What about ones that you plant from seed outside? Personally, if you can get them under sunlight first thing when it first sprouts then you are set. No hardening off required.
Blister said:Wow, do you think you could've found a bigger pot?Seriously though, I can't remember how many times I've heard about "double the pot size or they'll die" repotting theory. Seems as though you jumped from seedling to full size pot right off the bat bigt!
Blister said:I agree, the weather plays a major influencing role in when they can go out. So far I've only been able to get my plants out into the greenhouse for a total of 3 days. I've got roots poking out the bottom of almost all of my 4" pots, but there's no end in sight for the crappy cool weather. I don't have the room to repot them into bigger pots and still be able to place them under the lights so I'm at a bit of an impasse. C'mon warm weather! Daddy needs a whole lotta space!![]()
bigt said:If you have a garage, just bring them in at night. Being close to a building gives them some shelter from excessive wind and rain during the day.
AlabamaJack said:looking at your plants on the shelf makes me want to ask if you staggered your planting or planted all seeds at the same time...I had the same issue with available height to grow in last year for the only makes sense to me now to plant the slowest growing species/varieties first and the faster ones last...
So a lesson learned from last year for me was I staggered my planting drastically...I planted all my chinense varieties starting the first week of January and did not start any annuums until dang near the end of february and my annuums are at least a foot taller than my largest chinense...
Blister said:Wouldn't they end up getting a bit stunted by the cold weather?
Blister said:The plant on the left was potted up to the current pot 2 weeks before the plant on the left (which was left in a 3" pot).
caroltlw said:I hope you mean the left one was potted up before the one on the right...? Or is it the other way around and the transplant stunted it?
Blister said:...and I'm not going to wait for the roots to poke out the bottoms.