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Queequeg grows stuff, and fixes junk.

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if they look crumy, its because they are.
need water and ive been lazy, ill go back out there and water them at some point today.
also got SMASHED last night by some nasty wind...

victim of mine, not the wind. pvc hose sliped off the table and snapped it.
serrano dosent seem to care though. we shall see what happens...

lettuce plants.

cactus plants.

tobacco plants from last winter... i chopped these down to a stump but they grew back. ive not watered these what so ever since last... december ?
no clue why they are alive still.

fertigation machine. in pieces.

my intention here is to shrink the system down substantiall.... such that it fits into the trunk of my car. im going to fold my old design into 2 pieces... and push the frame out into the third dimension.
im also going to add a filtration system. the filtration will require a far more substantial pump, so im going to just mount this onto the frame as well as the filter.

my fancy pump. grundfos up15-58 with a custom plastic head from some other hydronic heating company.

can anyone identify this plug? if so i will kiss your mouth.
spent like an hour on the molex website... im 60% sure its not a molex branded connector.

jsschrstrcks said:
Modern windows are what we went with - ~100$ a pop at first, the last batch of 10 were more like 140/ea for the same thing. A friend of my uncles used to install windows professionally, and he's been helping a lot. We were able to get his prices on windows too, which saved us quite a bit over H.D. prices.

/SOME/ of the rooms have this really nice knotty pine paneling. In that room I wouldn't mind preserving the old look. The windows we have replaced so far have been in rooms where that was pulled out and replaced with thin wood painted white. In those rooms the white modern windows made a lot of sense. The remaining windows, save for two, are all in rooms with the beautiful knotty pine. It would be nice for those to match.
140 is way cheap. the bathroom windows i got are low end units with a good glass package. they are small windows and like 180 each(48x36) from a place here in hoston.
NT windows incase you are wondering... i doubt they are in your area though. 
its a triple pane vinyl frame... so its big and fat with multiple air channels for good r value. comes standard with non metallic spacers. 
these windows are for showers so i needed a window  with non metallic spacers to fight off condensation around the edges of the glass as much is possible. i installed some vinyl low end pella windows prior to these... but the big 60x60 sliders felt like shit, needing copious support on the lower sash.  after installing those i decided to go a bit higher and get something in a fatter frame.
regarding your wood paneling... wood windows START at like 3,4x the cost of vinyl, but if its just a handful of them it might be worth doing.
i suppose its possible you could get a premium thin framed vinyl picture window and wrap it with wood? IDK though.
there are also premium vinyl window brands that offer these faux wood embossed frames, or vinyl frames with this faux wood textured wrap... kinda like a wrap you put on a car.
those are not cheap, but cheaper than a wood window.
update time.
someone bump this impious strumpet.
here is the attic access hatch framing. note the weld.  i went to grind down the weld so as to make the frame flush, and thereby allow me to better align it with the future drywall finished surface.

corners were ground with my dremel and drum sanding bits... all went wrong after grinding the 3rd corner.

it fell apart. problem was the factory welds were absurdly bad... almost 0 penetration. im wondering if they welded this shit with a DC spool gun setup? spray droplet welding? idk.

this also fell apart... dont buy 3m ear protection. they f**king suck something bad.

ordered something else on amazon... but iin the meantime...

installing the panasonic ventilation fan. no pics of the roof side... i had enough bullshit tools to bring up there. didnt need to add a camera to the list.

note the mother f**king long radius elbows... these are what you are supposed to use in pretty much all hvac applications. people are stupid as f**k though, think 3 gore shitty elbows are good enough. they are not.  thats the old shitty duct you  see ontop. not messing with that right now. ill get to it later on.


more mastic.

insulation. note this is KFS(kraft faced skrim). you cannot staple the plastic shit. if you are going to insulate rigid duct, you need the kraft paper with fiber reinforcing. staple, then tape or mastic.

more mastic.

lights came in the mail.

mylar print for a template i generated. this is to insulate the long radius elbow.  used generic sheet metal techniques to make this in autocad, its very easy.

transferred to card stock.

alergic to fiberglass lol.

sealing up the 'air tight' can lights. i hate can lights. they all suck... but they are appropriate here.

can light.

lazer bobbin the can light.

more insulation.

more lasers.

thank you sir.
protip. poprivet the metal rails down once you find the right position for your light cans... then squeeze down the metal guide taps with pliers. works like a champ.

light boxes.

glue smears n junk.

fancy air tight single gang box... this will feed power into the light box.

roughing in power yo.

some junk i needed to weld that frame that i broke back together.

i have a very shitty welder...im poor and cant justify a better tig machine because im white and i work inside an office building. 
this is typical of the weld quality i can get... i burned down the tips because i cant start the fucking machine at low amps AND get decent cleaning for what ever reason... i have 0 control over the ac balance or frequency... this is on a stragight 60 hz old school shit box tig machine so crawl right out of my asshole please.
i had no laminar gear or anything so i couldnt get the weld bead all the way into the back of that mitered cut... i just tacked up the top at like 30 amps... its VERY hard to control the arc at such low amps with this machine. i use balled pure tung and its a shitfest. 

went out and got some drywall yo.

my first ceiling box... this looks like shit i know this. i tried using a dremel and failed.

learned pretty quick though... next ones went alot better.

ceiling drywall hole city up in hurrr.

sensor box... im not real sure why this pic is in here.

ceiling hatch installed.

lighting and heating controller.

fancy air sealing tape. very spendy. like 1.125 hand jobs.


home made butt boards.

profile view.

next closet had fucking bowed in walls so i needed to do it in three pieces... when i tried to lift in a whole piece it got stuck half way up. sucked big time.

first but board seem... its in a closet mind you. didnt go very well. at best it pulled the drywall flat, not concave.
more drywall hung.

even more drywall hung.

90% done hung all this here drywall.

roughed in overhead shower can things.

shitty glue that dried hard before i got to it. sucks when you go to lay another board and this crap is there.

funky gap... but what ever. my first drywalling ever, save for some minor patching work.

another fuck up. what ever. get out of my ass.

deadly spider. 

wierd black smear on the sheet rock... its jsut discoloration? i cant feel it when i drag my fingers over it. just going to primer over it.

learned a good lesson cutting out this box.
i screw down the outside of the board around the box, then plung in with a routter bit thing held in my drill.  anyway it broke as i was completing the circle cut... moral of the story, less screws = less stress during this cut.  also cutting faster helps prevent this sort of blow out.
what ever though. its a closet, ill shed no tears.


another fuck up. hole cut deviated a small amount... the sensor cover plate will not hide this... will have to do someting about it.

about 100 of these.... i suck at drywall.

most annoying shit ever. the glue cartrige keeps pumping for like 2 minutes after take the tension off the trigger... idk why exactly.


best tiny radio ever. love this thing. it gets better reception than my car.

99% done with drywall. this looks like patchwork shit because i ran out of rock. had to make do with the scraps. it will look ok though after i finish it. note how inconspicuous the access hatch is.

cut out light boxes.
Ozzy2001 said:
looking good.  And yeah, most of the hangers I see don't screw around the boxes until they have cut them out.
i didnt screw around the box till after. but i had screws like 18 inches away.
this is full weight 5/8" drywall... its pretty god damned strong.  it makes a strange crackling sound when its breaking. when i hear that sound i know i fucked something up.
what can i do to patch around these holes btw? i was thinking i will just cut some fiba fuse to get it to bend around like you do with that flexible corner bead stuff they use on arches.
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