Recent Canning Projects

Well the last couple of weeks I have
been canning a few things so I thought
I would share a couple of photos......
My Hot Dill Pickles I did today

A couple of Picante's,Salsa's and a jar of Pickled Big Jims and Tams

Havent tried any yet We will take some salsa on an upcoming
trip and I am sure I will crack open some pickles in a few days:)
Looks good Tom...I'm with Chiliac...lets rip one open... :lol:
Come on just twist the lid a smidgen and lets taste the flovor. Very nice looking pic ' s

Gherkin is a small cucumber thats good pickled whole, a jerkin is a
Thanks everyone!!Well I caved and cracked open the
jar of tabasco/Tam Pickles and wow they are gooddddddddddd!!:)
Not very hot but the flavor was great a slightly spicy
garlic dill pickle!!! YUM!!
opps I would be happy to share the recipe!! What 1??
the Pickles??? The salsa's I made a few weeks ago so I would have to think a bit,I usually make them up as I go
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
I would be happy to share the recipe!! What 1??
the Pickles??? The salsa's I made a few weeks ago so I would have to think a bit,I usually make them up as I go

Wouldn't mind seeing the recipes for the salsas, too, but I was on about the pickles. Thanks!
The pickles went something like this
boil the jars for 10 min lids 5
1 lb pickling cucs (about 8) cut into wedges about 4 cucs per jar
4 garlic cloves peeled (cut in half) 2 per jar
fresh dill
chile peppers (your choice
pickling salt (1 tbls per jar)
4 cups white vinegar
2 cups water
boil water vinegar solution
while solution is being heated to a boil
pack jars til full
add dill(to your liking I like em heavy dilled) garlic and the chile peppers (cut a slit into the chile's) to each jar
when solution gets to a boil fill each jar so all is covered
seal then hot water bath in boiling water for about 10 min
optional: add a few peppercorns and mustard seed to each jar if desired

Hope that is helpful
I will try and get the salsa recipe up tomorrow
Chiliac here is the salsa recipe if I remember it
its for 1 jar of salsa
2 large tomatoes seeded 1 can of tomatoe sauce (8 0z)
juice from half a lime 2 teaspoons cilantro 1 teaspoons
pickling salt 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon cumin
throw all that into a food processor til nice and smooth
set aside in a large bowl
while that is blending boil jar and lid like in the pickle recipe
now the tricky part :lol:
take 2 more tomatoes deseed and chop them to your likeing
chopped 3 or 4 chile peppers to your liking
chop 1 small red onion to your liking
2 cloves of garlic to your liking
place that into the bowl with the sauce
add cilantro pickling salt the other
half of lime juice more chile powder cumin
its tricky because I taste from the bowl as I add so
feel free to omit/add what you like
now when its all mixed put into a sauce pan and slowly bring to a boil
then when the jar is ready and the salsa is up to a boil
add salsa to jar seal then hot water bath for 10 minutes
its late here so I hope I didnt miss a step
hope you like
the big key is the lime juice and pickling salt and a good seal for safety reasons
oh and if you want to you can skip the canning part and eat fresh after it chills in a fridge for an hour lol
Thanks!!! I am thinking about reposting your recipe in the pickling/canning thread so they're all in one place. With proper credits, of course! :)
Errr.... one more question: so all your salsas on the pic are basically the same with more or less heat!?

btw, the recipes sound as great as your pics look, I'll try them both!
Chiliac said:
Errr.... one more question: so all your salsas on the pic are basically the same with more or less heat!?

Pretty mcuh Chiliac the 2 on the left are more of a picante
type salsa blended more an less chunky!!I made those when all I had were tams and big jims so they are pretty mild!!