• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Rhm3769's 2013 grow, posting pics

Starting my glog early although I'm getting a late start on the grow.... Moving pretty soon from Okinawa back to the States so I can't start until mid may at the earliest....

Looking at growing:
Bolivian Rainbow
Crimson Torpedo
Santa fe grande
Peter pepper, red
Habanero, chocolate white tazmanian and golden
Scotch bonnet, red
Hot Jamaican
Jamaican mushroom, yellow
7 pot primo
Fatalli, yellow
Butch T
Atomic starfish
Bishop's crown
Okinawan hot pepper
Another okinawan variety
Purple flash

Plus I have some mystery mixes.... And I crossed a butch t with a scotch bonnet just for fun....

More than likely I'll be growing in containers again but I'll have more space than my balcony right now.... One maybe two plants per variety with more for a few of them....

I'll be able to section off a part of the yard for growing space to keep the kid out.... What's the easiest way to handle possibly 60 plants? Hoping to have at least a 9'x7.5' area.... Is that enough, too big, too small?
60 plants in a 9' x 7.5' area? That seems way too small for 60 plants. Some of those could have 4' - 5' canopies when grown at mid-season. Good list though! Nice variety for sure!..Best of fortunes this season!!
Just got some seeds from ajijoe.... In addition to the mixed seeds, I got pimenta de nayde, aji limon(?) and cgn 21500....

I haven't seen the space yet, I don't know how much I can seperate for growing and I'm sure I have random spaces around the house for a plant or two, also.... And a garage.... So I'll at least have a decent amount of space, although maybe not all together in one general area....

Gonna be around the San Diego area, hoping the weather is similar to here in Okinawa, at least over the winter.... Middle of feb and it's been between low 60s and mid 70s te last few weeks.... But the wind hasn't been too nice to my 2012 plants.... I'll have pods on those right about th time I'll be moving....
So I got to check on my plants from 2012 this morning.... Interesting.... What would cause a plant to go from pure white flowers to flowers having purple? I don't know if it's just on the outside and if it's related to the weather or some kind of bruising from wind (they haven't done purple before, they normally go brown or the green parts go yellow) since none of the open ones have the purple on them....

Related to aphid or some other pest damage? It's the only plant I keep having to spray.... I've used the spray on all of the plants before but it's only the scotch bonnet with purple now....
And on that point, aren't scotch bonnets supposed to have multiple buds at each node? Both plants only have one per.... And the bigger plant has alot of variation in pod shape.... And both show some purpling at the nodes but never purple on the flowers until recently with the smaller plant....
I don't know what's going on with your plant...a pic would say 10000 words at this point! Good luck figuring it out!
I gotta get a better camera than my phone, it doesn't show the color too well when it's close enough to see it....

Especially considering I have one of those double bud flower things on a white hab plant growing right now....

Considering taking the number of plants down to maybe 45.... Initially did 60 as an estimate incase I had everything germinate.... Keep 1 of each variety and try growing some of the mixes I have....
And on that point, aren't scotch bonnets supposed to have multiple buds at each node? Both plants only have one per.... And the bigger plant has alot of variation in pod shape.... And both show some purpling at the nodes but never purple on the flowers until recently with the smaller plant....
You may have an annuum Scotch Bonnet...they do exist...or more likely you have another annuum that was sold to you as a Scotch Bonnet such as a Jamaican Hot Yellow or Yellow Mushroom...both cool plants. Happened to me last year. Purple at the nodes and some purpling of the flowers says annuum to me. Maybe someone with more info than I will chime in. Do the leaves/growth habit look chinense or annuum?
I would say its annuum.... The purpling is only on the outside of the flowers.... One thing I've noticed over the life of these two plants, when the flowers open, you can't immediately see the pollen, it takes a few hours to a day.... Except for these flowers with the purple on them, as soon as they start to open, they're full of pollen....

They ripen to red/reddish orange, I've mentioned it before that the ones I've tried before going into a sauce had a bell pepper taste and some don't seem to have any heat while others made my mouth feel like it was blistering.... I'll try to get some pictures up....

Edit: doing some research and comparing images, it's an annuum....
So I got to see some pics for my new yard.... Still a good 2 months away from being able to start my grow.... The in-laws didn't measure the area, it felt like too much to ask since they did go out of their way to go and take pictures at least, but it's bigger than I thought.... Estimating about 7'x15 but that's a low estimate.... It's about twice as big as the balcony I have and I could have easily fit 20 pots on it.... I ended up using 10" pots here but could have went bigger.... I know some will be bigger plants and I will have some garage space and random spots elsewhere around the yard....
The wife seems to think te housing area in camp Pendleton will let me grow my plants in ground instead of having to go with containers.... Any growers living on camp Pendleton here?

I've read randomly that the ground in te area gets pretty hard with watering, I'm sure the garden center would be able to help with what else would be needed in the ground for growing peppers.... How much more work is it growing in ground compared to in pots compared to the output of the plants? And how much more space would be optimal for somewhere between 25-40 plants in the ground than in pots? And what about raised beds?
Some updates I've been posting elsewhere, figured they could be added here, as well. The area in the yard is much bigger than pictures made it seem. Not exact measurements, but it's somewhere between 30' x 10-15'. Been tossing the idea of in-ground and raised beds. If I go raised beds, I'm looking at 4 4'x4' beds with 12 plants per bed (but I don't expect some of the 48 varieties to germ, so the spacing will be adjusted as needed. My grow list posted earlier has been expanded, but I'm not yet gonna post the full list, I want to wait some to see what actually germs. I have 28 named varieties, but some are either unknown names or results of open pollination. Plus 20 seeds from random mixes. And if all germinate, 4 plants from my cross with scotch bonnet pollen on a Butch T. These four will be isolated somewhat, and in containers.

Seeds went into the starting tray. Not sure if it matters, but it is one of those $7.99 72-cell trays from Burpee. Moved it outside, although it probably isn't the best place for it, it seems to be pretty cool in the mornings and at night, but warm enough in the sun in the afternoon. Trial run, at least. I won't be around for about 10 days in May, so hoping they do something before then, I know of at least one Marine from my last unit is at Camp Pendleton and is growing at least jalapenos and could watch over them for me for those 10 days if needed.
Luck with leaving it in te outside sun. Get a heating pad it's best and can be in controlled atmosphere. Wen mine had sprouted. I tried to be slick a d leave the tray outside on the sun. Big mistake. All fried. So ya. It needs that constant heat. So I'd invest
sounds like your doing well
just wanted you to know i planted your OKINAWA MIX today looking forward to seeing how they do

thanks your friend Joe
They're back inside.... it was colder than I thought outside....

Others had the same seeds germinate, hopefully you have the same results....

So the wife is letting me spend about $140-$150 towards the raised beds. I'm planning on 4 beds each 4'x4'x1'.... looking at layering some chicken wire on the bottom to keep the gophers out.... The frame is only meant to be temporary while I collect enough cinder blocks so I'm going with plywood and 2x2's for the corners and supports at 2' and long enough to double as stakes.... 12 plants per bed.... for the soil, looking at mixing local dirt with top soil, bagged compost and peat moss and using wood chips as mulch.... Ive accounted for bird netting over the top, but I don't think its an immediate need....

No sprouts yet, but I wasnt expecting any yet either....
In the new house now.... got the tray sitting on top of the fridge....

My section of the yard for peppers is 34' x 12'.... Moved the seeds to the garage, it feels warmer than the 76 on top of the fridge....
so I was checking on the tray this morning and caught it at the right angle and saw a seed not completely covered.... Impatience got me and I started poking around in some of the cells at random and noticed one has the tap root coming out!

Quick update.... checked all of the cells.... 11 of the 52 cells with seeds have tap roots....
From pepper joe: scotch bonnet, golden hab
Sorry, don't have my list on me of who traded seeds came from: yellow jamaican mushroom, 7 pot primo and one labelled mystery pepper
From ajijoe: 3 from the mixed bag
And my scotch bonnet x butch t has 3 of the 4 seeds with the tap roots.... interesting it has 75% so far and the scotch bonnets are going but nothing from the butch ts yet....
so I was checking on the tray this morning and caught it at the right angle and saw a seed not completely covered.... Impatience got me and I started poking around in some of the cells at random and noticed one has the tap root coming out!

Quick update.... checked all of the cells.... 11 of the 52 cells with seeds have tap roots....
From pepper joe: scotch bonnet, golden hab
Sorry, don't have my list on me of who traded seeds came from: yellow jamaican mushroom, 7 pot primo and one labelled mystery pepper
From ajijoe: 3 from the mixed bag
And my scotch bonnet x butch t has 3 of the 4 seeds with the tap roots.... interesting it has 75% so far and the scotch bonnets are going but nothing from the butch ts yet....
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: sounds great!!