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Roasted Jalapeno and Sriracha

I made a batch of roasted jalapeno hot sauce and a batch of sriracha Saturday night. 
This batch of Sriracha had a little more kick, more in line with what I was looking for.  I still used cherry bomb peppers de-seeded for the bulk of the peppers, but I also used 5-6 ripe jalapenos and 3 serranos without seeding them.  Very pleased with this batch.
The roasted jalapeno did not come out like I was hoping it would.  I roasted everything until it had a nice char and then sweated it all and peeled the char off.  Smelled fantastic, and not many things are as good as grilled onions and garlic.   Chopped it all up, cooked it for a bit, blended it, and then added the vinegar and lime juice.  I cooked it down for a bit before bottling it, and it looked great.  Taste wise the lime juice over powers everything.  It still tastes pretty good but not the stellar sauce I was hoping for.

Just starting the grilling action.

Almost done.

Both sauces cooking.

The roasted jalapeno before blending.

The sriracha before blending.  I really need to invest in a second stainless saucepan.

The roasted jalapeno blended and cooking down.  The color is off in this picture, you can see the color better in the bottled shot.

And all done.
I might try playing around with the roasted jalapeno to get it more in line with what I want.  I could increase the vinegar to omit the lime juice.  Here are the ingredients that I used.
  • 1 pound jalapenos
  • 1 large carrot
  • 1 large onion
  • 6 cloves garlic
  • some water (to simmer carrots and onions)
  • 1 1/4 cup vinegar
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 1/4 cup fresh lime juice
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
It didn't take very much water as onions and carrots were already pretty soft from the grilling/steaming.
Sriracha is one of the absolute easiest sauces to make.  I prefer a little less garlic than the standard Huy Fong variety.
Sriracha Hot Sauce

1/2 pound red ripe chilis
4 garlic cloves
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup distilled white vinegar
2 tablespoons sugar
Bring all ingredients to a boil and then reduce and simmer 20-30 minutes.  Blend and then bring back to a good simmer and bottle as desired.
I made a 4x batch which 10 - 5 oz woozies.

Why not cut back the vinegar to 1C, and eliminate both the lemon and lime juice additions, for starters. Then, make your adjustments from there. I make a similar sauce with 1C. vinegar, and 1/4C. lime juice.
Katrina said:
I'll put my 0.02 in here... if you want a REAL delicious Sriracha , you need to ferment it.... just sayin   :)
Not opposed to fermenting!  Would you follow the same recipe for a fermented sriracha?
Obviously saving the vinegar for after the ferment.  But just ferment the chiles and garlic?
that's what I would do   :)
You can look back at 99% of my sauce posts and they are all a ferment of peppers and garlic   :)
Whenever you hear talk of a product having "complexity" or "depth of flavor" it's almost always fermented!
Soy sauce, beer, wine etc.
Yes, I agree also...Sriracha sauce are always fermented and is better to use red jalapenos, if not fermented one should not call it Sriracha.
By now your new sauce should be fermented, lets hear the outcome... or your planning for a long fermentation?
Ok, I finally made these fermenting peppers into sriracha on Saturday.  All I can say is wow!  As much as I liked my sriracha before I will never (try anyway) to make it without fermenting the peppers first.  Adds a depth to the sriracha I didn't know I was missing.