• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Rhm3769's 2013 grow, posting pics

Starting my glog early although I'm getting a late start on the grow.... Moving pretty soon from Okinawa back to the States so I can't start until mid may at the earliest....

Looking at growing:
Bolivian Rainbow
Crimson Torpedo
Santa fe grande
Peter pepper, red
Habanero, chocolate white tazmanian and golden
Scotch bonnet, red
Hot Jamaican
Jamaican mushroom, yellow
7 pot primo
Fatalli, yellow
Butch T
Atomic starfish
Bishop's crown
Okinawan hot pepper
Another okinawan variety
Purple flash

Plus I have some mystery mixes.... And I crossed a butch t with a scotch bonnet just for fun....

More than likely I'll be growing in containers again but I'll have more space than my balcony right now.... One maybe two plants per variety with more for a few of them....

I'll be able to section off a part of the yard for growing space to keep the kid out.... What's the easiest way to handle possibly 60 plants? Hoping to have at least a 9'x7.5' area.... Is that enough, too big, too small?
So I got a bit of work, not garden related but sort of, getting the backyard ready to go.... because maintenance filled in the bigger ninja holes with rocks and because of all the tree roots everywhere, I don't want to spend the money renting anything to break up the dirt and destroy all the weeds and end of breaking the equipment.... so I'm doing it all by hand with a rake, a hoe and a shovel.... ive got most of the dead stuff raked up and did spot pulling to get some areas cleared out.... just letting the whole area dry up and killing the weeds that way won't work, I'm getting overspray from the neighbors sprinklers so there are healthy green weeds along the fence.... I can't spray the weed stopper anywhere around the tree and so far it doesn't seem to work, at least not overnight like it says.... so I'm raking and pulling and then using the hoe to break up the surface and get the bigger healthier patches of weeds and trying to level everything out.... not sure what to do with the rock filled holes, yet....

Garden-related, some tomatoes are ripening.... thinking of cleaning iut the germ tray and throwing seeds back in that since I can transplant easier from that and let the seeds grow for a bit in that before having to transplant.... I'm about 50/50 for transplant survival from moist paper towel to ground and I really would like these 12 empty spots filled.... my pequin bonchi start failed.... planned on the fusion of a few seedlings, all but one died....

Got a lot of weeding in the beds still to do....

And my compost bin, it seems to be breaking stuff down pretty well, no pests apart from the first ant invasion.... I havent been paying it as much attention as I shiuld, and not sure if its a bad thing or not, the dead grass and weeds don't break down as well and it might just be me from switching to electronic cigarettes but I thought it had a slight ammonia scent to it as I was mixing it up and adding more dead grass....

Should have some pepper flowers pretty soon, before the end of the week, hopefully then ill be flooding the id section with posts....
Will get pics up tonight of them, pulled two tomatoes starting to ripen before bugs got to them.... got a few more starting to turn, not as far akong as these two yet. . Shi uld have flowers on some of the peppers opening any day now!
Should have some pepper flowers pretty soon, before the end of the week, hopefully then ill be flooding the id section with posts...
Haha...gotta get better at labeling! 
Compost bin smell is normal. Try adding some high nitrogen content material to it, N helps it break down faster. Try manure...I use the cheap $1 bags of cow manure from HD.
stc3248 said:
Should have some pepper flowers pretty soon, before the end of the week, hopefully then ill be flooding the id section with posts...
Haha...gotta get better at labeling! 
Compost bin smell is normal. Try adding some high nitrogen content material to it, N helps it break down faster. Try manure...I use the cheap $1 bags of cow manure from HD.
Its not a labeling issue, I made some trades for this season for a few mixed bags of seed.... a hot mix from ajijoe and a super hot mix from dia atton (if I remember correctly).... surprisingly, these mystery plants will be among the first to flower.... followed by a purple flash, scotch bonnet and santa fe grande.... hopefully my fatalli isn't far behind, but I think it has some infection, long and narrow new growth....

And I did some research into it, apparently the slight ammonia smell is an indicator of too much "green"....


Yeah, but thankfully they were helping out, in a way.... theyve only ever been munching on leaves and branches I'd remove with pruning anyways....

The biggrr one easily measures 3" whrn its moving....
The three new seedlings from ajijoe's mix survived the night.... mid august and it was 56 at midnight, crazy.... What kind of global warming is that?
Really curious to see how many plants I kill during this transition from regular cigarettes to e-cigarettes.... had this thing for a week now, been doing both but smoking a few a day as opposed to a pack a day.... abiut 36 hours without one, only the ecig and it isn't the same.... I guess smoking a pack a day for about 10 years and you get used to it.... the ecig does help some, but it basically feels like quitting....

Out another pequin in the dirt.... so I have 9 open spots now.... sprinkled some more of this schultz multi cote in all the beds.... its a slow release and is supposed to last for nine months.... I followed that with an epsom salt feeding, a tbsp in a gallon, foliar and overall soil drench, but it more covered the surgace than a drench.... then I gave everything a good watering, mostly the cinder block beds to work the multi cote underneath the mulch and to ensure the different layers were getting wet.... when I planted one of the seedlings in there yesterday, under the mulch, it wasnt wet and not quite dry.... dry eniugh that it needed watered for a transplant....

Did a count, one of the tomato pkants has 30+ tomatoes from mostly ripe to just being pollinated....
Been finding a few aohids here and there on the plants. ... nowhere near an infestation, but if they were all in ine plant . Afraid to spray, I got another organic garden safe spray for aphids and stuff, its a bunch of different oils no pesticides and pretty much every plant showed damage to new growth from it, even a verylight misting.... no damage done to weeds or the tomatoes or strawberries or basil, only the pepper plants.... so ive been squashing them....

A few more tomatoes are ripening and a pepper flower or two are about to open .. wondering if I'll really get anything from them this year.... despite hearing I have year round growing conditii ns, its been dipping into the 50s at night again and barely breaking 80s, if that....
About time for another video.... misted everything again with an oil spray.... as of this morning, no damage, but I'm expecting some on a few leaves where it has seemed to pool instead of running off....
Purple flash has an open flower, don't think it'll fruit, though....

Abiut to start riund 4? Of some seed germination.... thibking of settibg them up in the spare room/office/wife's craft room as it stays pretty much a constant 90 by my multiple computers....
Nothing new, really.... added some jobes organics vegetable and tomato fert to tge beds.... 2-7-4 with sulfur, cal and mag plus bacteria, endomycorrhizae, ectomycorrhizae and archaea.... not sure, but I would assume there will still be some sort of benefit to all the bacteria and mycos.... pulled three mostly ripe tomatoes and found another one that has been munched on.... if I get a break tomorrow, gonna sprinkle some vermiculite over all the beds and spread out some of this potting soil that looks more like a mulch tgan a soil.... if I get a break.... potty training...
Some damage showed up later on the 12th.... sprayed again yesterday for more aphids, more damage this morning....

And a bonus shot
Most buds out of the few I have with buds.... its a seed from a mixed bag giveaway from ajijoe, its also my tallest plant.... haven't measured it lately but last time it was 8" or so....
Got a few buds opening with tons if pollen, just getting close to them andbthey shower the pollen everywhere....

Foundba few ahpid "mummies" so I'm thinking the hornworm wasp is axtually fighting the aphids instead.... been nice and warm abd sunny the last few days, been slowly adding some mulch/potting soil as a top layer to cover up and repkace some of the soil thats run off from watering....
Ha, not really.... it just depends on natural light and which direction I have to face for the pictures with my ohone....
And if I can get the phone close enough eith minimal zooming and whether the position aids in keeping the phone steady or not....

This one, everything worked out perfectly...
No idea what the plant is though.... its from a hot mix from ajijoe....