beer =[ Remgrandt's Six Months of *NOT BREWING* ]=

I've been keeping track of which maltster's malts I prefer within the different types, in my inventory file, for each one ...
Crisp for the M.O., Simpson's for the Golden Promise etc ... those two are kind of obvious, but it's been a little more interesting with the different munich and caramel malts from different suppliers ...
My brew boner is pretty raging right now - looks like I'll have some free time this Summer, have rather empty kegs & freezers and all of my BS work is caught up (inventory, cleaning & sanitizing everything etc), and a good selection of ingredients are on-hand ...
I have the feeling I had last Summer, basically - ready to rock 'n roll ...
I knew I was back in good shape mentally when I took the failed BD batch in stride and got back in there and knocked it out a few days later ...
Looking forward to seeing what I can get made this Summer ... and taking the last step of getting it into bottles, sharing some etc ...
I can't wait for the NEIPA BrewDown ... I mean that both ways.

I'm overly fixated on them, and I want it out of my mental water-wheel for a little while. I have done so much research in the past month, and there's no retaining it for six weeks, so I guess I'll brew a practice round this weekend ...

I have to.
Nope. They are poor for distribution by their very nature, for one ...

Civil Society or such on the other side of the state's got one ...
My Red-Eye shared some qualities with them, so I'm going to re-engineer it to max it out in that direction ...
grantmichaels said:
Nope. They are poor for distribution by their very nature, for one ...

Civil Society or such on the other side of the state's got one ...
Umm…you have friends in the NE.  Pick one or two out that you want to try.  If they are available, they are yours.   
tctenten said:
Umm…you have friends in the NE.  Pick one or two out that you want to try.  If they are available, they are yours.   
If you have access to Trillium or Treehouse, but no need to kill yourself ... I'm brewing it, decidedly ...
grant what the fuck dude
if you wanted one that bad, you should have told me
here was my haul the other week

I literally shotgunned Julius like 3 weeks ago, we had a case between us
More golden porter than golden stout at present, but def not stock ale ...

Glad I was restrained with the infusion, or it would have been ruined ...

Head retention and mouthfeel are tits ...

Lingering szechuan is present ...

I need only to get some more roast from coffee and cacao, and there's room for more rum, but not for the infused rum ...
Ozzy2001 said:
That's a hella rum n coke
BTW, how's that infused Rum stand on its own?

The US 05 that you use a lot of, it's a dry yeast and I've been looking for a dry ale yeast that I can keep around. Is it comparable to a California Ale yeast?

Wheebz, did you find malted Spelt or use un-malted Spelt?