plus shipping, but two to four runs of it would make up the cost, considering most worm teas I've seen are $20-40 a gallon...
Good luck Paul. I have worked the graveyard shift. You do get used to it. I would still have another 6hours to get things done before I went to bed. 4-10s and a raise sounds fantastic.

Keeping our fingers crossed.

jimbo53 said:
Good luck,  I work a rotating 12 hour shift between days and nights.  I rather the nights, everything just seems to flow better.   
Thanks! I rather enjoy working the afternoon shift right now, since it allows me to sleep in, and it means I don't have to take time off for doctor's appointments, as well as picking & sending off peppers
OCD Chilehead said:
Good luck Paul. I have worked the graveyard shift. You do get used to it. I would still have another 6hours to get things done before I went to bed. 4-10s and a raise sounds fantastic.

Keeping our fingers crossed.

Thank you kind sir! 
Brain Strain Pepper Head said:
Paul go for it....I worked 3rd shift for many years before I have 7 kids and a wifey....3 day weekends and extra $$$ are great
Thanks! Seeing as I'm single with no kids, the night shift would be just right for me :)
Got a call about an hour ago from the division chief of one of the other jobs I had applied for, which starts level 12 pay grade and goes up to a 13 after a year, to schedule an interview. My interview is scheduled for Wednesday morning @ 10 AM. I've got my fingers crossed, hoping I get it. It requires I travel once every 4-6 weeks to an undisclosed location (you know, the typical "not at liberty to discuss" type stuff), to perform the needed work in person but otherwise, I'll be working from home, meaning I wouldn't have to move :)
Truth be told, I'd rather get this position than the Grave shift one I put in for, but beggars can't be choosers, so it's good to have options ;)