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Rhm3769's 2013 grow, posting pics

Starting my glog early although I'm getting a late start on the grow.... Moving pretty soon from Okinawa back to the States so I can't start until mid may at the earliest....

Looking at growing:
Bolivian Rainbow
Crimson Torpedo
Santa fe grande
Peter pepper, red
Habanero, chocolate white tazmanian and golden
Scotch bonnet, red
Hot Jamaican
Jamaican mushroom, yellow
7 pot primo
Fatalli, yellow
Butch T
Atomic starfish
Bishop's crown
Okinawan hot pepper
Another okinawan variety
Purple flash

Plus I have some mystery mixes.... And I crossed a butch t with a scotch bonnet just for fun....

More than likely I'll be growing in containers again but I'll have more space than my balcony right now.... One maybe two plants per variety with more for a few of them....

I'll be able to section off a part of the yard for growing space to keep the kid out.... What's the easiest way to handle possibly 60 plants? Hoping to have at least a 9'x7.5' area.... Is that enough, too big, too small?
Or not.... son has a fever going up to 103 and then down to 99 and back up over almost 6 hour cycles for about 36 hours now.... after he reenacted a scene from tbe exorcist yesterday, we toom him to the er, they said its probably just viral, take motrin and drink water or juice and eat only bread or toast and applesauce ans rice....

We give hom the motrin when he starts warming up, it doesn't start doing anything until he hits 103 then it starts to bring his fever down and he passes out.... wakes up about an hour later and you would never know he was sick for a few hours before the fever comes back....

Back to the garden, fatalis should atart ripening in a few days. .. And I have some kind of caterpillar swiss cheesing a lot of my leaves....
I looked at my plants.... looking at consolidating everything from 4 beds to 2 so I can fix the underground ninja damage and stuff.... the two emptied ones will be used for the 2014 new grows....
Some of the plants I have now, I don't expect to survive the transplant and/or the winter.... so far, no frost warnings through mid december.
I've started moving some of the plamts from bed 4 to bed 1.... ill give them 24-48 hours to see how they handle the move before doing the rest....

My serrano plant got its first flower today after being sown in april....
Three plants moved, 13 left.... I was hoping to get most of them moved before housing comes by on monday to spray....

Some will be easier than others, though....
And I've never seen so many ants! I know they're all over in my beds, but this was crazy.... made a hole to put the pequin in, I hit some spots where the layer under the mulch was clumped together.... didn't see all the ants until I got it planted and started watering the bed.... sprayed my organic stuff that kills aphids, its the same formula minus ant killer that we used inside, after I finiahed watering, I have at least 150 dead ants visible on the cinder blocks....
Moved my aji Limon and peter pepper plants.... just a few more to move and some weeding to do before moving all of them....

Picked a few fatalis that were ripening.... got a few of my unknown/ornamentals from ajijoe to harvest, as well....

Starting top left and working right....
Ajijoe unknown seed mix x2, pequin, hot Jamaican, pimenta de neyde, aji limon, bunch of weeds, yellow fatali
Kind of mean, but its funny....
We heard a cat earlier tonight that sounded like it got attacked.... (pretty sure I don't need to continue) didn't think anything of it, got a lot of spiders around, snakes and random dogs that get out....

I just came back inside from my garden.... something attacked my santa fe grande and a thai variety.... hopefully it'll be the last time that cat sneaks around in the back....
Pequin, peter and aji limon are taking the the transplant harder than I thought they would, considering the much smaller ones aren't showing any signs of shock....
Hitting low 40s at night now.... the extended forecasts I'm seeing show day temps slowly pushing down to the 50s with night temps staying low 40s through early jan....
Ill be getting rid of some of my stunted plants and getting my 2014 grow list in order and plans for keeping my 2013 plants alive....