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Random facts

Corporate fact: Nintendo has so much money in the bank right now, it could run on a $250 million deficit until 2052 just on the money alone, and not even touch things like its real estate holdings, intellectual property holdings, and other investments.
Fun fact: Salvia divinorum, or diviner's weed, is the worlds most potent hallucinogen. However, because it lacks any analogue to THC, people do not get high from it. As a result, one is fully conscious and nearly paralyzed throughout a five minute trip, reaction to the illusions as would any sensible man. The drug also warps the perception of time to the point that  5 minutes feels like seven hundred years. Due to it's terrifying properties, it is completely legal. Just remember before trying it, one man felt his feet catch fire and his legs turn to glass while he was pulled flat over what felt like a millenium. Don't do it.
Celebrity fact: Eminem never attended the Oscar ceremony where he won the Oscar for Best Song for several reasons. Most importantly, he decided that night to spend the evening watching cartoons with his young daughter. He has also freely admitted over the years that he never really felt completely comfortable with awards shows and with the Hollywood scene in general, preferring to stay in or near Detroit, or with a small group of close friends whenever he did venture out. Not to mention that he also stated rather bluntly that he didn't think he was going to win, so why bother going...
He was also reportedly sound asleep when he was announced as the winner.
History fact: When John Glenn ran for the Ohio Senate seat in 1970, he participated in a debate, where he was rather pointedly asked by his opponent Howard Metzenbaum how he could run for Senate when he supposedly had never held a job. His response was considered one of them most stinging rebukes in any political debate:
"I served 23 years in the Unites States Marine Corps. I was through two wars. I flew 149 missions. My plane was hit by anti-aircraft fire on 12 different occasions. I was in the space program. It wasn't my checkbook, it was my life that was on the line. It wasn't a 9-5 job where I took time off to take the daily cash receipts to the bank. I ask you to go with me, as I went the other day to a Veterans Hospital, and look at those men with their mangled bodies in the eye and tell them they didn't hold a job. You go with me to any Gold Star mother, and you look her in the eye and tell her that her son did not hold a job. You go with me to the space program and you go as I have gone to the widows and orphans of Ed White and Gus Grisson and Roger Chaffee, and you look at those kids in the eye and tell them that their dad didn't hold a job. You go with me on Memorial Day coming up, and you stand on Arlington National Cemetary, where I have more friends than I like to remember, and you watch thos waving flacgs, and you stand there and you think about this nation, and you tell me those people didn't have a job. I tell you Howard Metzenbaum, you should be on your knees ever day of you rlife thanking God that there were some men, SOME MEN, who held a job. And they requred a dedication to purpose and a love of country and a dedication to duty that was more important than life itself. And their self-sacrifice is what has made this country possible. I have held a job, Howard!"
Celebrity fact: Both Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner were rendered partially deaf in one ear (Nimoy's right and Shatner's left ear) during the Star Trek episode "Arena." They were too close to a special effects explosion when it went off, which also caused severe (and permanent) tinnitus for both of them.
Literary fact: At no point in the story was it ever explicitly stated that Humpty Dumpty was an egg...
TV commercial fact: Honda produced a commercial for the UK wherein an entire car was slowly assembled from parts as they rolled across the screen. The sole piece of CGI/special effects in the entire sequence was used to stitch the 2nd half of the footage to the first, as the entire commercial was almost 3 minutes long, and required two cameras on incredibly long tracks (one to film the first half, and the second filmed the second half). Otherwise, the entire sequence you see happened in a single take, exactly as it is shown on-screen. It took a total of 606 takes to complete the Rube Goldberg-style commercial, and on the first 605 takes, something relatively minor happened, and they had to reset the entire thing, which took a long time, depending on when in the sequence there was a mistake.
elcap1999 said:
Food fact: Cinnamon is one of the only foods derived directly from the bark of a tree. There are several species of tree that produce such a bark, and in addition to being a food, may also have medicinal properties. It is shown to be effective in vitro against several types of herpes simplex virus, and is a good antiviral agent in general. In addition, studies show some effectiveness against diabetes.
cinnamon is also known to reduce cholesterol and lower your chances of a heart attack, a little bit in your morning coffee can help reduce cholesterol and make you think of Christmas as well  
And in honor of the anniversary of D-Day...
Celebrity fact: James Doohan, who portrayed Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott on the original Star Trek, and in the first 7 Star Trek movies, landed on Juno Beach on D-Day. While traversing a minefield on the beach, he was shot 6 times, 4 times in the leg, once in the right hand (which caused him to lose his middle finger), and once in the chest. The bullet to the chest was only stopped by a silver cigarette case given to him by his brother, and the doctors later remarked that had the case not been there, the bullet would have killed him.
TV fact: In the 6/8/14 episode of Game of Thrones, the giant on screen wasn't CGI, but was in fact 7'7" former basketball player Neil Fingleton in a suit and facial prosthetics, and his height was further accentuated with the use of forced perspective. The mastadon he ride in on, however, was largely CGI.
Dangerous product fact: In December 2003, a San Diego woman caused a major explosion in her house, resulting nearly $150,000 in damage in the process. How? She set off 19 so-called "bug bombs" which are foggers that once activated, release their entire contents before they had a chance to dissipate. Only one such "bug bomb" would have been sufficient for a house of her size. The contents of all 19 had enough flammable materials aerosolized into the atmosphere, that it reached a critical mixture across the floor of the house (the contents are denser than air), and when the mixture reached the pilot light for their water heater, the gasses exploded violently. Thankfully, nobody was harmed as the lady's family were out of the house.
It was also confirmed on an episode of Mythbusters, when they tested a similar brand under similar conditions, and found it could only take a few minutes in some cases to cause the aerosolized contents to reach a critical amount and explode, and they caught the explosion racing across the floor on camera, blowing out several windows, and causing the screened patio door to be blasted out several feet.
Celebrity fact: Reggae fusion star Orville Burrell, better known by his stage name "Shaggy", served in the US Marine Corps during Desert Shield and Desert Storm as part of a field artillery team in the 10th Marine Division. During the months leading up to Desert Storm, Shaggy would break the monotony of constant drilling, PT, marches, etc. by converting cadences into reggae songs, or making up new reggae-themed cadences on the spot. It was there that he developed his distinctive singing style, as well as his ability to improvise lyrics, and his commanders liked that it improved morale so much among his fellow Marines, they basically gave him carte blanche to continue it as he saw fit. In addition, his song "Mr. Boombastic" was inspired by his duties as part of the field artillery team.
Historical fact: When Philip II of Macedon (father of Alexander the Great) set out to conquer all the other Greek City-States, he sent messages to them, advising them to either submit or be destroyed. All submitted or were destroyed... except Sparta. The message to the Spartans stated "You are advised to submit without further delay for if I bring my army to your city, I will destroy your farms, slay your people and raze your city to the ground." Spartans, known for their laconic wit (in fact the word laconic was derived from the Greek name for Sparta, Laconia), responded with a single word.. "If." King Philip got the hint, and didn't even try to invade Sparta.
In fact, Spartans in general were known for using very economical speech patterns and daily living, and rather disliked the others Greek City-State residents' tendency to speak and act with great flourish. In one instance, when the king of a rival Greek City-State railed at length for the Spartans only sending one person as a diplomatic envoy, pointedly asking the envoy why they would only send one person, the envoy quipped "One ambassador for one king."
He probably has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type 3, which causes anyone who has it to be hyperflexible to a freaky degree, well beyond being double jointed.

Celebrity fact: While he only rarely turns down photos with fans on the street or signing autographs in person, Bill Murray has grown so sick and tired of all the autograph requests he gets by mail, he simply refuses to sign anything sent to him by mail anymore. His rationale behind it is that he simply doesn't have time for all the people sending him stuff to sign, who he reasons are only sending it because they want to get rich off selling autographed memorabelia.
Comic book fact: Batman creators Bob Kane and Bill Finger stated that Leonardo DaVinci's sketch of the human-powered glider was the inspiration for Batman's logo.
1. R.Kelly is illiterate.
2. R and B singer Akon owns a diamond mine in South Africa.
3. Iran had a democracy before US nd UK intervention for oil.
4. Lack of physical activity is one of the leading causes of death worldwide.
5. The worlds oldest dildo, made from polished stone, dates back 28,000 years to the German region of Swabia.
6. The croissant, due to a legend that it was created to celebrate Christian victories over Islam has been banned by some Islamic fundamentalists.
7. The French once flew the white flag as a symbol of military command.
8. Three hunters in Oregan were found dead next to their campfire with no marks or signs of a struggle. The only unusual thing was the discovery of a dead newt in their coffee pot, it was later found to produce Tetradotoxin. A poison 10,000x more powerful than Cyanide.
9. In 1959 the USPS attempted to deliver mail via cruise missile and successfully shipped 3000 pieces of mail from Virginia to Florida in 22 minutes.
10. Your mum is so hairy that when you were born she gave you carpet rash.