food Roasted Pepper Porn, Pure and Simple.

    Well it's that time of the year, again. It just wouldn't seem like fall if I wasn't making the neighborhood jealous (or making the next-door neighbors' eyes burn). 

     I think that roasting pan is the single greatest invention ever put forth my mankind. It's a real game-changer when roasting small peppers like my Caribbean Reds. (Boy, looking at this pic really puts into perspective how out of control my tomatoes have gotten this year!)

     Next up was my latest pick of Anaheims and Corno di Toros. Can anybody else smell 'em through their computer screens? Not one second after I shot this pic, the pod in the lower left exploded in a shower of seeds! I LOVE that!

    The final product: Caribbean Red Habs, Orange Habs, Chocolate Habs and Red Bhuts. All ready for enchiladas, Puerto Rican beans, sauces and my favorite - habanachos!
     Wow, that looks good. Do you find there's a limit to how deep you pile the peppers in that kind of a pan when smoking - or does the smoke just kinda permeate everything? (Roasting has to be done in a single layer, which can make it a PITA.) What kind of wood? Gas, or solid fuel? Temp? How long? 
     I've never smoked peppers before, and by the looks of your setup you seem to know what you're doing! Any chance you have a tried and true tek for chipotles?
I roasted that 12 pounds of peppers about 6 hours at 200 degrees , turning them frequently, you don't want to dry them like chipotle peppers or the smoke flavor overwhelms everything, if you want then dry finish them in a dehydrator , I dried the reds, making sauce with the yellows
edit: I like hickory wood, lots of people prefer apple, but it adds nothing apple to the flavor
     It's that time of year again!
Here is the first batch. NuMex Hatch-type peppers, Hungarian wax, habanero "not" chocolate, TS CARDI, 7pot burgundy and Bishop's crown.

The whole work area

Bishop's crowns just hitting the fire

CARDIs about halfway done



Time to re-stoke the fire for the main event.

Makin' the neighbors jealous!

Once they cool to ambient temp on baking pans, they go into the freezer overnight still on the pans. This allows them to freeze individually so they're easy to pull out of the bags I store them in and slice them individually.

JoynersHotPeppers said:
they look great!
     Thanks!. They smell 10x better!  :dance:
     I forgot to mention, the chiles and wax peppers went into the Sam Adams box with the bag in it to steam and cool. Once the skins were loose, I peeled them, seeded them and froze them in ziplocs. 
Nice use of the harvest HM!  I like how you IQF them too - I always throw em in the freezer together and its a pita to get them apart for use in recipes.  Will do them on a sheet pan from now on.  Thanks. ;)
SmokenFire said:
Nice use of the harvest HM!  I like how you IQF them too - I always throw em in the freezer together and its a pita to get them apart for use in recipes.  Will do them on a sheet pan from now on.  Thanks. ;)
     That's an honor coming from someone like you! You put peppers to better use than just about anyone!
     Yeah I don't know if tossing cookie sheets of roasted pods into the chest freezer counts as "quick freezing", but they certainly turn out individual. I also like how no frost forms on the inside of the bags when they're frozen out in the open like this. They stay nice and clean and dry. But the best part is the sound they make when they rattle around inside a bag. They sound like a bag full of marbles. I don't know why I get such a kick out of that, but I do.
oldsalty said:
Yeah I'm with smoke great idea HM.!!! :) and beautiful haul there!!
     Thanks, salty! With any luck, I should have another flush of NuMex pods to roast in a week or two. I can't wait!
Ozzy2001 said:
Looks tasty. That's on my to do list. I have a few freezer bags full that I need to smoke and dry.
     Thank you. Yes, tasty indeed. But even if I couldn't eat them, I'd still fire roast them just for the smell!
     I don't know how well roasting thawed pods will work. They might get too mushy to char properly. Let us know how it works out. I have a ton of frozen pods I might try it out on.
oldsalty said:
I've smoke roasted some frozen chillies had good results. But prefer to smoke first then freeze! :)
     I've never heard of smoke roasting. Is that like fire roasting, but adding some aromatic wood like hickory to the coals to get some smoke flavor along with the charring fire? I need to try that. I'v never smoked pods before, just roasted. I bet the combination of the sweet caramel flavors of roasted pods along with a little wood smoke would be out of this world!
grantmichaels said:
Nice, HM01. ...
     Thank you! 