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RB - I have a couple pictures that you asked for of that tricolor plant I mentioned months ago. well I did some searching & thats not the correct name (what a surprise) its called "purple tiger aka trifetti and variegata" they're cool looking plants.


I'd have to say they're prolific


I think AJ showed some pictures of this type of plant months ago, he might be able to show what the plant looks like with some ripe pods on the plant.

as for the omnicolor I think it'll be another week or 2 weeks before I'll have a good color going with pods in different stages of ripeness to show you. I have 1 pod that just turned fully red, I think I'll eat that one vs leaving it stay on the plant until the other pods start turning.

I have black pearl, fish, & some of these plants. I dont know the real name of'em. those center things of the flowers - I dont know what you call them :oops: - are greenish, pods mild. I dont know why they have that fert. burn look on the edges of the leaves.

Wow CH, thank you so much. That's a great looking plant, it would make a good bedding plant. You did a better job of locating the real name than I did. I am growing Omni colour now too (thanks to Talas) I started it very late and have just got flowers. Does it grow really big as a lot of the baccatums tend to? I was meant to ask Talas but he's away at the moment. I think I need to re-pot mine as I can't see it being over-happy staying in an 8 inch pot. Some fantastic photos there CH, thank you once again. RB x
rainbowberry said:
Wow CH, thank you so much. That's a great looking plant, it would make a good bedding plant. You did a better job of locating the real name than I did. I am growing Omni colour now too (thanks to Talas) I started it very late and have just got flowers. Does it grow really big as a lot of the baccatums tend to? I was meant to ask Talas but he's away at the moment. I think I need to re-pot mine as I can't see it being over-happy staying in an 8 inch pot. Some fantastic photos there CH, thank you once again. RB x

Yep it can grow quite big R.B have one in a 2 litre and 1 in a 5 litre and that is about 3 feet the smaller about 14 inches :)
Thanks Talas. I've just looked and read properly on the chileman database and it's meant to be an ornamental type, mine dosen't look too ornamental at the moment, it's getting quite big.
RB - as for the omnicolor, I ate that pod days ago & it had a decent spice to it in the medium/hot range. as for flavor it was also good not like habaneros I couldnt put my finger on as to what it tasted like but a clean heat.

as for the height it can reach, mine is only about 12" tall, CCN says the plant grows to about 12"-18" (30cm-46cm) as for the looks I'd say its kinda boring looking until you get the pods in different stages of ripeness.

I'd rather see the purple tiger (or couple others) vs omnicolor, if judging by the looks.
I think if someone could cross the purple tiger with say the orange thai it'd look very cool, because the pods would be upright instead of being hid under the foilage of the plant & hope the pods would change to say ? purple/orange/red ? that'd be cool, also bring the heat level up some.
hint hint ;):lol: for those that cross chiles for fun or would like to make a new chile.
here is a picture of my Purple Tigers...ch's look a whole lot bushier and healthier than mine do...but mine are treated as an ornamental and in the shade all the time with the roses, petunias, 4 O'Clocks, Yellow Begonias, and Palm trees,

mine are in full sun all day long, well if its not cloudy.
AJ - yours look like they have more white than mine, or did you prune yours to keep more of the whiter parts ?
chilehunter said:
mine are in full sun all day long, well if its not cloudy.
AJ - yours look like they have more white than mine, or did you prune yours to keep more of the whiter parts ?

Nope, haven't touched them...no pruning for me unless it is dead leaves and such...I bet you it is because mine are in the shade and yours are in the full sun....
RB - well its been awhile & I have 1 omnicolor showning some decent range of color. I know you're growing it this season but it doesnt hurt to show the plant anyways (smaller than your plant) & if others would like to see it.

Thanks CH. That's a beautiful looking plant. Mine is still a lot leggier, not the nice compact shape you've got. The pods that have started growing are the same shape as yours. I wasn't going to over winter any plants but I think I might with this one. We'll have to see he Talas can post a pic of his sometime too. RB x
Lovely looking plant Chilhunter,As for the white on the leaves its seems more prone on some plants than others i also have a white Purple tiger/Variegata no purple at all and white flowers a weird one but i heard it does that some times,Will post some pics when the rain stops R.B,The omni is just starting to flower on mine seems all foliage :)
Hmm, looks great. I always give my mother a nice ornamental plant each year, this'd be a great candidate for next year! Those multicolored pods look just great!
Chilac be glad to send you seeds my friend got 4 plants doing well 3 purple one white and they are stunning.Royal Blacks lookin great to just starting to bud..Another Beauty is Maui purple the flowers look stunning against the fabulous leaves a really bushy plant..few pictures from a few weeks back.

Purple tiger

Royal Black

Maui Purple
Thanks for the nice pics and your offer, mate! In appreciate it and will gladly accept it! :) Your plants are loaded with pods and buds, I'm sure it'll look awesome in a few week's time!