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Queequeg grows stuff, and fixes junk.

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if they look crumy, its because they are.
need water and ive been lazy, ill go back out there and water them at some point today.
also got SMASHED last night by some nasty wind...

victim of mine, not the wind. pvc hose sliped off the table and snapped it.
serrano dosent seem to care though. we shall see what happens...

lettuce plants.

cactus plants.

tobacco plants from last winter... i chopped these down to a stump but they grew back. ive not watered these what so ever since last... december ?
no clue why they are alive still.

fertigation machine. in pieces.

my intention here is to shrink the system down substantiall.... such that it fits into the trunk of my car. im going to fold my old design into 2 pieces... and push the frame out into the third dimension.
im also going to add a filtration system. the filtration will require a far more substantial pump, so im going to just mount this onto the frame as well as the filter.

my fancy pump. grundfos up15-58 with a custom plastic head from some other hydronic heating company.

can anyone identify this plug? if so i will kiss your mouth.
spent like an hour on the molex website... im 60% sure its not a molex branded connector.

update time.
tearing out window framing.

oh my. whats going on here?

da fug?


condom was no good. we we moved onto a half gallon bag.

none of that shit worked btw. firecrackers were just too weak. the glass turned out to be quite thick... thicker than i imagined.

loose bricks needed to be reset.

replacing old gyp-rock sheathing.

duct washers are used to squeeze the new foam sheathing onto the gyp-rock.

fancy foam adhesive

exposed brick. the gyp-rock behind the old shower was trashed. old shower was never waterproofed. tiles ontop of drywall, no water proof barrier was in place.

new window header. note the cavity... it will be filled with foam board.

back side.

working on the bricks...

bricks back in.

foam board squeezers.

back side.

waterproofing window. first step is the 'fast flash'  it seals up gaps and holes and shit.

second coat... waterproof layer.

something i came up with to pull the foam board onto the cripple studs and glue. poke the nail through then pull it and screw it down while the glue cures. hot dipped galvanized nail should resist corrosion.

window installed... bad photo.

butt board doing its job!

what happens when you go clockwise not counter clockwise.

uponor auto rotating adapter. this thing was discontinued a while back. i found one for 30 bucks.
unfortunatly it does not work properly on my knockoff tool. im guessing i need a real uponor branded expander tool with uponor expander heads.


shower valves roughed in.

plumbed in.

fooling around with knee wall widths. i ended up with a 28" wide opening. 32 seemed too wide.

drywall has been done for a while... just got around to shooting a pic. its NOT sanded... im going to sand after i get the shower pan in and durock down etc.

light holes.

exhaust fan timer switch. legrand adjorne (sp?) line. i wanted something big and fat so you could just tap the fucking thing as you walk into the shower without searching for it.

knee walls in place.

second shower plumbing in place. unfortunatly i found a stud sitting proud by like 1/8".

i cut into the top of the crown with the thinnest kerf blade i have... my ocillating saw.

then i pushed it back like 1/16" PAST flush... reason being that i assumed it would recoil a little bit. it did not, but the OSB scabs sit perfectly flush anyway. i let the glue sit overnight before removing the jack... there was like 0 recoil in the lumber as i removed it.


testing lights out.

fan timer and light switch.

lights look good enough. color temp is 4000k. should complement the white tile scheme i have in mind. 

check out the seed treatments on the extazy seeds lol...
thiram, captan, delsene. and hot water.
the hot water is probably for seed dormancy issues.
ive never even heard of delsene? perhaps it goes by another name. ive never seen a seed with so many fungicides applied into a treatment.
i have these seeds germing right now. triploids apparently require rather high soil temps for good germination sucess rates... 85-95 degrees. i have my old kegerator controller managing that temp of the heating mat, with the probe inserted into an empty seed cell.
i also have some annums and tom seeds running in the same seed flat, so i set the temp to max out at 89-90 degrees.
no, i found a place selling them in 100 seed packs.
expensive yes, but not like 300 bucks expensive.
triploid melon seeds average 20-30 cents per seed. pollinators seed and reg. diploid seeds are like 5 to 10 cents per seed for commercial cultivars... you can do the math and figure out what i spent lol. way to much.
reading abotu seed treatments again today...
the thiram+captan is not uncommon at all. they are both broad spectrum fungicides, each covers some areas that the other does not, so both are used for maximum broad coverage. 
the delsene(carbendazim) is a SYSTEMIC... so that makes sense. compounded contact fungicides + a systemic for control later on as the plants mature.
the hot water treatment is designed to fight of bacteria that may or may not be in or on the seed itself, its also said to prime the seeds, but im guessing its more targeted at eliminating seed born watermelon fruit blotch.
Id bet a ham sandwich that the leopard seeds, assuming they were grown in the same general area as the extazy seeds... id bet that they have the exact same treatment, its just not noted properly.
its possible though that the leopard seeds come from somewhere else though. Hazera is an Israeli seed company, perhaps the leopard seeds are produced there, where no such fungal issues are common.
these seeds are BANG'n...90% extazy germination at like 3 days. all of the pollinators germinated, no sign of leopard germination. 
production manual said 5-9 days... so i didnt sow the root stock untill this morning. unfortunatly, im not sure if the rootstock will catch up with the melons now... time will tell.
learned a lesson about melon seeds... gourds too i guess.
you plant the seeds UPSIDE DOWN. this is so the seed coatings get pulled off as the seed pushing itself upwards out of the soil.
i planted them roots down. ive had to remove all but 1 or 2 seeds manually. its annoying.
Not sure if you're putting a shower door between those kneewalls, but if you are make sure you know what you're using now so your opening is right.
Custom sized doors can cost about 3 times as much as standard sizes.
Ozzy2001 said:
Not sure if you're putting a shower door between those kneewalls, but if you are make sure you know what you're using now so your opening is right.
Custom sized doors can cost about 3 times as much as standard sizes.
yea im not PLANNING on any doors or half glass or anything like that to keep costs down.
i might in the future have some glass cut for ABOVE the knee walls.... just for astetics, but if i can avoid a door at all im not doing it.
based on what im reading the splash out should be very minimal.
but yea i have the rough opening at 29 inches, with backer board and tiles it should be close to 28 inches which is a very common precut door size.

err no wait. the opening is 30 inches.
Ozzy2001 said:
Glass blocks would look cool on those kneewalls especially the lighted ones.
i fucking HATE glass blocks... i take it you do not?
the ONLY glass block that looks decent are the schemes that sort of mask the thickness of the blocks... floor to ceiling stuff.
i love accent lights too, but firing accent lighting into glass blocks is like... swimming pool area type stuff. imo it would look gaudy in a bathroom. a modest bathroom at least, as this one is intended to  be.
im planning on quartz hand rails too btw, so glass is really the only way.
yea, to be honest i dont want anything if i can get away with it.
my biggest concern is that i will get splash out from water hitting the head and shoulders... im thinking this could make it over the tops of the knee walls? this is why i was entertaining the idea of the half glass wall idea. it would have to be alot of water though... the glass is like 20 bucks a square cut and edge polished etc.


this is what i mean by half glass btw. probably not the best word for it, but one of these on each knee wall.
I have a huge hole in my bathroom wall which was apparently a hole that was previously patched up in a shabby way. Anyway wife is on my ass to hurry up and fix it. I've never done it before but I've devised a plan. If I throw up a pic of the hole and state my fix it plan would you give a thumbs up or down for me? I have nowhere else to post this question but I've been reading this thread and figured wtf why not?
yea post it up.
drywall is like 90% finesse and 10% hard work. 
what i mean is getting the hole plugged is going to be easy as hell... but getting it to look perfect is going to be hard.
queequeg152 said:
yea post it up.
drywall is like 90% finesse and 10% hard work. 
what i mean is getting the hole plugged is going to be easy as hell... but getting it to look perfect is going to be hard.
right on, so here is the damage. looks like a horrible job just fell apart!

I was going to try to cut out a big solid square and pop it in and secure it with these furring strips I learned about yesterday. I'm decent at fixing stuff, just never had to do this particular job. I even made a small list - [SIZE=11pt]furring strips, drywall, drywall knife, joint tape, drywall screws, drywall compound. Should be easy/hard/possible maybe?[/SIZE]
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