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Random facts

Medical fact: There is a condition called "Baboon Syndrome", where the areas of senstive skin, most commonly around the butt become red and inflamed, hence the name. The most common cause is because of an allergic reaction in the skin to some to penicillin-based antibiotics. Other causes include reactions to sodium lauryl sulfate (the chemical that makes various soaps sud) and other chemicals common used on the skin, and can also affect areas such as the groin, armpit and other areas of sensitive skin.
Technological fact: The reason why nobody smiled in old photographs is because subjects had to remain perfectly still, sometimes for up to 5 minutes, in order for the chemicals to etch the image onto a metal plate while continuously exposed to the incoming light. Any movement at all would result in a ghostly blur on the resulting photographic image, and few people could sustain a smile for that long, and this also made action shots impossible until later methods were developed to allow for the chemical etching to be done in only a few seconds, or fractions of a second in more recent technology.
Law fact: Several suburban police departments are hiring street artists to draw life-like chalk pictures of children playing on the street. From above, the pictures look obviously elongated, but from the perspective of a car in that lane, it looks like a child running out into the street to grab a ball that got away from them. This has had the effect of significantly lowering speeds in those areas and reducing accidents & pedestrian hit-and-runs.
elcap1999 said:
Law fact: Several suburban police departments are hiring street artists to draw life-like chalk pictures of children playing on the street. From above, the pictures look obviously elongated, but from the perspective of a car in that lane, it looks like a child running out into the street to grab a ball that got away from them. This has had the effect of significantly lowering speeds in those areas and reducing accidents & pedestrian hit-and-runs.
If you don't stop nicking all the science facts, I am going to  :flamethrower:. Still, good to find someone who knows at least a bit about science.
Fun fact: Madagascar hissing cockroaches display a more advanced social structure than almost any other non-communal insect. In fact, once one becomes a defined "leader",(and it is always a male) he will not be replaced until after his death even if a larger, stronger, younger insect is present. In addition to settling territory disputes, his other role is to be the first one to defend the herd in the event of an attack. This role will also only be filled by a female in the event that there are no males present. Also, they display some varied personality, such as whether or not they can be handled, and even varied taste in music. For example, some of them in a lab where found to twitch when exposed to lady gaga songs. I have two, and found that one of them will "dance" to lady gaga, but the other one will hiss at anything in the pop genre, and will "dance" to power metal.
Why thank you :) And for that, here's a law fact:
The longest prison sentence ever handed down was a 384,912 year prison term, given to a 22 year old postal worker. His crime? Failing to deliver 42,768 letters.
Did he get his sentence cut down at all? Seems a bit harsh considering Bernie Madoff only got a hundred and fifty for living up to his last name with a huge sum of money.
No idea, though I'd like to see the look on the guy's face when he heard that sentence.
Star Wars fact: Tupac Shakur was so interested in reading for the part of Mace Windu in the Phantom Menace, he personally reached out to George Lucas to lobby for and schedule a time to read for the part. Nothing was ever formally scheduled, as shortly after the initial calls were made, Tupac was tragically shot and killed, and the part was eventually filled by Samuel L. Jackson.
Physics fact: If the space inside all the atoms were removed, then all 7+ billion humans on Earth would fit comfortably inside an average Granny Smith apple.
Recently, I discovered that seven out of ten people (read as: Supernerds attending a math and science high) will not find anything wrong with the sentence "Did you know there are more stars in the galaxy then atoms in the universe?" until you point out what you said. Makes you wonder about the normal people who attend normal schools.
Product fact: The three "scratch marks" that make up the Monster Energy Drink logo have been accused of having an occult reference. Each mark looks almost identical to the the number 6 in Hebrew, so the three marks would become 666. The company that makes Monster Energy Drinks has never officially commented on this.
Music fact: In the aftermath of the Columbine High School shooting, people were quick to accuse Marilyn Manson of having some part to play in it because the two shooters were supposedly devoted fans of his. He refused to comment on the tragedy until well afterwards, and when he finally did, Manson explained that the reason for his silence was because anything he said would've given the shooters precisely what they wanted in the first place: attention, and he refused to have anything to do with giving even an ounce of attention to murderers, especially ones who kill kids. He also pointedly remarked that any connection with him and the shooters was wild speculation of the worst kind, and anyone who believed in it was a fool, and Manson wanted nothing to do with that kind of speculation.
Geography fact: There are peat bogs located all over the British Isles, and there have been numerous bodies found in them that are so well preserved, tiny facial features (such as wrinkles, eyelashes, and their lips), complete organs, and even their fingerprints were perfectly intact. The only things that were dissolved in the bodies were the bones because the natural chemicals in the peat bogs dissolved the calcium out of the bones. A number of the bodies found were from as far back as 9,000BC, and some as recently as World War II.
elcap1999 said:
Music fact: In the aftermath of the Columbine High School shooting, people were quick to accuse Marilyn Manson of having some part to play in it because the two shooters were supposedly devoted fans of his. He refused to comment on the tragedy until well afterwards, and when he finally did, Manson explained that the reason for his silence was because anything he said would've given the shooters precisely what they wanted in the first place: attention, and he refused to have anything to do with giving even an ounce of attention to murderers, especially ones who kill kids. He also pointedly remarked that any connection with him and the shooters was wild speculation of the worst kind, and anyone who believed in it was a fool, and Manson wanted nothing to do with that kind of speculation.  
And they turned out not to have liked his music at all from what I can tell.
TV Fact: There is a man in Russia who bears such a striking resemblance to Hugh Laurie (Gregory House from House, MD) that for years, he couldn't understand why everyone was staring at him or coming up to him and asking for his autograph, simply because he never owned a television and had no clue who Hugh Laurie was. It wasn't until fairly recently that finally a random stranger showed him a picture of Laurie, that he finally realized what was going on.
No word yet on whether Laurie ever reached out to him.
Related statistical/genetics fact: Due to limitations in the human genome, there is a strong statistical probability that right now, there is at least one, and up to 7 people in the world that look exactly like you, and there is a 6% statistical probability the two of you will bump into each other at some point in your lives.
US history fact: In the 1950's, the US government set out to see whether beer could survive a nuclear blast and still be drinkable. They set out both cans & bottles of various brands of beer out at differing distances from a test detonation in Nevada. A majority of the cans & bottles, beginning after 1,050 feet, survived in tact , enough that they could test them, and indeed the beer was still drinkable. The raditation levels, while elevated somewhat, were still well within safety guidelines for liquid consumption at the time, and the only other difference noted was a slight difference in taste versus the same brand they kept in a bunker as a control.
Corporate fact: When Apple won a copyright suit against Samsung totalling $1.05 billion, Samsung retaliated in kind by sending 30 trucks filled to capacity with nickels.
elcap1999 said:
Corporate fact: When Apple won a copyright suit against Samsung totalling $1.05 billion, Samsung retaliated in kind by sending 30 trucks filled to capacity with nickels.
That's 20 billion nickels! No way.