• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Rhm3769's 2013 grow, posting pics

Starting my glog early although I'm getting a late start on the grow.... Moving pretty soon from Okinawa back to the States so I can't start until mid may at the earliest....

Looking at growing:
Bolivian Rainbow
Crimson Torpedo
Santa fe grande
Peter pepper, red
Habanero, chocolate white tazmanian and golden
Scotch bonnet, red
Hot Jamaican
Jamaican mushroom, yellow
7 pot primo
Fatalli, yellow
Butch T
Atomic starfish
Bishop's crown
Okinawan hot pepper
Another okinawan variety
Purple flash

Plus I have some mystery mixes.... And I crossed a butch t with a scotch bonnet just for fun....

More than likely I'll be growing in containers again but I'll have more space than my balcony right now.... One maybe two plants per variety with more for a few of them....

I'll be able to section off a part of the yard for growing space to keep the kid out.... What's the easiest way to handle possibly 60 plants? Hoping to have at least a 9'x7.5' area.... Is that enough, too big, too small?
Still gotta do the math, but I'm thinking 3 brick shallow beds and two cinder block beds.... gonna scrap the chicken wire for the gophers or squirrels or whatever they are, I havent seen any in the yard.... might scrap the peat moss, as well....
Ahhh...living the pepper life in Oceanslime! Perfect weather over there, you'll be a year'rounder with a couple frost blankets to keep them kickin. Can't wait to see some pics of your new beds once they're in!
Yep, coming from Okinawa, weather was awesome there, too minus the typhoons....

Looked at the bricks, someone didn't count right, its only 118.... half are one size, the other are another size.... I can still get four beds out of them.... plus 2 cinder block beds.... so about 8 plants per bed....
Now, do I count those that havent germed yet as loses and move everything to the beds? I'm counting 33 plants, possibly more, forgot how many have started but havent broken the surface for 27 varieties or keep trying for the unproductive varieties I want and keep one of each that have multiple starts?
Germinated so far:
From PepperJoe:
Santa fe grande
Scotch bonnet
Golden habanero
Tazmanian habanero

From trades:
Yellow jamaican mushroom
Purple flash
Aji limon
Red peter pepper
Pimenta de nayde
Yellow fatalli
7 Pot primo
Rocoto amarillo
And 18 fron mixes or unknown types....
And one of the two Okinawan varieties I have....

Not germed yet:
From PepperJoe:
Pasilla baijo
Butch T
Chocolate habanero
Hot jamaican
White habanero
Bishop's crown
Bolivian rainbow
Atomic starfish
Crimson torpedo

From trades:
CGN 21500 Hab
And 4 from mixes
And my other Okinawan variety ....
Got some warmer sunny days coming up.... but with it comes some sub-50s nights.... Might have to keep them inside the house instead of the garage at night.... and I have a few more that have started....
Since it seems to be working now, I have enough bricks to edge 4 4'x4' beds, since its just edging, I am planning 9 plants per.... plus two cinder block beds 4'x4'x8" with 6 plants per.... on an impulse, I bought some tomato and strawberry seeds from Target.... strawberries are going in some of the cinder block spaces, not sure on the tomatoes yet....
Tomatoes are sprouting....

Started breaking up the ground to get rid if the grass and weeds.... Considering just giing straight to the ground with them.... work some compost in and sliwly build up the layer of mulch....
I'll try to get some pictures up today or tomorrow before I leave.... I doubt any more will germ, some are starting to get moldy.... lost the 7 pot primo to helmet head.... removed the casing and it had no leaves, just a curled up stem.... got 10 of the 28 cinder blocks I need, theres a ling weekend when we get back so I'm hoping to get it all together then....
It's been awhile....  Phone "forgot" my password, and I forgot it....  For some reason, I can't request a new one on my phone....
I decided I'm gonna keep everything that has sprouted, so a few varieties I have two plants of, so far.  Everything is still in the starting tray.  It's been busy finally getting all of our furniture and stuff back and setting up the new house.  Haven't made it to Lowes yet to get things.  Most everything has 2 sets of true leaves, some 3 and more, a few still only have one.  Tomatoes have taken off, pretty sure its from being in the window as long as they were with an hour or two of direct morning sun and a pretty constant indoor temperature.  Has to transplant to 18 oz solo cups, at least until I get the garden area set up.  Since moving them outside where they get alot more sun, they have slowed down and are showing signs, from research on here, of thrips but nothing recently.  Had to give them some support, with the lack of time to do anything, they're loosely tied to plastic straws right now.  The strawberries are still in the starting cup, all 6 of the seeds I put in germinated, two were on the surface and were either lost from drying out or not being able to penetrate the surface.  One is pretty small still and I doubt it'll make it.  The other three have two true leaves, but are still small, I guess.  
I'll try to get some pictures up pretty soon.
Soon, hopefully....  Couldn't wait and spent more money than I could have on some stuff.  Getting about 30 cu ft of soil and mulch and stuff at Lowes with a 2 year old didn't sound like it would be fun, so I just stayed on base.  Got some worm castings, top soil and and some Kellogg Gro mulch, 8 cu ft total....  I'll at least be able to start moving some plants to the beds, hopefully tomorrow....  Also picked up some fish emulsion, seaweed extract, some, I think it was osmocote, slow release pellets(it was on clearance, didn't realize it was like 18-6-whatever)....  Slug and snail bait, said it was organic and some oil-based insecticide, they didn't have neem oil, not sure if this is the same or not....  
Still need 14 cinder blocks, looking at about 12 cu ft more of top soil, some vermiculite and 4 cu ft of mulch.  I just redid the math, really I only need about 21 cu ft of stuff total for the two cinder block beds.  I'm giving myself a bit of a buffer as I'll be planting stuff in the open spaces in the blocks and some to work into the soil for the four other beds.  I'll probably start with those first.  In the end, I plan to have 48 plants, I have 33 right now.  8 plants per bed, so I need to find the 16 among current and future plants for the cinder block beds and move those up to solo cups until I make it to Lowes, I guess.
I checked the tomatoes earlier, the roots are visible at the bottom of the solo cups already.  I'm not doing anything special with them as far as planting, I don't think.  But they'll be in ground pretty soon, too....


That looks alot blurrier on here than on my phone, wow....



some of the spots I'm seeing on the tomato leaves....
No, unless Miracle Gro moisture control potting soil has nutes in it....  But it's interesting, I've only seen those spots with the black spots and and some kind of smaller bug....  If you look closely, the top-most leaf of the bottom plant, closer to the stem, it looks to me like one of the bugs in question.  The black spots can be wiped off. 
I guess we'll see when I start potting up the plants that'll go into the cinder block beds....
MGMC is loaded with nutes...but unless youre mixing it in water and dripping it on your plants that wouldn't happen...I guess if you were watering a tray and the water ran through and onto the other plants that could happen. I can't see the bug in question...as long as they are still doing fine other than the blemishes I would leave them alone...


its rough right now....  the bricks don't really serve a purpose, more decorative than anything, but they'll be leveled out somewhat....  they're all 7 bricks x 7 bricks....  The cinder block beds will share one side....  Still looking at 8 plants per bed....
Working on it, sort of.... loosening up the soil.... gonna mix in some of gro mulch, the bagged soil and worm castings with the ground, hopefully covering up all the dead grass.... gona remove the weeds and will be picking up some mulch along with the rest of the cinder blocks, the soil for those two beds and some vermiculite.... hoping to get some more done during lunch to start planting tomorrow after work....

Got everything planned out, whats going in each bed....
Got enough plants to do three of the four brick beds.... moving 11 into solo cups until I get the rest of the cinder blocks then ill be starting round two for the varieties that havent germed yet....

Got a busy work schedule today so I won't get any extra work done during lunch....