• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Rhm3769's 2013 grow, posting pics

Starting my glog early although I'm getting a late start on the grow.... Moving pretty soon from Okinawa back to the States so I can't start until mid may at the earliest....

Looking at growing:
Bolivian Rainbow
Crimson Torpedo
Santa fe grande
Peter pepper, red
Habanero, chocolate white tazmanian and golden
Scotch bonnet, red
Hot Jamaican
Jamaican mushroom, yellow
7 pot primo
Fatalli, yellow
Butch T
Atomic starfish
Bishop's crown
Okinawan hot pepper
Another okinawan variety
Purple flash

Plus I have some mystery mixes.... And I crossed a butch t with a scotch bonnet just for fun....

More than likely I'll be growing in containers again but I'll have more space than my balcony right now.... One maybe two plants per variety with more for a few of them....

I'll be able to section off a part of the yard for growing space to keep the kid out.... What's the easiest way to handle possibly 60 plants? Hoping to have at least a 9'x7.5' area.... Is that enough, too big, too small?
Gave everything a feeding of seaweed extract.... got a few more flowers open on a few of the plants, onky the ones I have no idea about, so far....
They sure do love that seaweed!!! Have you gone down to the beach on Pendleton to pick up some Kelp? I do that up here at Seal Beach and make tea and compost out of it...love it!
No.... ill be at the beach this weekend, though....

I mixed it a bit stronger than usual, I really wanted to do a fish emulsion feeding, but was unsure if the higher N would affect the flowers and possible pods right now....

Scotch bonnet....

And I got pods! Another from ajijoe's hot mix.... flowers look the same as the white and purple posted earlier, but there is more purple on the stem and branches, almost more lime stripes....
Gotta do another video.... quite a few pods now and sone of the others had someehst of a gtiw th spurt over the weekend....
Its been a few days.... went away for the weekend, was worried I would come back to sticks and fat and happy hornworms.... only one hornworm and nowhere near fat and happy but the ants have been busy.... aphids on quite a few plants, plus some happy ladybugs, but not ebough for the aphids.... other than that, the plants are lookung good overall, my peter pepper isn't so small anymore, with a bud or two now.... got pods on three of my mystery ajijoe plants, one plant has pods turning brown, one turning purple and another turning black.... think the blacks are suntan or sensitive to sun as the exposed areas are the only areas turning.... the purples and brown are more like stripes.... one tomato plant is doibg pretty bad, but I'm blaming it on root damage from my underground ninja....
Finally lost the aji limon is attacked accidentally with the hoe in a weeding effort about a month ago....

Took one of the blacks and one of the purples and sliced them open just to test and check, the black is thin walled, tons of seeds and no heat so far.... seeds weren't quite ready yet, but it don't expect it to be too much longer for the rest to start ripenung.... the purple, it was difficult to tell, it had more of a flavor than the black, but it was a deformed pod, looks like it tried to be a double flower, so it was a big mess inside.... fatalli seems to be powering through the mu nor aphid infestation it has going on, santa fe grande is coming around.... scotch bonnets can't make up their mind whether they want to be sicjly or healthy.... white hab is puny, think ill sacrifice it to the pepper gods and start over....
Its been awhile.... got caught up with things at work, school and quitting smoking.... got a few plants I lost, quite a few more pods on some that were flowering and a few more starting to flower.... got some weeding to do again and then another video and pics to post.... started some more seeds for types I lost or wouldn't germinate, will be planting a few over the next few days. Some plants are looking pretty good right now....
Just planted a sprout of my okinawa hot pepper.... first one to sprout from my last batch of starts and it has three cotlydons.... will grab a oic when it gets light outside if it survives the night....

My pequin that survived is looking pretty awesome right now....
Phone Is being difficult in uploading a video to youtube....

Edit, seems to be working now.... should have the link pretty soon.... might be loud, the lawn guys were working and driving the neighbor's dog crazy....
Fatalli, santa fe grande, one of my okinawan varieties and 4 of my unknown mixed trade plants have fruit....

Some unknown super hots from mixed trades, aji limon, serrano, scotch bonnet and peter pepper plants are either flowering or about to have buds open....

Both purple flash plants are sad looking and as soon as a flower opens, something eats it....
Hopefully this oceanside/southern camp Pendleton weather stays as it has and things only get better from here....
Gave everything a foliar and soil drench of fish emulsion.... stronger than suggested as I plan to lightly water again tonight.... it was earlier than I intended today for the feeding, the sun has a bit before it goes down but most of the plants are starting to get some shade....
I picked the most oldest pod on each plant awhile ago and kept them inside.... one is starting to change color so there should start to be some changing on the ones outside in the next few days....
That's a bummer.  I dust with cayenne (or hotter) pepper powder when I set out seedlings, to repel mammals.  DE (diatomaceous earth) for insects, plus as stick by the stem to keep cutworms away, and grape kool-aid for birds.  Seems to work.
Thanks.... think it was the earwigs as even the one that wasnt fully popped yet is gone.... its only the few I just planted that were affected....
Its been awhile again.... about to get my first harvest of unknown peppers....
Decided to check out the compost bin today, ive been neglecting it.... surprise, I had quite a few seedlings sprout up.... I have no idea what all I threw in there apart from unripe tomatoes....

Moved two of them to spots in a bed to see how they develop.... maybe I threw bad habaneros in there?
Had a little bit of rain yesterday.... if the compost seedk ings are still alive, gonna plant those, check the compost and spread it around if its finished....