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review Quad reviews the Snakebite PR

QuadShotz said:
I sure have "Mr. Popo" ;P
That's just sad for a couple of reasons. :lol:
First will be that you Googled me. :lol::lol:
Second is that Mr. Popo is not really me, but a friend... it's when I used his accounts to do stuff (At least on English sites, I did use the name at some Israeli sites). :lol:
That's not an email, but MSN contact. ;)
When I had the time, I used to lurk all kinds of sites (look at the "last active" part).
You really are bored, ah? guess you're gonna pass my post count.
Omri said:
That's not an email, but MSN contact. ;)
When I had the time, I used to lurk all kinds of sites (look at the "last active" part).
You really are bored, ah? guess you're gonna pass my post count.

Last I checked, my MSN contact was my email.

Nah mang, just having fun.
QuadShotz said:
OK, enough.

You two, make a "Snakebite PR isn't good enough" thread and leave MY review out of it, K?

Or better yet, actually email Mark. I have.

We already have numerous topics saying how Snakebite isn't hot.

Guess what, I spent $30 to try it anyways...and I make $650/mo.

This thread isn't about YOUR opinions, it's about mine.

That is why it's called a Review.

If you create a thread, you will get replies. This thread is not just your opinions, it's everyone's opinion that replies. That's how a forum works. As far as this thread going off-topic, now that I can help fix for you.

Please keep the discussion related to the original poster's topic. Thank you!
omri - edits are not a big deal, IMO. theres many reasons for it.

but as for " snakebite "
you all are saying its not hot enough, & question if he's de-seeding the pods. well he might be because doesnt he sell seeds for that type of chile ? it could explain less heat because gutting the chile before using it for hot sauce.

as for him making this sauce for the general public, less extreme chileheads. well I say if he's doing this its a stupid move because theres plenty of other hot sauces on the market that are not that hot for those less daring chileheads.
but when you use a chile thats been labeled as one of the hottest chiles & market it as a crazy hot sauce, well IMO it should be! dont hold back on the nagas/bhuts.
because a rookie chilehead is not gonna buy a hot sauce that claims to be a extremely hot hot sauce (they'll stick to milder ones)
but a real chilehead wanting HOT but not extract hot & see's a sauce using "one of the hottest chiles" & claims to be insane/crazy hot, expects that sauce to be HOT & that chile to be loaded in that sauce.

right now I'm saving about 25 dried bhut pods for this season to make hot sauce (mixed with other chiles) unless I buy more.
bentalphanerd said:
Yeah I think if he's using dried pods that explains why he gets that result with 10 nagas. 10 fresh Nagas would take skin off.

I'm not 100% sure but I think fresh or dried is the same ammount of heat, if not the dried hotter because theres no water like in a fresh pod.
Nagas don't seem to work like that I don't know why but in my experience fresh nagas and bihs for that matter are much nastier fresh. See what you think when you get some fresh pods. Fresh slivers hung on in burn time so much longer than dry and the taste I found was seriously comprimised. But thats just my opinion from the fresh pods given to me by Billyboy.

rainbowberry said:
Reading marks journal it seems he uses fresh pods and just de-stalks them.
You mean how he burned his hands? :lol:
That's not for sauce making, but he did say "leftover", meaning he does use fresh in the sauce.
Yes it was sorry, he used those nagas that he just de-stalked to make the concentrate. I didn't find it over-hot but then it's down to personal heat tolerances as with all sauces.
all I will say about BBs concentrate is... :mouthonfire: :fire: :flamethrower: :hot:

but it had a great flavor...there is no comparison heat wise for any other sauces/concentrates I have tried...and it is great in Bloody Marys...
Exactly, I took his concentrate to the HSFFF in Victoria Australia and put it up against the Blairs Extreme sauces range (Extracts and all) and by all reports it was consistantly hotter, I even got asked by the Saint Johns Ambulance to stop giving out samples. And Thats a true story.

Real Nagas is Real Nasty.