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Rhm3769's 2013 grow, posting pics

Starting my glog early although I'm getting a late start on the grow.... Moving pretty soon from Okinawa back to the States so I can't start until mid may at the earliest....

Looking at growing:
Bolivian Rainbow
Crimson Torpedo
Santa fe grande
Peter pepper, red
Habanero, chocolate white tazmanian and golden
Scotch bonnet, red
Hot Jamaican
Jamaican mushroom, yellow
7 pot primo
Fatalli, yellow
Butch T
Atomic starfish
Bishop's crown
Okinawan hot pepper
Another okinawan variety
Purple flash

Plus I have some mystery mixes.... And I crossed a butch t with a scotch bonnet just for fun....

More than likely I'll be growing in containers again but I'll have more space than my balcony right now.... One maybe two plants per variety with more for a few of them....

I'll be able to section off a part of the yard for growing space to keep the kid out.... What's the easiest way to handle possibly 60 plants? Hoping to have at least a 9'x7.5' area.... Is that enough, too big, too small?
I stopped counting.... some hooks are just starting to pop up.... my last round of poking around, I think I'm gonna have to soak some of them overnight with new seeds.... or just count the two or three that don't look like they'll germ as losses and give more root space for what has started....

Not sure what happened but my bonnet x butch t seeds are just seeds again.... maybe I was imagining tap roots....
Kind of early for hardening off, but I have them sitting outside again.... cover removed.... three have dropped the seed case already, figuring the sun might heat up the cells a bit to help out those not started yet.... they're somewhat in the shade of a tree, bits of sun here and there.... light breeze should help out, somewhat too....
Working from my phone, don't have internet set up in the new house yet....


Most of the hooks arent visible here....



All this morning.... between what is visible and what has only the taproot, I'm lookinh at 33 out of 49 varieties, including my cross.... ill get around to labeling them....
It's always fun when seeds start popping like that, not just peppers, but all sorts of nons and others.
Yeah.... still amazed at how fast they grow at this stage....

Possibly planning a pot-up to solo cups in a week or so. Ill be gone from may 10th or so to about the 20th, wasnt expecting them to germinate so fast, temps have only been in the 70s.... don't want to run the risk of them outgrowing the cells befire I get back.... got a window that gets morning sun I can sit them in, how much water wiuld they need for 10 days? One good watering right before I leave?
That's going to be tough. It would be better if you could get a friend to look after them while you're away.
Still worth the transplant? The tray would be easier to move around.... I won't have tin e to get ariund to building the raised beds until after I get back mote than likely....
Yeah, especially if no one will be looking after them. A good watering on a solo cup might carry you through 10 days, especially given how small the plants are. The problem then might be avoiding over watering them to start with.
Watering is interesting.... my time in Okinawa showed some of the locals things I learned from here.... They're not big on hot stuff but the few who do grow peppers, they thought for sure I would have killed the plants only watering them enough to wet the surface maybe once a week, they generally water the same amount daily with no issues.... I'm sure if I didnt empty and dry out the bottom of the starting tray before moving into the new house, I wouldn't have had to add any more water yet.... outside temps have been between upper 50s and just breaking 70 since we moved in, theyve been outside for the sun and in the garage at night....
Back to the raised beds, if I can get away with 8" high walls, I can do it with cinder blocks for about $150.... might be a bit hard to follow, but planning on 4 beds, 48" x 52" x 8".... I have no issues with the plant roots working down into the dirt below the beds, I just don't want gophers or whatever are making these holes to be ruining everything.... 8" of soil above a double layer of chicken wire should be enough to keep them away but allow the roots more area to grow if they want to go deeper....
In the beds, in cu.ft, I'm looking at about 2:4:1:2, compost, top soil, peat moss, dirt/dead grass from the yard per bed and still debating on covering with mulch.... I don't need a thick layer, and considering I can't smoke inside, I'll always be outside so pulling weeds won't be a problem.... If I get rid of the mulch, I can double the peat moss or get an extra cu ft of top soil or compost per bed....
Rocoto has started...

18 with cotyldons, a few more hooks and a few just tap roots still.... cool and overcast most of yesterday.... warner today so far, so hopefully more cotlydons and hooks later today.... funny, alnost all of the seeds I got through trades have sprouted and abiut half of tge seeds I bought have sprouted.... sane varieities that didnt germ last year, so far havent germed....
Maybe an issue, maybe not.... where my beds will go is on the northwest side of the house. ... from ny observations right now, half of each bed will have mostly full sun with the other half getting afternoon sun....
Just got 124 bricks.... debating on using all of them, should be pretty close to a 4'x4' bed 6" high, or going cheap and using them more for edging and work in top soil and compost into the ground and filling the insides with mulch and using those for the smaller varieties and higher raised beds for bigger. ...
I'll bet you will run out of room too fast in a 4x4 bed. It will be crowded with just 4 plants. You could probably get 9 small plants in there. Can't wait to see how it turns out though. Raised beds are awesome! Good luck!
Thanks.... not sure how much youve read, my original plan was 4 beds that size.... 12 plants per bed if everything germinates but I doubt they all will.... I gotta do some math, before getting the bricks, I was planning on using those for a raised bed and then 3 cinder block beds.... now, I'm considering using the bricks to make 3 slightly smaller and shallower raised beds and 2 cinder block beds.... I'm not worried so much about the size of the plants, with the number I'm looking at, ill have enough with extra, the wife won't even touch a jalapeno.... I don't eat them whole or cook with them, they'll go into sauces.... even growing in about 1 gallon pots in okinawa last season, I had more than enough for sauces from 5 plants.... I don't necessarily want small plants or to crowd them, but I don't have the time or resources to give all of them the same large space in raised beds.... even more so considering we could always decide to move in 6 months.... and I'm still learning, I might take plants here and there and go directly in ground around some of the beds....