color Red Savina Habs

I finally had a ripe red savina to try last night, and shared in this experience with my friend. I was a little disappointed in the heat, it was there but seemed slightly hotter than my orange habs. And the taste was just not for me since it seemed to have a green taste, but there was a question of if I could have left it for a few more days to ripen even though it was already red.

Well I had to go to work this morning and this thing decided to rear its head while I was at work, which was pure agony. My boss thought someone had slipped and fell in the bathroom.

ANyone got an opinin on red savinas as far as taste and heat?
I find that they are hotter than an orange hab. Where an orange hab seems to be more fruity, the Red Savinas seem to be more bitey. If that makes sense.
I completely understand on that. I wasn't too happy with them but I will try a few more before I make a decision on them.
I have found that each different Hab, has their own disticnt flavor. So far my favorites include Orange, Chocolate, Yellow and Peach.
For some reason I'm not really a big fan of true habaneros, either red or orange, but I do love almost all yellow and brown chinenses as well as any real Scotch bonnets...and many other chinenses.
Pepperfreak said:
I have found that each different Hab, has their own disticnt flavor. So far my favorites include Orange, Chocolate, Yellow and Peach.

Peach Habs are awesome! White Habs are pretty darned good too!
I'm more impressed with the Red Savina that I thought I would be. The heat is there, but certainly not in superhot range and below that of a Chocolate Hab. Great fruity hab flavor IMO, and the plant really kicks out some pods. Most of mine are going to powder as I can only eat so many fresh.
I want to grow and eat some red savinas solely based on Neil's vid of them. It's still one of my fave youtube videos of any subject.
Skydiver said:
I want to grow and eat some red savinas solely based on Neil's vid of them. It's still one of my fave youtube videos of any subject.

PM me your address and when I get some more ripe pods, I'll help ya out.
I've got a Savina seedling on the grow right now. Obviously I wont get anything out of it this year, but I should be able to get some good production out of it next year IF I can manage to keep it alive over the winter.

I also just planted a few seeds of the:

Paper Lantern Hab
Congo brown Hab
Large Chocolate Hab
Tasmanian Hab
Yellow Hab
Mustard Hab
Hab Peach

They should be fairly decent size should they all sprout and make it through the winter. I'm hoping to be able to get a good idea of what they taste like.
I've had different experiences with red savinas. The last batch I had (which someone brought in to work for me last week) was really sweet and fruity in addition to kickin' ass with the heat. I was really impressed. Ones I had from someone else's garden a year or so ago were less flavorful, more bitter but still just as pungent with the heat.